Слайд 2Personal rating of the student
Слайд 3Speech Fluency
quick transition from one articulatory position to another
pronouncing allophones of one phoneme in the same position when speaking fast
Introduction of new tongue - twisters
Performance of the old ones
(See the list of tongue -twisters )
Слайд 4Practicing transcribing
1.1. Skill of transcribing as converting letters into transcription symbols
Text 4 . Task4 for group work: transcribe and deduce the rules of graphic representation of long and short [u: ʊ and j u:] in English
Слайд 5Practicing transcribing
1.1. Skill of transcribing as converting letters into transcription symbols
Text 4. Task4 for group work: transcribe and deduce the rules of graphic representation of long and short [ʌ ɑ :] in English
Слайд 6Practicing transcribing
1.1. Skill of transcribing as converting letters into transcription symbols
Text 5 . Task4 for group work: transcribe and deduce the rules of graphic representation of long and short [ s, z, iz ] in English
Слайд 7Intoning -
Warming up – Nuclear tones
Table from Antipova
Слайд 8Discussing the intonation of Dial 1
It’s cheaper to eat at Margarite’s
stepping scale :
“ ‘What would you ‘like to \ eat, / Peter?”
“A \cheese ,sandwich ,please, /Christina”.
“ ‘Would you ‘like / coffee or\ tea? “
Write down the rules of pronunciation- intonation
Слайд 9Dialogue 2 Page 8
Three Interesting films
Analysis of intonation:
Is Kin
Is he coming to the \cinema ,Mrs ,Lee,
/First , there ‘s a ‘short ‘film..
Слайд 10Dialogues “Sheep or Ship”
Problem 2 Pronunciation of Vowels in English
Contrast : [ i: vs i]
Commentary: I: is longer, more tense, closer to the Russian и and Ы ;
“I “ is short, has the coloring of “e”,
CD1 08A8mp3 – i:
CD1- A16mp3