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Tour around the USA

Tour around the USA

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New York

Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty stands on Liberty Island, at

New York Statue of Liberty The Statue of Liberty stands on Liberty
the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor. The statue represents the goddess of liberty with a torch in her right hand and a tablet in her left hand. On the tablet you can see the date of the Declaration of Independence “JULY IV MDCCLXXVI” (July 4, 1776).

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The copper statue is 46 meters high and was made by Frederic

The copper statue is 46 meters high and was made by Frederic
Auguste Bartholdi and Gustave Eiffel (who also built the Eiffel Tower). It was given to the United States by France on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

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Empire State Building
The Empire State Building was opened on May 1, 1931.

Empire State Building The Empire State Building was opened on May 1,
It is an office building, but the platform at the top of the building is also a popular tourist attraction.
Its height from bottom to the 102nd floor is 381 meters. Including the broadcasting tower, which was added in the 1950s, the total height is 443.5 meters.
Before the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, the Empire State building was the second highest building in New York. The Freedom Tower, which is planned to be constructed on Ground Zero, will again be higher than the Empire State Building.

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Central Park
Central Park lies in Manhattan and covers an area of 3.4 km²

Central Park Central Park lies in Manhattan and covers an area of
(4 km × 800 m). It is one of the most famous city parks and not only a popular oasis for New Yorkers, but also for migrating birds.

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Philadelphia is one of the oldest cities in the United States. It

Philadelphia Philadelphia is one of the oldest cities in the United States.
has played an important role in American history.

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Liberty Bell
Philadelphia’s most popular tourist attraction is the Liberty Bell. Between 1753

Liberty Bell Philadelphia’s most popular tourist attraction is the Liberty Bell. Between
and 1828 the bell hung in Philadelphia’s State House (now Independence Hall) and was rung on special occasions, for example on the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 8, 1776.
For a long time, the bell was only known as the State House Bell. In 1839, however, it was mentioned in a pamphlet called “The Liberty Bell” and thus became a symbol of freedom and is now known as the Liberty Bell.

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Washington, DC.

Washington, DC is the capital of the United States. DC stands

Washington, DC. Washington, DC is the capital of the United States. DC
for District of Columbia and means that Washington is not part of any federal state, but a unique district. The citizens of Washington, DC have no voting representation in Congress and are not at all represented in the Senate.

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White House
The White House is the working place and residence of the

White House The White House is the working place and residence of
United States President. It was built between 1792 and 1800 and has 132 rooms. There is also a swimming pool, movie theater, tennis court and bowling lane.

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United States Capitol
A long mall connects the White House and the Capitol

United States Capitol A long mall connects the White House and the
(home of the Congress). The House of Representatives is in the south wing and the Senate in the north wing. On Inauguration Day (January 20), the President holds his inaugural address on the steps of the Capitol and then usually parades from the Capitol to the White House.

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Orlando, Florida

Disney World
Disney World opened in 1971. Disneyland in California already existed

Orlando, Florida Disney World Disney World opened in 1971. Disneyland in California
at that time, but it had hardly any visitors from the eastern parts of the United States where 75 percent of the country's population live. So Walt Disney decided to build another park in Orlando, Florida with four theme parks:
The Magic Kingdom
EPCOT (Experimental Prototype
Community of Tomorrow)
Disney-MGM Studios
Disney’s Animal Kingdom

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Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is a group of waterfalls on the border between

Niagara Falls Niagara Falls is a group of waterfalls on the border
the United States and Canada. The Falls are a favorite tourist attraction. The Niagara River drops here and although the Falls are not deep, they are very wide and the amount of water is enormous. So it is very noisy near the Falls. That's why the Iroquois tribe, who used to live here, called the falls Niagara (meaning “thunder of waters”).

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The third largest city in the United States (after New York and

Chicago The third largest city in the United States (after New York
Los Angeles) lies on the shores of Lake Michigan. The Potawatomi once lived in this area and the city’s name derives from the Potawatomi word Checagou (meaning “wild onions”). The name was used because the place used to smell like onions.

The Sears Tower (on the left) was built between 1970 and 1973 and is the highest building in the United States. It is 442 meters from bottom to the top floor, and reaches a total height of 527 meters (including its television antennas).

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New Orleans

New Orleans was founded by the French. It first had a

New Orleans New Orleans was founded by the French. It first had
French name, Nouvelle-Orléans, in honor of the Duke of Orleans, King of France. The city lies on the river Mississippi and a riverboat cruise on the Mississippi is an unforgettable experience. New Orleans is also an important center for music, especially for jazz and rhythm and blues.

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Los Angeles

Los Angeles, also known as L.A., is the second largest city

Los Angeles Los Angeles, also known as L.A., is the second largest
in the United States (after New York). Most immigrants to the United States arrive in Los Angeles and many of them stay here. The city is also famous for its two Olympic Games (1932 and 1984).

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Hollywood is a district of Los Angeles and for a long time

Hollywood Hollywood is a district of Los Angeles and for a long
it was nothing more but the name of a ranch. In the early 1900s, however, movie companies decided to move from New York and New Jersey to California where they had more space and better weather. Nestor Studios were the first to settle in the area. But more and more followed and now Hollywood is famous all over the world for its movie studios and stars.
On the Walk of Fame (along Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street) more than 2,000 celebrities are honored with a star.

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Disneyland (Anaheim, California)
Disneyland is situated in Anaheim, just a little south of

Disneyland (Anaheim, California) Disneyland is situated in Anaheim, just a little south
the City of Los Angeles. The park opened on July 17, 1955 and was the first Disney Park in the world. It has been visited by more than 500,000,000 people and has several theme parks:
Critter Country
Main Street U.S.A.
Mickey’s Toontown
New Orleans Square

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Grand Canyon National Park

The Grand Canyon is one of the most spectacular

Grand Canyon National Park The Grand Canyon is one of the most
natural features on earth. It is listed as one of the Seven Natural Wonders and became a United States national park in 1919. The park covers an area of nearly 5,000 km².

Carved by the Colorado River, the Grand Canyon slices deep into the Colorado Plateau and forms one of the most scenic landscapes in the world. Up to 1963, when the Glen Canyon Dam was built, the Colorado river moved 143 million tons of stones each year.

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Las Vegas

Las Vegas was founded in May 1905. In 1941 the first

Las Vegas Las Vegas was founded in May 1905. In 1941 the
large hotels with gambling casinos were built. Since then Las Vegas has grown to become the largest city in Nevada and a major tourist attraction.

Staying in Las Vegas can be quite cheap as the rooms are usually not expensive. It’s hard, however, to resist the temptation of spending lots of money in one of the gambling casinos.

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San Francisco

The area had long been inhabited by native Americans, the Ohlone

San Francisco The area had long been inhabited by native Americans, the
(meaning “people of the west”) before the first Spanish immigrants came to settle in this part of the country. After the Mexican-American War, the small town became American.

territory, and when the California gold rush started in 1848, the population increased enormously. Nowadays San Francisco is famous especially for its cable car and the Golden Gate Bridge

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Golden Gate Bridge
The Golden Gate Bridge connects the city of San Francisco

Golden Gate Bridge The Golden Gate Bridge connects the city of San
and San Francisco Peninsula. It spans the Golden Gate, a strait between the Pacific Ocean and the San Francisco Bay–that’s where the name Golden Gate Bridge comes from.

Constructions on the bridge began in 1933 and were completed in 1937. The bridge rises 230 m above the water. With its total length of 1970 meters it was the longest suspension bridge in the world until 1964. The bridge is part of the United States Highway 101, has six lanes and a footpath on each side.

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Keystone, South Dakota

Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore National Memorial Park in Keystone, South Dakota

Keystone, South Dakota Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore National Memorial Park in Keystone,
covers an area of 5 km². The rock formation was a sacred Indian site once and became a national memorial on March 3, 1925.

Most visitors come to this place to see the famous busts of the presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln (from left to right). The busts are about 18 meters high and were carved by 400 workers between 1927 and 1941.

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