The faculty of training foreign students

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let's start writing a history...

The head of the faculty is the dean

let's start writing a history... The head of the faculty is the
Kozlovskaya Marina Aleksandrovna

The building where the Dean's office of the faculty of training foreign students is located

The Dean’s office for work with foreign students was founded in 1992

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In 1996, the Dean's office established a preparatory Department of medical and

In 1996, the Dean's office established a preparatory Department of medical and
biological profile, which provides pre-University training for foreign students

During the existence of the preparatory Department, 134 people from 18 countries graduated from it 

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Students of the preparatory Department study:

Russian language





Social and humanitarian sciences

Students of the preparatory Department study: Russian language Chemistry Biology Physics Mathematics Social and humanitarian sciences

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Upon completion of the preparatary Department foreign students receive a certificate of

Upon completion of the preparatary Department foreign students receive a certificate of
completion of the preparatory Department

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The head of the Department is the professor Gasparyan Larisa Alexeevna

In 2006,

The head of the Department is the professor Gasparyan Larisa Alexeevna In
the University opened the departments of Russian as a foreign language, Latin and basic terminology, which provides linguistic training for foreign students for five years

Слайд 7

Foreign students with L. A. Gasparyan

Students take part in sports competitions

The source:

Foreign students with L. A. Gasparyan Students take part in sports competitions The source:

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The source:

Students attend lectures, seminars and practical classes

The source: Students attend lectures, seminars and practical classes

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After completing their studies and obtaining a higher education diploma, foreign citizens

After completing their studies and obtaining a higher education diploma, foreign citizens
have the right to enroll in postgraduate or residency program

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The head of the Department is Cherkasova Vera Georgievna

The Dean's office for

The head of the Department is Cherkasova Vera Georgievna The Dean's office
work with foreign students coordinates the activities of the University for training medical personnel for foreign countries.
In 2019 the Dean's office is reorganized into the Department for international education.

Слайд 11

Training of medical personnel for foreign countries in our University is considered

Training of medical personnel for foreign countries in our University is considered
as the most important indicator of the effectiveness of the team, a tool for ensuring long-term international cooperation with foreign organizations and specialists from various countries
Имя файла: The-faculty-of-training-foreign-students.pptx
Количество просмотров: 39
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