Слайд 2Oil and oil products.
Oil represents the viscous oily liquid having dark

brown color and possessing weak fluorescence.
Слайд 3Pollution are dangerous - it global accident!

Слайд 4 Mixing up with water, oil forms an emulsion of two types:

a straight line "oil in water" and return "water in oil".
Слайд 5Pesticides.
Pesticides make group is artificial the created substances used for pest

control and illnesses of plants.
It is established that pesticides destroying wreckers, harm to many useful organisms and undermine health of biocenoses.
Слайд 6Dump of a waste the sea with I aim burial places.
Many countries

having an outlet to the sea, make a sea burial place of various materials and substances,, a waste of the industry, building garbage, a firm waste, explosive and chemical substances, a radioactive waste.
Слайд 7Thermal pollution.
Thermal pollution of a surface of reservoirs and coastal sea

water areas results from dump of warm sewage by power stations and some industrial productions. Dump of warm waters in many cases causes water rise in temperature in reservoirs on 6-8 degrees of Celsius. Steadier temperature stratification interferes with water exchange by a superficial and ground layer. Solubility of oxygen decreases, and its consumption increases, as with temperature growth activity of the aerobic bacteria decomposing organic substance amplifies. A specific variety of a phytoplankton and all flora of seaweed amplifies.
Слайд 8Connections with cancerogenic properties.
Cancerogenic substances are the chemically homogeneous connections

showing transforming activity and ability to cause cancerogenic, or mutagen changes in organisms. Depending on conditions of influence they can lead to growth inhibition, aging acceleration, infringement of individual development and change of a genofund of organisms.
Слайд 9Synthetic surface-active substances.
Detergents(HAVING fallen down) concern extensive group of the substances

lowering a superficial tension of water. They are a part of the synthetic washing-up liquids widely applied in a life and the industry. Together with sewage HAVING fallen down get to continental waters and the sea environment.
Слайд 10Together with sewage HAVING fallen down get to continental waters and the

sea environment.