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circulation /ˌsɜːkjəˈleɪʃən/
the average number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are usually sold each day, week, month
limited circulation
to have the

highest circulation in the country
to see a drop in circulation
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tabloid /ˈtæblɔɪd/
a newspaper that has small pages, a lot of photographs, and

stories mainly about famous people
in a/the tabloid
a daily / popular tabloid
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feature /ˈfiːtʃə/
a longer piece of writing than a news story, often covers

an issue in greater depth than a news story
a feature about money
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edition /ɪˈdɪʃən/
the copies of a newspaper that are produced and printed at

the same time
the electronic / morning edition of ‘The Guardian’
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supplement /ˈsʌpləmənt/
a separate part of a newspaper
a special / the Sunday supplement

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editorial page /ˌedəˈtɔːriəl peɪdʒ/
the section that gives the paper’s opinion
the editorial pages in the

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biased /ˈbaɪəst/
giving a single point of view
to be biased towards sth/smb
The newspapersThe newspapers gave a

very biased reportThe newspapers gave a very biased report of the meeting.
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sensationalism /senˈseɪʃənəlɪzəm/
reporting news to make it sound as exciting or shocking as

silly sensationalism
in the interests of sensationalism