Object-Oriented Programming and Java


Слайд 2

Object-Oriented Programming and Java

Instructor: M.Sc. Erkki Mattila, lecturer
Office: C136
Office hours: according to

Object-Oriented Programming and Java Instructor: M.Sc. Erkki Mattila, lecturer Office: C136 Office
the weekly schedule published on the net
Mobile tel.: 040 740 5862
E-mail: [email protected]

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 3

Object-Oriented Programming and Java

3 CU (+5 CU = 8 CU)

Object-Oriented Programming and Java COURSE CODE 504D24A DURATION 3 CU (+5 CU
hours of classes, 40 hours of self-supervised work (first part)

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

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Object-Oriented Programming and Java

The main objective of the first part of the

Object-Oriented Programming and Java OBJECTIVES The main objective of the first part
course is to introduce the basic concepts and principles of object-oriented programming
The second part introduces the student to Java programming (Java SE)

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 5

Object-Oriented Programming and Java

Lecture notes, available at O:\Opettajat\Erkki Mattila\Object-oriented Programming and

Object-Oriented Programming and Java COURSE MATERIAL Lecture notes, available at O:\Opettajat\Erkki Mattila\Object-oriented
Java 504D24A - Part 1
Budd T. 2002. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, 3rd Edition. Addison-Wesley Longman
Sebesta R. W. 2008. Concepts of Programming Languages, 8th Edition. Pearson Education. Addison-Wesley

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

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Object-Oriented Programming and Java

Mid-term exam, which will be graded on a scale

Object-Oriented Programming and Java ASSESMENT Mid-term exam, which will be graded on
from 1 to 5 and F. 30 percent of the maximum points are required for grade 1.
The final exam will be held after the second 5 CU part of the course. The course grade will be calculated as a weighted average of the mid-term and final exam grades

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 7

Student level assesment

Which programming courses have you participated earlier?
How familiar are

Student level assesment Which programming courses have you participated earlier? How familiar
you with the concepts and principles of object-oriented programming? You may also answer on a scale from 0 to 5, zero being not at all and five being master level?
Do you have prior experience of object-oriented programming languages? If so, which programming languages/tools have you used?
Are you familiar with UML (0-5)?
What do you expect/hope to get from this course?

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 8

Course Contents

Part I: Concepts and Principles of Object-Oriented Programming
Part II: Object-oriented

Course Contents Part I: Concepts and Principles of Object-Oriented Programming Part II:
Closer look at OOP
Part III: Introduction to Java Programming

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 9

Part I Contents

The concept of abstraction, data and process abstraction, abstract data

Part I Contents Abstraction The concept of abstraction, data and process abstraction,
Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming
Class, object, attribute, method, etc.
Principles of Object-oriented Programming
Data abstraction (encapsulation and information hiding), inheritance, and polymorphism

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

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1. Abstraction

1. Abstraction

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Object-oriented Programming Paradigm

OOP is a common programming paradigm. A programming paradigm is

Object-oriented Programming Paradigm OOP is a common programming paradigm. A programming paradigm
a way to conceptualize how to structure a program to solve a problem
Other programming paradigms include functional programming, logic programming, imperative programming and declarative programming
Common OO programming languages nowadays are Java, C++ ja C#
Common OO modelling languages are UML, OMT ja OMT++. UML is nowadays the de facto standard

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 12

C Data Types Revisited

Which built-in, primitive data types the C programming language

C Data Types Revisited Which built-in, primitive data types the C programming
What are structure types (struct) in C language?
What is the relationship between functions and data in C language?

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 13

Definition: Abstract Data Type

An abstract data type is a data type that

Definition: Abstract Data Type An abstract data type is a data type
satisfies the following conditions:
The declarations of the type and (the protocols of) the operations of the type are contained in a single syntactic unit (encapsulation)
Other program units are allowed to create variables of the type
The representation of objects of the type is hidden from other program units. The only direct operations possible on those objects are those provided in the type’s definition (information hiding)
Sebesta R.W. 2008. Concepts of Programming Languages , 8th Edtion. Addison Wesley

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 14

Abstract Data Types (ADT)

ADTs are defined by the user (user-defined type)
ADTs should

Abstract Data Types (ADT) ADTs are defined by the user (user-defined type)
provide the same characteristics provided by language-defined types, such as an integer or a floating point type:
A type’s definition that allows program units to declare variables of the type, but hides the representation of the objects of the type
A set of operations for manipulating objects of the type
In OOP abstract data types are implemented as classes
An instance of an abstract data type is called an object

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 15


A class consists of data fields (attributes) and operations, which manipulate the

Scope A class consists of data fields (attributes) and operations, which manipulate
The data fields/attributes can be accessed anywhere inside the class itself; i.e. all operations of the class have direct access to class’s data

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 16

Group Work

Define a new abstract data type
Name of the type
Attributes (Data fields)


Group Work Define a new abstract data type Name of the type
Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 17

Relation of Abstract Data Types to Object-oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is an

Relation of Abstract Data Types to Object-oriented Programming Object-oriented programming (OOP) is
outgrowth of the use of ADTs
Data abstraction is one the most important components of OOP
In OOP languages abstract data types are implemented as classes!
An instance of a class is called an object!

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 18

2. Concepts of Object-oriented Programming

2. Concepts of Object-oriented Programming

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Classes are reusable software components that model items in the real world

Class Classes are reusable software components that model items in the real

A class encapsulates the data and procedural abstractions (operations) that are required to describe the content and behaviour of some real world entity
A program written in pure OOP language consists of classes – there can be no code outside of classes
A class is a compile-time concept

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences


class name


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An object is an instance of a class
Objects are created during program

Object An object is an instance of a class Objects are created
execution – object is a run-time concept
Multiple objects can be instantiated of the same class
Each object has its own values for the instance variables (attributes) of its class
These values define the state of the object

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 21

Classes and Objects

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

An object is an instance

Classes and Objects OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences An object is
of a class. It gives specific values to the fields of the class

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People have features including date of birth, name, height and eye colour

Attributes People have features including date of birth, name, height and eye

Physical objects have features such as shape, weight, colour, etc
Similarly classes have attributes (=fields, member variables)
The values assigned to an object’s attributes make that object unique; they define the state of an object

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

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A class encapsulates data and the algorithms that process that data. These

Methods A class encapsulates data and the algorithms that process that data.
algorithms are called methods, operations, functions, routines or services
Each of the methods provide a representation of one of the behaviours of the object
Behaviour = method implementation
Whenever an object receives a message, it initiates some behaviour by executing a method
Message = method call

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Слайд 24

Messages (Method Calls)

Messages are the means by which objects interact. A message

Messages (Method Calls) Messages are the means by which objects interact. A
stimulates some behaviour to occur in the receiving object. The behaviour is accomplished when a method is called and executed

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Sender object

Receiver object



Pressman R., p.533

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A specialized method used to instantiate an object
The constructor function has the

Constructor A specialized method used to instantiate an object The constructor function
same name as the class
It is never called directly, but the run-time system calls it when a new object is created
Constructors are usually overloaded; a class contains multiple constructors, which have a different set of parameters

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 26

A Class Definition in Java Language

public class Shape
private static

A Class Definition in Java Language public class Shape { private static
int a_numberOfShapes=0;
private Color a_color;
public Shape()
a_color = Color.BLACK;
public Shape(Color c)
a_color = c;

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 27

A Class Definition in Java Language

public class Circle extends Shape // Class

A Class Definition in Java Language public class Circle extends Shape //
private int radius ; // Member variable
public Circle() // Constructor
radius = 0;
public Circle(int r, Color c) {
super( c ); // Calling superclass contructor
radius = r;
public long calculateArea() // Member function
return Math.round(Math.PI*radius*radius);

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 28

Group Work

Your task is to design an ATM (Automatic Bank Teller Machine)

Group Work Your task is to design an ATM (Automatic Bank Teller
Which classes (and objects) should the system contain?
Which attributes and operations the classes should have?

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 29

OOP - Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Class Relationships

Generalization (Inheritance)
Special case: composition
Dependency and

OOP - Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences Class Relationships Generalization (Inheritance) Aggregation
Realization relationships will be coverered in the Design Methods course

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OOP - Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Inheritance (“is a”) Relationship

Classes may be

OOP - Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences Inheritance (“is a”) Relationship Classes
arranged in a class hierarchy where one class (a superclass) is a generalisation of one or more other classes (subclasses)
Generalization: creating a common supertype for a group of classes
Dog, Cat, Horse => supertype Animal
Specialization: creating extended versions of existing classes or objects. This is also called subtyping. Subclass is a special case of the superclass
Animal => subtypes Dog, Cat, Horse
A subclass inherits the attributes and operations from its superclass and may add new methods or attributes of its own
For instance Animal class contains the features common to all animals

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OOP - Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Generalization (Inheritance)

OOP - Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences Generalization (Inheritance)

Слайд 32

Group work

Define a rectangle and a square as classes.
Can they be modelled

Group work Define a rectangle and a square as classes. Can they
with a single class?
If they are modelled as separate classes, is one a superclass of the other? Why?
Start by defining the Rectangle class. Declare attributes and constructor methods. Initilize attributes in contructors.
Remember that constructors can be overloaded
Remember that superclass constructor method can be called in the subclass using the keyword super
Add a method for calculating the area of the rectangle

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 33

OOP - Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Aggregation (“part of“) Relationship

Shows how classes

OOP - Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences Aggregation (“part of“) Relationship Shows
that are collections are composed of other classes.
Models the notion that one object uses another object without "owning" it and thus is not responsible for its creation or destruction.
Similar to the part-of relationship in semantic data models.

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OOP - Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Composition (“has a “) Relationship

Composition is

OOP - Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences Composition (“has a “) Relationship
a special form of aggregation describing the situation where an object contains a number of other objects and when the containing object is deleted, all the instances of the objects that are contained disappear
The contained (member) object cannot exist without its owning object and can belong to one owner only at any given time

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Composition vs. Aggregation

Composition is a stricter

OOP - Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences Composition vs. Aggregation Composition is
relationship than aggregation:
Member objects cannot exist without the containing object.
A member object can belong to only one containing object at a time.
Example of composition: a minister cannot exist without a government, and a minister can be a part of only one government at a time.

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OOP - Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Association (“uses”) Relationship

One entity uses another

OOP - Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences Association (“uses”) Relationship One entity
entity as part of its behavior
Used when the relationship is permanent
In the code level one class has a member variable of another class type

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OOP - Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Attributes and Associations

Attributes and associations are

OOP - Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences Attributes and Associations Attributes and
When the relationship exists between classes in your own class model, use an association in the UML class diagram
When the relationship exists between a class in your own class model and a class from a class library, use an attiribute

is the same as:

Слайд 38

Group Work

Draw an UML class diagram containing the following classes: Car, Bicycle,

Group Work Draw an UML class diagram containing the following classes: Car,
Motorcycle, Steamship, Sailboat, Sail, Train, Wheel (tyre), Engine, Motorship, Watercraft, Vehicle (means of transportation), Landvehicle, Road, Railway, Waterway, Seat (bench).
Put classes to a class diagram and add some attributes to them. Do the classes have some common attributes?
Add appropriate relationships between the classes
Start by defining the class hierarchy
Add common features as high as possible in the inheritance hierarchy

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 39

3. Principles of Object-oriented Programming

3. Principles of Object-oriented Programming

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A class encapsulates together data (attributes), methods, constants, and other related information

Encapsulation A class encapsulates together data (attributes), methods, constants, and other related
means that all of this information is packaged under one name and can be reused as one specification or program component

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 41

Encapsulation: Example

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G. Booch, “Object-oriented analysis and

Encapsulation: Example OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences G. Booch, “Object-oriented analysis and design with applications”
design with applications”

Слайд 42

Benefits of Encapsulation

Data structures and the methods that manipulate them are merged

Benefits of Encapsulation Data structures and the methods that manipulate them are
in a single named entity – the class
Facilitates component reuse
Interfaces among encapsulated objects are simplified. An object that sends a message need not be concerned with the details of internal data structures
Greatly reduces programmer’s memory load

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 43

Data Abstraction and Information Hiding

DA isolates how a compound data object is

Data Abstraction and Information Hiding DA isolates how a compound data object
used from the details of how it is constructed from more primitive data objects
Consider a class Stack and its operations push and pop
The client cares about what services a class offers, not about class’s internal data structures or how the services are implemented

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

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Data Abstraction and Information Hiding

Classes normally hide the details of their implementation

Data Abstraction and Information Hiding Classes normally hide the details of their
from their clients. This is called information hiding
Although programmers might know the details of a class’s implementation, they should not write code that depends on these details as the details may later change

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

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Data Abstraction and Information Hiding

From the definition of an abstract data type:

Data Abstraction and Information Hiding From the definition of an abstract data

The declarations of the type and the protocols of the operations on objects of the type, which provide type’s interface, are contained in a single syntactic unit
Data Abstraction (type’s interface) and Encapsulation (single syntactic unit)
The representation of objects of the type is hidden from other program units. The only direct operations possible on those objects are those provided in the type’s definition
Information hiding

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Information Hiding

A type's internal form is hidden behind a set of access

Information Hiding A type's internal form is hidden behind a set of
Values of the type are created, inspected and modified only by calls to the access functions
This allows the implementation of the type to be changed without requiring any changes outside the module in which it is defined

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

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Benefits of Information Hiding

The internal implementation details of data and procedures are

Benefits of Information Hiding The internal implementation details of data and procedures
hidden from the outside world. This reduces the propagation of side effects when changes occur
Preserving the integrity of objects
Illegal attribute values not allowed
More on information hiding and using access specifiers to implement it in the second slide set

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 48


Inheritance is a mechanism that enables the responsibilities of one object to

Inheritance Inheritance is a mechanism that enables the responsibilities of one object
be propagated to other objects
In a class hierarchy the attributes and methods of the superclass are inherited by subclasses that may each add additional “private” attributes and methods
Inheritance can also be called as
Specialization: creating extended versions of existing classes or objects. This is also called subtyping. Subclass is a special case of the superclass
Generalization: creating a common supertype for a group of classes

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Слайд 49

Class Hierarchy

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Class Hierarchy OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 50

Class Hierarchy

Direct superclass
Inherited explicitly (one level up hierarchy)
Indirect superclass
Inherited two or more

Class Hierarchy Direct superclass Inherited explicitly (one level up hierarchy) Indirect superclass
levels up hierarchy
Single inheritance
Inherits from one direct superclass
Multiple inheritance
Inherits from multiple direct superclasses
C++ supports multiple inheritance, Java does not

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 51

Benefits of Inheritance

Inheritance occurs throughout all levels of a class hierarchy. Changes

Benefits of Inheritance Inheritance occurs throughout all levels of a class hierarchy.
at the higher level are immediately propagated through a system
Reuse of components is accomplished directly

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 52

OOP, Rovaniemi University ofApplied Sciences

Group Work

Consider the following classes:
Building (properties: address,

OOP, Rovaniemi University ofApplied Sciences Group Work Consider the following classes: Building
in use, build year, value,…)
Apartment (properties: number, size,…)
Office (business premises, properies: number, size,…)
Resident (add properties)
Company (properties: founding year, turnover,…)
Public Company (publicly listed company, which has its own premises. Add properties)
Private Company (unlisted company, which has its own premises. Add properties)
Home Business / Company (operates in someone’s home. Add properties)
Employee (add properties)
Define the properties of the classes. Define the public interface of the classes. Define the relationships among classes.

Слайд 53

Additional Material: Forms of Inheritance

The child class is a special case of

Additional Material: Forms of Inheritance Specialization The child class is a special
the parent class
The parent class defines behaviour that is implemented in the child class, but not in the parent class
Used to guarantee that classes maintain a certain common interface – that is, they implement the same methods

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Additional Material: Forms of Inheritance

The child class makes use of the behaviour provided

Additional Material: Forms of Inheritance Construction The child class makes use of
by the parent class, but is not a subtype of the parent class
The child class modifies or overrides some of the methods of the parent class to create a more general kind of object
Bad style. Use only if you cannot modify the parent class

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

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Additional Material: Forms of Inheritance

The child class adds new functionality, but does not

Additional Material: Forms of Inheritance Extension The child class adds new functionality,
change any inherited behaviour
The child class and parent class are variants of each other, and the class-subclass relationship is arbitrary
Bad style. Declare a common abstract superclass instead

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

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Additional Material: Forms of Inheritance

The child class inherits features from more than one

Additional Material: Forms of Inheritance Combination The child class inherits features from
direct parent class
Known as multiple inheritance

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 57

Benefits of OOP

Characteristics of OOP software:
Instead of programming in terms of an

Benefits of OOP Characteristics of OOP software: Natural Instead of programming in
array or region of memory, you can program using the terminology of your particular problem
The modular nature of objects allows you to make changes to one part of your program without affecting other parts

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

Слайд 58

Benefits of OOP

OOP introduces inheritance to allow you to extend existing classes

Benefits of OOP Reusable OOP introduces inheritance to allow you to extend
and polymorphism allows you to write generic code
To fix a bug, you only need to correct it in one place
OOP presents techniques to extend the code: inheritance, polymorphism and overriding

OOP, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences

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