Открытый урок.


Слайд 2

Цели урока:

Закрепить навык правописания артикля the с географическими названиями.
Выработать умения выделять глаголы

Цели урока: Закрепить навык правописания артикля the с географическими названиями. Выработать умения
в страдательном залоге.
Использовать ИКТ для обобщения темы «English world».

Слайд 3

Ход урока.

Объявление темы, целей урока.
Проведение урока в виде игры «What? Where? When?».

Ход урока. Объявление темы, целей урока. Проведение урока в виде игры «What?
темы с помощью презентации.

Слайд 4

1. An article the with geographical names.

Артикль the пишется с названиями рек,

1. An article the with geographical names. Артикль the пишется с названиями
морей, океанов, народов, стран со словами Federation, Kingdom, State, Republic.

Артикль the не пишется с названиями стран, городов, материков, языков.

Слайд 5

2. English-speaking countries.
Подготовьте рассказ об Австралии и расскажите.
Подготовьте рассказ о Канаде и

2. English-speaking countries. Подготовьте рассказ об Австралии и расскажите. Подготовьте рассказ о Канаде и расскажите.

Слайд 6

3. The verbs in Passive Voice. Переведите на английский язык.

Книга была прочитана вчера.

3. The verbs in Passive Voice. Переведите на английский язык. Книга была
слушается сейчас.
Сумку принесут завтра.

Письмо пишется сегодня.
Окно было открыто вчера.
Яблоки купят завтра.

Слайд 7


A book was read yesterday.
A music is listened now.
A bag will be

Answers A book was read yesterday. A music is listened now. A
brought tomorrow.

A letter is written today.
A window was opened yesterday.
Apples will be bought tomorrow.

Слайд 8

4. Captains‘ competition.
Дайте полные ответы на вопросы учителя по теме «English World».

4. Captains‘ competition. Дайте полные ответы на вопросы учителя по теме «English World».

Слайд 9

5. Some facts of the UK.
Задавайте вопросы другой команде по теме

5. Some facts of the UK. Задавайте вопросы другой команде по теме
«National symbols of the UK»
Задавайте вопросы другой команде по теме «Public holidays of the UK»

Слайд 10

The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland

This name includes Great

The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland This name includes
Britain and Northern Ireland.
The capital of the country is London.
English is the official language.
The most famous universities are Cambridge University, Oxford University, Glasgow University.
The most famous holiday is Halloween (on the 31st of October) .

Слайд 11



Слайд 12

The United States Of America

The USA is one of the largest countries

The United States Of America The USA is one of the largest
in the world.
The USA consists of 50 states. The most northern part of the USA is Alaska.
The capital of the country is Washington.
English is the official language.
The most famous university is Harvard University.
One of the famous holidays is Thanksgiving Day.

Слайд 13


Canada is situated in the northern part of the North American continent.

Canada Canada is situated in the northern part of the North American
capital of the country is Ottawa.
English is the first official language.
The second official language of Canada is French.
The next year the Winter Olympic Games will be spent in Canada.

Слайд 14

The Commonwealth Of Australia

The Commonwealth of Australia has got 6 states: New

The Commonwealth Of Australia The Commonwealth of Australia has got 6 states:
South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania.
The capital of the country is Canberra.
English is the official language.
Australia is the island, the continent and the country.
The Dutch were the first Europeans to visit Australia. In 1770 the English captain James Cook discovered the east coast of Australia.

Слайд 15

New Zealand

New Zealand is situated to the south-east of Australia in the

New Zealand New Zealand is situated to the south-east of Australia in
Pacific Ocean.
It consists of 2 main islands: North Island and South Island.
The capital of the country is Wellington.
English is the official language.
The symbol of New Zealand people is the kiwi. It is the bird which lives in the wet parts of the thick bushes. It can not fly.
The local language is Maori.

Слайд 16

Some Countries Which Word Origin Is English


Some Countries Which Word Origin Is English ENGLAND - АНГЛИЯ SCOTLAND -
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