The peculiarities of student motivation for sports

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Presentation plan

 main part:The problem of student motivation for sports

Presentation plan Introduction main part:The problem of student motivation for sports Conclusions

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Motivation for physical activity - a special state of personality aimed at

Motivation for physical activity - a special state of personality aimed at
achieving an optimal level of physical fitness and performance. The process of formation of interest in physical training and sports is a multi-stage process: from the first elementary hygienic knowledge and skills to deep psychophysiological knowledge of the theory and methods of physical education, and intensive sports activities.


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By its psychological essence, motivation is the desire and motivation that cause

By its psychological essence, motivation is the desire and motivation that cause
human activity and determine the content of its direction. Researchers distinguish three classes of motivation phenomena: primary sources of activity (needs and instincts), reasons for choosing the direction of behavior (the motives themselves); regulators of the subject's activity dynamics (experiences and attitudes).


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Motive is also what motivates a living being, for which it spends

Motive is also what motivates a living being, for which it spends
its vital energy. A motive (as opposed to motivation) is also what belongs to the subject of behavior himself, is his stable personal property that induces him to perform certain actions from within.

The difficulty is that in modern psychology the scope and content of the concept of "motive" has not been clarified and clarified yet.

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Motivation of sports activities is determined by both internal and external factors

Conclusions Motivation of sports activities is determined by both internal and external
that change their importance throughout the sports career.
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