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Вы когда-нибудь испытывали то самое чувство, когда Вы не уверены проснулись ли

Вы когда-нибудь испытывали то самое чувство, когда Вы не уверены проснулись ли
Вы или всё ещё спите?

Нео, Матрица

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Lucid Dreaming is when you are aware that you

ЧТО ТАКОЕ ОСОЗНАННЫЕ СНЫ? Lucid Dreaming is when you are aware that
are in a dream, while you are dreaming.
Lucid Dreaming has been proven scientifically by researcher Dr. Stephen LaBerge.

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Doing anything you want: The most appealing reason for Lucid

ПРИЧИНЫ ОСОЗНАННЫХ СНОВИДЕНИЙ Doing anything you want: The most appealing reason for
Dreaming is the ability to do anything you possibly imagine.
Social Practice: The ability to stimulate uncomfortable situations in your dream, is a good way to practice making it through them. For example, a presentation.

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Dream Recall: Before lucid dreaming you need to be

HOW TO LUCID DREAM Dream Recall: Before lucid dreaming you need to
able to remember your dreams every night. Everyone has multiple dreams every night. To do this, take notes of what you remember from your dreams as a routine.
Dream Signs: Things that show up a lot in your dreams. Once you’ve recorded your dreams on a nightly basis you should look for these signs. Read through the observations you have written down that a re reoccurring. Every time you see this, do what is called a Reality Check. (Will be explained later). This will become a habit and you’ll eventually do it in your dreams, helping you become lucid.

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Stabilize your dream: Once you are aware that you

HOW TO LUCID DREAM Stabilize your dream: Once you are aware that
are dreaming, you may wake up if you are over excited. When you realize you are dreaming, take a moment to calm down and look around. Try to appeal to your other senses while your dreaming, like touch, taste and smell. This will allow your dream to be clearer and last longer. You should be in a stable lucid dream, do whatever you like.

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A reality check is to confirm whether or not

WHAT ARE REALITY CHECKS? A reality check is to confirm whether or
you are dreaming. These should be done throughout your day. Even when you are awake, do them every time you remember to or when something strange or out of place happens. This will become a habit, which will help you to lucid dream.
One reality check is to pinch your nose shut, and try to breath out of it. In a dream you will be able to breath from your nose even when pinched shut.

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Look at some written text. Text often changes in

WHAT ARE REALITY CHECKS? Look at some written text. Text often changes
dreams. If the text doesn’t change while you are looking at it, turn away then look at it again. If that text changes, you should be in a dream.
Look into a mirror. If the reflection is distorted or isn’t your face, you are dreaming.
One last reality check is to look at your hands. In your dream you hands may have extra fingers.

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Record your dreams: That way you have an idea of

RECAP: LUCID DREAMING Record your dreams: That way you have an idea
what has been going on while you were dreaming on a nightly basis.
Dream signs: Things that often show up in your dreams. These can be used as references to help you recognize whether you are dreaming or not.
Reality Check: Make it a habit to be aware of signs that help you be aware that you are dreaming like holding your nose, looking at your hands or looking into a mirror.
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