Слайд 3Exercise 2
Exercise 2

Слайд 4Exercise 3
Determine which of the following relations on the set of people
Exercise 3
Determine which of the following relations on the set of people

is reflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric or transitive:
has the same parents as;
is a brother of;
is older or younger than;
is at least as clever as.
has the same parents as;
is a brother of;
is older or younger than;
is at least as clever as.
Слайд 5Exercise 4
Exercise 4

Слайд 6Exercise 5
Exercise 5

Слайд 7Exercise 5
Exercise 5

- Предыдущая
Управление звуком от таймера, генерация тонаСледующая -
Декартові координати у просторі. №1