Слайд 2Development of
Architectural Styles
Available materials
Building techniques of time period
Few structures exemplify one

particular style
Categorized by most significant features
Between time periods
Geographical origin
Слайд 3Development of
Architectural Styles
Significant developments
Post and lintel construction

Слайд 4Development of
Architectural Styles
Influences on early American architecture
European styles
Basis for development of

American styles
England, France, Spain, Italy
Most significant influences
Слайд 5Development of
Architectural Styles
Structural influences
Available materials
Settlers’ backgrounds
Origin of style names
Geographical region
Shape of

Time period
Слайд 6Elements of Design - Line
Sense of direction and movement
Relates structure to environment

lines soften appearance
Horizontal lines minimize height & maximize width
Vertical lines create illusion of height & strength
Diagonal lines add sense of transition
Слайд 7Elements of Design - Form
Rectangles, squares, circles, ovals, ellipses
Dictate function
Accent specific features

Слайд 8Elements of Design - Colour
Distinguishes between exterior material & accent shapes
Typically considered

the colour
Darkening or lightening of hue
Brightness of a colour
Слайд 9Elements of Design - Texture
Roughness(шероховатость) or smoothness(гладк.) of a surface
Rough surfaces
Feeling of

strength & security
Smooth surfaces
Illusion of increased height
Reflects light & seems brighter
Слайд 10Elements of Design - Rhythm
Repetitive element(повт.элемент) leads the eye through design
Created with

gradual(постепенным) change
Слайд 11Elements of Design - Balance
Relationship between areas of structure and an imaginary

center line
Formal balance is symmetrical
Informal balance is non-symmetrical
Слайд 12Elements of Design – Proportion
Relates to size & balance
Affects relationship between structure

and environment
Exterior and interior considerations(разработки)
Слайд 13Elements of Design - Unity
Relates to rhythm, balance, proportion
Ties structure together

with common design
“Tackedon” («приклеивание; приплетение») features should be avoided
Слайд 14Floor Plan Styles
Single-level(одноуровн.) Residences
Most common styles
Stair-free access
Simple maintenance(простое обслуживание)
Variety of exterior styles

Слайд 15Floor Plan Styles
Split-level(разноуровн.) Residences
Combine features of one and two-storey homes
Suited to sloping

Greater construction costs
Split side-to-side(поперечный) or front-to-back(спереди назад)
Слайд 16Floor Plan Styles
Two-storey Residences
Numerous options
Separated living and sleeping areas
Minimal land required
Maximum building

area at lower costs
Less foundation material
Fewer exterior walls
Smaller roof
Слайд 17Floor Plan Styles
Dormer-style Residences
Two levels
Upper level about half of first floor
Incorporates a

steep roof
Dormer level forms attic-like area
Economic features of two-storey homes
Слайд 18Floor Plan Styles
Multi-level Residences
Endless possibilities for floor levels
Style dictation(стилевое подчинение)
Owners’ living habits

topography(рельеф площадки под строительство)
Most costly homes
Слайд 19Exterior Styles - Georgian
Basic style modified throughout colonies
Available material
Classical principles of ancient

Form and symmetry evident in front elevation
Centered entry with equally spaced windows
Columned porch
Doorway with carved wood detailing
Southern homes most often built of brick
Northern homes covered with wood siding
Слайд 20Exterior Styles - Saltbox
Common modification of Georgian style
Symmetry without much detail
Two-story at

front tapers to one-storey in rear
Shutters on windows
Слайд 21Exterior Styles - Garrison
Combines Saltbox & Georgian styles
Modeled after fort structures
Upper level

extends past lower level
Heavy timbers(масс. балки) support overhang(свес полки балки)
Слайд 22Exterior Styles - Federal
Combines Georgian with Roman & Greek styles
Wood or brick

High, covered porch with centered Greek-style columns
Arched trim door(арочн.укр.дверь)
Projected(выступ.е) pediments cap windows
Слайд 23Exterior Styles – Greek Revival
Classic Greek architecture proportions & decorations
Large, rectangular, boxlike

portico(крытый портик)
Low, sloped gable roof(двух скатн. пологая кровля)
Greek columns
Adds decoration
Слайд 24Exterior Styles – Southern Colonial
Similar to Georgian style
Also referred to as Plantation

Flat, covered porch(крытый вход)
Extends length of the house
Protection from sun and weather
Слайд 25Exterior Styles - English
Unsymmetrical layout
Stone, brick, or heavy timber & plaster(гипсовая штукатурка)

(ромбовидное) window glass
Слайд 26Exterior Styles – Dutch Colonial
Defined by roof style
Gambrel (мансардная двускатная крыша )(Barn)

roof of two levels
Steep (с крутым скатом) lower level roof serves as second floor
Upper roof is traditional gable style
Слайд 27Exterior Styles – French Normandy
Framed with brick, stone or wood, and plaster

or Hip style roof(шатровая; вальмовая 4-х скатная)
Circular turret(круглая башня) near center of home
Слайд 28Exterior Styles – French Plantation
Two full floors
Wraparound porch(окаймленное крыльцом)
Hip roof (шатровая; вальмовая

4-х скатная)
Слайд 29Exterior Styles – Spanish Colonial
Exterior of adobe(необожённый кирпич) or plaster
Arches and tiled

Timbers frame flat or low-pitched roof
Grills(решетки) or spindles in windows
Balconies with wrought-iron railings
Слайд 30Exterior Styles - Farmhouse
Two-storey construction
Little or no trim(нет отделки) or detail work

by covered porch(закрытое крыльцо)
Слайд 31Exterior Styles - Ranch
Originated in Southwest
Single-storey rambling layout разр.я за счет пристроек)

roof with large overhang
Original exterior materials
Слайд 32Exterior Styles - Victorian
Also called Queen Anne style
Irregularly shaped floor plans
Ornate detailing(чрезмерно

украшенный фасад)