- 2. As we mentioned at the previous lecture it came into being in VI-V centuries b/c. It
- 3. Many ancient monuments of the Asian culture are devoted to the essence of the human being
- 4. The Oriental thinkers came out of the presumption that life is something that comes and goes,
- 5. A certain step to Logos in the Indian Philosophy – Upanishad ((800-300 b/c) – the basic
- 6. The other source of the philosophic thinking is the ancient Indian Arthashatra where philosophy is the
- 7. Sankhja came into being in VII c. b.c. with Kapila as the founder. It got turned
- 8. The idea of inner liberation is the subject of many darshans. The most common and well-known
- 9. All the darshans being composed into one philosophic system have turned into the dominating ideology Induism
- 10. Syddhartha Gautama(623-544 b.c.) is the founder of Buddhism. He was not a religious minded person, but
- 11. Apart from Buddhism there was the other school of philosophy confronting Brahmanism – Dzhainism which denied
- 12. Chinese Philosophy goes back to the ancient times with the great potential of culture. The inherited
- 13. Kun Fu Tzu (Confucius) according to the available data respected Lao-Dzi a lot and borrowed a
- 15. Скачать презентацию
Слайд 2As we mentioned at the previous lecture it came into being in
As we mentioned at the previous lecture it came into being in

Слайд 3Many ancient monuments of the Asian culture are devoted to the essence
Many ancient monuments of the Asian culture are devoted to the essence

As you might have noticed the difference of the approaches to the philosophic issues is enormous compared to the philosophic mode of the European thinkers who concentrated their attempts on the interrelation of the nature and a human being. As you remember their search of the essence was based on water, fire and other basic elements of the reality as the root of being and production of the subjective properties of the matter.
Слайд 4The Oriental thinkers came out of the presumption that life is something
The Oriental thinkers came out of the presumption that life is something

Слайд 5A certain step to Logos in the Indian Philosophy – Upanishad ((800-300
A certain step to Logos in the Indian Philosophy – Upanishad ((800-300

Слайд 6The other source of the philosophic thinking is the ancient Indian Arthashatra
The other source of the philosophic thinking is the ancient Indian Arthashatra

The spiritual work of the idea is reflected in the notion Darshan. The logic of Darshan is the method of penetration and getting to the bottom of the truth and giving the reasonable explanation without any interference of any authority. This is the objective path to the truth that laid the foundation to such philosophic systems like Vedanta, Sankhja, Yoga, Buddhism, Dzhainism and etc.
Слайд 7Sankhja came into being in VII c. b.c. with Kapila as the
Sankhja came into being in VII c. b.c. with Kapila as the

One of the great discoveries is the idea of self-cognition and plunging into the inner world. The idea of world’s subjectivity is complex as the reality that should be studied under the terms of inner liberty.
Слайд 8The idea of inner liberation is the subject of many darshans. The
The idea of inner liberation is the subject of many darshans. The

Слайд 9All the darshans being composed into one philosophic system have turned into
All the darshans being composed into one philosophic system have turned into

Слайд 10Syddhartha Gautama(623-544 b.c.) is the founder of Buddhism. He was not a
Syddhartha Gautama(623-544 b.c.) is the founder of Buddhism. He was not a

Слайд 11Apart from Buddhism there was the other school of philosophy confronting Brahmanism
Apart from Buddhism there was the other school of philosophy confronting Brahmanism

Слайд 12Chinese Philosophy goes back to the ancient times with the great potential
Chinese Philosophy goes back to the ancient times with the great potential

Слайд 13Kun Fu Tzu (Confucius) according to the available data respected Lao-Dzi a
Kun Fu Tzu (Confucius) according to the available data respected Lao-Dzi a

If “Zhjan” is humanity, then “Li” is the principle of harmony in behavior and relations among people. “Li” – respect and politeness. “Zhjan” and “Li” combine humanity and respect. To get perfection according to Kun Fu Tzu is the way of acquiring music and poetry. There is no other way of mastering the right social rules.