Слайд 2Boards
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination

International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
International Baccalaureate (IB)
27 State Boards of Secondary Education
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
Слайд 3Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Established in 1929, a premier board in

Prescribes curriculum to more than 8000 affiliated schools
Operates in 20 countries
Conducts examinations for class 10 & 12
Conducts entrance examination for admission to professional courses in medicine and engineering
Focus on innovation in teaching and learning methodologies
Organizes seminars and workshops for teachers
Слайд 4International General Certificate of Secondary Educations
Established in 1988, International General Certificate of

Secondary Education (IGCSE) is a curriculum and assessment system suitable for schools and colleges around the world
Has widespread international credibility
Ensures high academic standards through practical approach to learning
Consists of two year course of study, leading to an examination at the end of grade 10 and the successful candidate receives an internationally recognized qualification
Слайд 5Education in India: Facts and Figures
· 10.7% of government spending goes to

· 66.0% of adults and 82.1% of youth are literate
· 47% of children are enrolled in pre-primary school
· 88% of girls and 91% of boys are in primary school
· 94% of children complete a full course of primary education
· 13% of the population of tertiary age are in tertiary education
Слайд 6Top Indian Public Schools
The Doon School, Dehradun
Rashtriya Indian Military College, Dehradun
Welham Girls’

School, Dehradun
Welham Boys School, Dehradun
The Scindia School, Gwalior
Слайд 7Kendriya Vidyalaya (Central School)
Central government school
1094 schools
Students strength : 1. 12 million

Offers bilingual instruction
Sanskrit is compulsory third language
Слайд 8A Day in an Indian School
Kendriya Vidyalaya (Central School)
8.45 am : Assembly

am to 9.15 am : Prayer
9.30 am -3.00pm : Class
Слайд 9A Day in an Indian School
Kendriya Vidyalaya (Central School)
School uniform is compulsory

uniform on all Fridays
Student should be well groomed with cut hair and nail
Teacher checks on the grooming
Saturdays are working days except second Saturdays
Слайд 10Kendriya Vidyalaya School Uniform

Слайд 11Kendriya Vidyalaya School Uniform

Слайд 12A Day in an Indian School
Kendriya Vidyalaya (Central School)
Class strength : Maximum

of 40 students
Discipline is given utmost importance.
Undisciplined students are subjected to punishments
Слайд 13Reservation based on Caste System
Scheduled Castes : 15%
Scheduled Tribes : 7.5%
Other Backward Class : 27%
Total reservation : 49.5%