
Слайд 2


change, update
imparting new properties to society in accordance with the

WHAT IS MODERNIZATION? change, update imparting new properties to society in accordance with the goals set
goals set

Слайд 3

Весь мир насилья мы разрушим
До основанья, а затем
Мы наш, мы новый мир

Весь мир насилья мы разрушим До основанья, а затем Мы наш, мы
Кто был ничем, тот станет всем! 
Из гимна «Интернационал»

Слайд 4

Questions for discussion:

1. What are the features of political modernization in Kazakhstan

Questions for discussion: 1. What are the features of political modernization in
at the beginning of the Soviet period?
2. What is the specificity of the Soviet socio-economic modernization in Kazakhstan?
3. What is the essence of the so-called “cultural revolution” policy?

Слайд 5

The system of bodies of Soviet power

Councils of People's Deputies were established

The system of bodies of Soviet power Councils of People's Deputies were
in the center and in the localities.
At the congresses of the Soviets, decisions were made on the main issues of the country's development. It was the legislature.
The executive body of power was the Council of People's Commissars. It was the government.

Councils of People's Deputies were established in the center and in the localities.
At the congresses of the Soviets, decisions were made on the main issues of the country's development. It was the legislature.
The executive body of power was the Council of People's Commissars. It was the government.

Слайд 7

When and why was the decision to implement the New

NEW ECONOMIC POLICY When and why was the decision to implement the
Economic Policy made?
What was carried out in the course of the New Economic Policy? (content, features of the NEP)
What are the results and significance of the New Economic Policy?
Keywords: civil war, "war communism", surplus appropriation, X Congress of the RCP (b), food tax, rent, hiring, cooperation, concessions, trade, land and water reform.

Слайд 9

Contents of the "New Economic Policy"

1, a food tax was introduced instead

Contents of the "New Economic Policy" 1, a food tax was introduced
of the surplus appropriation.
2, it was allowed to lease the land,
3, it was allowed to use hired labor.
4, credit cooperation was introduced.
5, small businesses were leased to private individuals and cooperatives.
6, land and water reform was carried out.
With the aim of implementing reforms in the aul, a society union "Koschi" was created in 1921.
"Koschi" helped the peasants organize artels and raise their culture.

Слайд 10

In the 1920s, a massive famine broke out.
It started with jutes

In the 1920s, a massive famine broke out. It started with jutes
(mass death of livestock).
In some places, the number of livestock has dropped to 80%.
The famine affected 1/3 of the population of the republic.
Streams of Kazakh refugees were in the republics of Central Asia and Siberia.
The Soviet government took extraordinary measures to help the starving. The population of the starving areas was exempted from the agricultural tax. 25 million rubles were allocated to Kazakhstan for the purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment.
Later, an even more terrible famine was in Kazakhstan in 1931-1932. More than half of the population died of hunger.

Слайд 11

Results of the new economic policy

1, the new economic policy contributed to

Results of the new economic policy 1, the new economic policy contributed
the recovery from the economic crisis.
For example, the sown area in 1925 reached 3 million hectares. In 1925, the number of livestock in comparison with 1922 almost doubled and exceeded 26 million. The share of poor households was halved, the middle peasants in 1928 accounted for 3/4 of the aul and the village.
The amount of taxes decreased by 100 million rubles. The taxes were progressive, and the main burden fell on the shoulders of the beys and kulaks. The funds received from taxes were used to develop education, science, agriculture, large-scale industry and to strengthen the country's defense capability.
2, the new economic policy led to the development of commodity-money, market relations.
3, the new market relations came into conflict with the ideology of the communists. Therefore, by 1925, the cancel of the new economic policy began. The Bolsheviks began to prohibit freedom of trade, rent and much more, which was introduced during the NEP period.

Слайд 12

Lenin's plan for building socialism
1. Industrialization
2. Collectivization
3. Cultural Revolution

Lenin's plan for building socialism 1. Industrialization 2. Collectivization 3. Cultural Revolution

Слайд 13

What is industrialization?
What is the main goal of industrialization?
What are the features

INDUSTRIALIZATION What is industrialization? What is the main goal of industrialization? What
of industrialization in Kazakhstan?

Industrialization is the creation of large-scale machine production.
At the XIVth Party Congress in 1925, a decision was made to industrialize.

Features of industrialization in Kazakhstan
raw character
forced rates
administrative management

Слайд 14



Слайд 15

По многим городам (Аулие-Ата, Чимкент, Семипалатинск, Кзыл-Орда и др.) и станциям железных

По многим городам (Аулие-Ата, Чимкент, Семипалатинск, Кзыл-Орда и др.) и станциям железных
дорог ежедневно вывозят трупы умерших казахов. В Сары-Суйском районе, из имевшихся 7000 хозяйств осталось только 500 хозяйств, а остальные откочевали в Аулиа-Атинский и другие районы и часть даже попала в Киргизию. В ноябре на большое расстояние двинулось несколько сот казахов из этого района семьями. По дороге часть населения погибла. За одну вторую пятидневку января подобрали 24 трупа... В г. Аулиа-Ата 5-6 января по чайханам подобрали 20 трупов замерших детей, и за это же время умерло 84 человека взрослых. В докладе московского отряда Красного креста, работающего сейчас в Актюбинской области, сообщается, что казахи в таких районах, как Тургайский, охвачены голодом и эпидемией. Голодные питаются отбросами, поедают корешки диких растений, мелких грызунов. Передают о случаях трупоедчества. ..По свидетельству председателя Кзыл-Ординского райисполкома в этом районе по большинству аулсоветов осталось 15-20 процентов населения. В Балхашском районе было население 60 тыс., откочевало 12 тыс. человек, умерло 36 тыс. и осталось 12 тыс. человек казахов. В Каркаралинском районе в мае 1932 года было 50.400 человек, а к ноябрю месяцу осталось 15.900 человек и в райцентре ежедневно умирает 15–20 человек. В Караганде в прошлую весну умерло около 1500 казахов, среди них рабочие казахи, от голода и эпидемии. В г. Сергиополе за январь месяц умерло около 300 казахов. Все вышеприведенные данные взяты из официальных источников.
..Массы беспризорных детей скапливаются по городам и станциям железной дороги в Казахстане. Существующие детдома в Казахстане переуплотнены и немало смертности среди детей. Так, например, в Семипалатинском районе при обследовании комиссией обнаружено было в одном детдоме в подвале разложившихся 20 трупов детей казахов.
..Махровый шовинизм и игнорирование интересов окружающего казахского населения проявляются со стороны целого ряда совхозов, где руководство их сильно засорено кулацко-вредительскими элементами. Вместо ведущей роли и помощи населению, некоторые совхозы показывают образцы бесхозяйственности и проявляют великодержавный шовинизм. Т. Рыскулов
Архив Президента РК. Ф. 141. Оп. 1. Д. 6403.

Письмо Т. Рыскулова Сталину, (9 марта 1933 г.)
Заместитель председателя Cовнаркома РСФСР Т.Р. Рыскулов
Март 1933 г., исх. № ТР-07-с, Москва, Кремль
ЦК ВКП (б) Т. Сталину

Слайд 16

What were the excesses in the process of collectivization?

they were forcibly driven

What were the excesses in the process of collectivization? they were forcibly
to collective farms
they did not take into account local peculiarities
the layer of strong owners was destroyed

Слайд 17


What is the Cultural Revolution in Soviet Russia?
What is its main

CULTURAL REVOLUTION What is the Cultural Revolution in Soviet Russia? What is
How did the Cultural Revolution go?
What is korenezatsiya policy?
For what purpose and how was korenezatsiya policy implemented?

Слайд 18

In 1939, the literacy of the population of Kazakhstan was 76.3%.
In 1940,

In 1939, the literacy of the population of Kazakhstan was 76.3%. In
1.1 million people were enrolled in schools - 11 times more than in 1914/15, and the number of Kazakh students increased more than 50 times.
Until 1917, there was not a single university in Kazakhstan, in 1940 there were 20 institutes and 118 secondary specialized educational institutions.

Слайд 19

In 1925, A. Kashaubaev appeared in Paris as part of a delegation

In 1925, A. Kashaubaev appeared in Paris as part of a delegation
of Soviet artists, provoking enthusiastic responses from the French press.
The works of A. V. Zataevich "1000 songs of the Kirghiz (Kazakh) people" (1925) and "500 Kazakh songs and kyuis" (1931) gained fame.
On January 13, 1934, on the basis of a music studio at the Kazakh Drama Theater, the Kazakh State Musical Theater was opened, the first performances of which were Aiman-Sholpan M. Auezova and "Shuga" B. Mailin.
At the end of 1938. the Alma-Ata newsreel studio was organized and the first sound documentary "Dzhambul ata" was created.

Слайд 20

recognition of the Kazakh language as the state language along with Russian,

recognition of the Kazakh language as the state language along with Russian,
of office work into Kazakh
the formation of a national technical intelligentsia.
involvement of indigenous people in state and public work.
the formation of a national working class.

The activities that made up the essence of korenezatsiya:

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