- 3. GOING GREEN How many rubbish bins are there in your house? Think of a rubbish bin
- 4. THE RECYCLING LOOP Write down the new words from the text. September 22
- 5. THE RECYCLING LOOP Listen to the text, follow in your textbooks. Fill in the gaps. Find
- 6. THE GAPS: represents
- 7. represents them
- 8. represents them third
- 9. represents them third consumer
- 10. represents them third consumer Buying
- 11. represents them third consumer Buying completes
- 12. represents them third consumer Buying completes recycled
- 13. represents them third consumer Buying completes recycled shopping
- 14. represents them third consumer Buying completes recycled shopping 9. driving
- 15. 9. driving 10. manufacturers represents them third consumer Buying completes recycled shopping
- 16. мусороперерабатывающий завод одежда (в общем смысле) драгоценные ресурсы убедить производителей
- 17. recycling facility / centre / plant clothing (warm, light, outdoor, waterproof, protective) precious resources / time
- 19. LOOP RECYCLING ... (T / F) IN PAIRS damages natural ecosystems conserves the natural resources increases
- 21. Скачать презентацию