Рельеф Казахстана


Слайд 2

Lowlands (West-Siberian, Turan, Caspian)
Plateau (Ustyurt, Turgay, Pre-Ural)
Mountains (Altai, Saur-Tarbagatay, Tien-Shan)

Plan: Lowlands (West-Siberian, Turan, Caspian) Plateau (Ustyurt, Turgay, Pre-Ural) Mountains (Altai, Saur-Tarbagatay, Tien-Shan)

Слайд 3

The surface of the territory of the Kazakhstan is divided into

The surface of the territory of the Kazakhstan is divided into 2
2 parts: large – lowlands and plateau (west, north and central KZ), small – high mountains (east and south-east). The surface has a slope from south-east to north-west.
The structure of a surface has the large meaning for economic activity of the population:
1) The lowlands, plains and intermountain valleys are most useful for agriculture.
2) The mountain slopes covered with rich vegetation are perfect pastures for cattle.

Слайд 4

Western, northern and central part of the territory of Kazakhstan are

Western, northern and central part of the territory of Kazakhstan are occupied
occupied with 3 lowlands: West-Siberian, Turan and Caspian.

Слайд 5

West-Siberian (North-Kazakhstan) lowland

The relief of the West-Siberian lowland is monotonous. Only

West-Siberian (North-Kazakhstan) lowland The relief of the West-Siberian lowland is monotonous. Only
in some places there are chains of small lakes. This lowland has a slope from the south to the north. In the south it is 200 m above the sea level, an in the north only 100.

Слайд 6

Turan lowland

Turan lowland is located in south and south-west of the

Turan lowland Turan lowland is located in south and south-west of the
republic. It raises in the south on 200 m. In north and the south of lowland it’s broken with sand deserts.

Слайд 7

Caspian lowland

The relief of Caspian lowland is monotonous. It consists of

Caspian lowland The relief of Caspian lowland is monotonous. It consists of
clay plains and sandy files. On the West from the river Ural there are sand-markets.

Слайд 8

The territory of Kazakhstan is rich with plateaus. The biggest of

The territory of Kazakhstan is rich with plateaus. The biggest of them are: Ustyurt, Turgay, Pre-Ural.
them are: Ustyurt, Turgay, Pre-Ural.

Слайд 9

Plateau Ustyurt

Plateau Ustyurt is between the Ural and Caspian seas. It’s

Plateau Ustyurt Plateau Ustyurt is between the Ural and Caspian seas. It’s
average height is 200 m above the sea level. It is combined from thickness clay, sandstone and limestone.

Слайд 10

Turgay plateau

Turgay plateau is located to the east f Mugodzhary. It’s

Turgay plateau Turgay plateau is located to the east f Mugodzhary. It’s
average height above the sea level is 100 m. It connects with West-Siberian lowland.

Слайд 11

Pre-Ural plateau

Pre-Ural plateau lays between the Caspian lowland and Mugodzhary. It’s

Pre-Ural plateau Pre-Ural plateau lays between the Caspian lowland and Mugodzhary. It’s
average height above the sea level is about 300 m. It consists of limestone, chalk and is watering by river Emba.

Слайд 12

There are 3 mountain ranges on the territory of Kazakhstan: Tien-Shan,

There are 3 mountain ranges on the territory of Kazakhstan: Tien-Shan, Altai, Saur-Tarbagatay.
Altai, Saur-Tarbagatay.

Слайд 13


Saur-Tarbagatay is 2 mountain ranges together: Saur and Tarbagatay. It consists

Saur-Tarbagatay Saur-Tarbagatay is 2 mountain ranges together: Saur and Tarbagatay. It consists
of clay, crystal schist, granite and limestone. It is located between Alakol basin in the north and river Orin in the south.

Слайд 14


Altai is divided into 3 ranges: Southern, Central and Kolbinsky. There

Altai Altai is divided into 3 ranges: Southern, Central and Kolbinsky. There
are glaciers and hollows, deposits of polymetal ores. Altai consists from gneisses, crystal schist, marble and limestone.

Слайд 15


Tien-Shan mountains occupies the south-east of Kazakhstan. In the Central part

Tien-Shan Tien-Shan mountains occupies the south-east of Kazakhstan. In the Central part
of Tien-Shan is the highest point – Khan Tengri (6999 m).
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