- 2. MUSIC AINUR Eru Iluvatar - the supreme deity and creator of all things Eru created by
- 3. Melkor is the main and very first antagonist of the Legendarium of Middle-earth. One of the
- 4. Ea and Arda Ea - the world that exists. Arda - planet and celestial bodies around
- 5. Valar Manwe Namo Vaira Irmo The elves called the Valar the Elements of Arda, and the
- 6. Valar Tulkas Nessa Orome
- 7. Maya Eonwe Osse Winen The Maya came to Ea with the Valar. They are also Ainur,
- 8. Melkor and his team Balrog Sauron
- 9. Primal era Varda - Creator and Lady of the Stars. First war. Tulkas chases Melkor away.
- 10. Light fixtures Great Lamps (Lights) - Illuin in the north and Ormal in the south. Fortress
- 11. Valinor trees Yavanna Evergreen Evergriever Nienna Valinor trees
- 12. Creation of gnomes Ents are walking and thinking trees. Aule
- 13. Stars Angband is the second stronghold of Melkor in Middle-earth. Warda makes stars
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