- 2. What is Strategy? Business Definition Core Competencies Integrative Consistency of Approach
- 3. The Basics of Strategy Business definition _______________ Scope Environment Analysis Integration of activities ---------------------- Coordinate Synergy
- 4. Change -Shaping Strategy Change is an accepted consequence of modern life Organizations are subject to increasing
- 5. Strategy and Change Driving Change Political Economic Social Technical Result of change Opportunity Strategic Drift Impact
- 6. Balanced Scorecard Approach Financial Measures: How we are perceived by investors and shareholders Customers: What the
- 7. Production Orientation Product Orientation Sales Orientation Market Orientation Societal Market Orientation Customer-Driven Role of marketing within
- 8. The Production Orientation Mass production, economy of scale and cost control Available and affordable products Improving
- 9. Henry Ford said of the model T vehicle : "I will build a car for the
- 10. Henry Ford said of the model T vehicle : "I will build a car for the
- 11. The Product Orientation The most quality, performance and features- innovation and design A little or no
- 12. The Sales Orientation Sales volume as the key determinant of success Focus is aggressive selling persuades
- 13. The Market Orientation Understanding and meeting customer needs Want of the market is considered Long term
- 14. The Societal Market Orientation Organization determines the needs and wants of the target market delivering the
- 15. Achieving Market Orientation Customer focused Competitor focused Integrate market into the business Strategic vision Realistic expectations
- 16. What Is Marketing Strategy Analysing the business environment and defining customer needs Matching activities or products
- 17. The Basis of Marketing Strategy Internal Corporate factors Achieving a superior competitive position within a defined
- 18. Strategic Marketing Strategic Analysis External Analysis Internal analysis Customer analysis Future Orientation Formulation Strategy Targeting Positioning
- 19. Information Search In Five Areas Source: adapted from Aguilar Market Intelligence- market potential, structural change, competitors
- 20. PORTER’S FIVE FORCES Source: M Porter
- 21. PORTER’S FIVE FORCES Five Forces Analysis helps the marketer to contrast a competitive environment. Five Forces
- 22. PORTER’S FIVE FORCES Rivals are competitors within an industry. Rivalry in the industry can be intense,
- 23. PORTER’S FIVE FORCES Substitute Products - This is affected by the ability of your customers to
- 24. PORTER’S FIVE FORCES Buyer Power-There are two types of buyer power. The first is related to
- 26. ANSOFF MATRIX The Ansoff Growth matrix is a tool that helps businesses decide their product and
- 27. ANSOFF MATRIX Market Development: To sell its existing products into new markets (GrowthStrategy) Ways of approaching
- 28. ANSOFF MATRIX Product Development: Introduction of new products into existing markets Diversification: New products in new
- 29. Strategic Groups Attributes to identify strategic groups: Size of the group Assets and skills Scope of
- 30. Briti Briti Briti British Airways KLM Air France Britannia Air 2000 Easy Jet Go Ryanair Debonair
- 31. Competitor Analysis What is the relative position of the organization’s rivals? Do conditions favour one particular
- 32. Competitor’s Objectives Current performance fulfilling their objectives- if not- CHANGE OF STRATEGY Any commitment to further
- 33. Competitor’s Current And Past Strategies Identify current market or segments where Competitors currently operates- Indication scope
- 34. Competitor’s Capabilities Management Capabilities Marketing Capabilities Innovation Capabilities Production Capabilities
- 35. Competitor’s Future Strategies And Reactions Certain Retaliation- React in an aggressive manner Failure to React- False
- 36. Identifying Competitors Overlooking smaller competitors Focusing on existing competitors and ignoring new entrants Concentrating on current
- 37. The Market Analysis Actual Potential Market Size Trends Customers Customer Segments Distribution Channel
- 38. DIFFUSION OF INNOVATION Source: Everett M. Rogers
- 39. DIFFUSION OF INNOVATION This extension of the product life cycle was developed by Everett M. Rogers
- 40. DIFFUSION OF INNOVATION Early Majority: They wait to see if the product will be adopted by
- 41. Marketing Process Involves Market orientation as philosophy Market segmentation Targeting the market Positioning in the market
- 42. Segmentation “Market segmentation is the subdividing of a market into distinct subsets of customers, where any
- 43. Segmentation Segmenting means dividing a heterogeneous demanding markets into homogenous groups based on similar characteristics or
- 44. Importance of Segmentation To meet consumer needs more precisely. Customers with decent life and individualism have
- 45. KEY ASPECTS OF SEGMENTATION Segmentation should increase benefits to consumers by providing product features matching their
- 46. Criteria For Successful Segmentation
- 47. Criteria for Segmentation Distinctive- Clear differences in consumer preferences for a product must exist. Measurability- refers
- 48. Segmentation Base Situation Segmentation Psychographic Segmentation Geographic Segmentation Behavior/Usage Segmentation Demographic Segmentation Benefits-Sought Segmentation
- 49. Demographic Segmentation The population can be divided into age, gender, income, and family lifecycle amongst other
- 50. GEOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION Geographical segmentation divides markets into different geographical areas. An area can be divided by
- 51. Grouping customers together based on social class, lifestyles and psychological characteristics (attitudes, interests and opinions) Useful
- 52. Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs Hunger, thirst Security Sense of Belonging,love Recognition, self esteem Self development
- 53. Benefits- sought Markets can be segmented based on the benefits that consumers desire from using a
- 54. Situational Segmentation Purchase situation or occasion Physical surroundings Social surroundings Temporal perspective
- 55. Consumer Buying Decision Process Problem Recognition Information Search Evaluation of Alternatives Purchase Decision Post-Purchase Evaluation
- 56. Consumer buying process Involvement in the purchase decision varies considerably
- 57. THE 80/20 Golden Rule - 80% of an effect under study will be generated by 20
- 58. Strategic Problem-Solving Model Data Intuition Managing Team Client Self Leadership Vision Inspiration Delegation Problem Solution Implementation
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