
Слайд 2

The main constants of lexicon


The main constants of lexicon Words LSG Idioms

Слайд 3

Word – the basic nominative unit of language with the help

Word – the basic nominative unit of language with the help of
of which the naming function of language is realized.

Слайд 4

Lexico-semantic groups – closely knit sectors of vocabulary, each characterised by

Lexico-semantic groups – closely knit sectors of vocabulary, each characterised by a
a common concept:
LSG formed by adjectives denoting ‘‘size’’: big, large, great, huge, enormous, small, little, tiny etc.

Слайд 5

Idiomatic /set expressions – lexically and often structurally stable units of

Idiomatic /set expressions – lexically and often structurally stable units of lexicon.
to have many irons in the fire –
мати багато справ одночасно

Слайд 6

Factors of Classifying Lexicon

Factors of Classifying Lexicon EXTRALINGUAL LINGUAL

Слайд 8

Physical and mental factors

Due to the physical needs of human beings all

Physical and mental factors Due to the physical needs of human beings
languages have a number of common notions designated by words such as live, drink, eat, sleep, go, run, jump etc.
Due to the common mental activity of people every language of the world comprises the notions designated by such words as think, speak, read, ask, answer, comprehend etc.

Слайд 9

Environmental factors

All languages have common notions designated by the words reflecting

Environmental factors All languages have common notions designated by the words reflecting
objects and phenomena surrounding people:
the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky, thunder, lightning, rain
various species of living beings, plants, trees, colours etc.

Слайд 10

Social factor

Involves different social phenomena as well as relationships and

Social factor Involves different social phenomena as well as relationships and activities
activities of a person.
family level (mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, cousin etc.).
other social activity of people (a teacher, a student, a passenger, a shop-assistant etc.).

Слайд 11

Universal lexicon

All words designating the notions which appear due to the

Universal lexicon All words designating the notions which appear due to the
extralingual principles constitute the
UNIVERSAL lexicon of any language (nucleus of the lexicon ).

Слайд 12

Dialectal, international and
specifically national lexicons,
coming to being under the influence of

Dialectal, international and specifically national lexicons, coming to being under the influence
social, economic, historical and other extralingual factors, constitute the periphery of the lexicon.

Слайд 16

English and Ukrainian lexicon (according to the stylistic principle)

English and Ukrainian lexicon (according to the stylistic principle)

Слайд 18

A word may be characterized from two sides:
onomasiological side, i.e. from

A word may be characterized from two sides: onomasiological side, i.e. from
its structure and nomination capacity;
b) semasiological or content side.

Слайд 19

Onomasiological investigation
of the lexicon solves the problem how concepts (ideas) can be

Onomasiological investigation of the lexicon solves the problem how concepts (ideas) can
represented in the language.
the structure of a language unit is studied with respect to its means of nomination:
1) inner 2) outer

Слайд 21

Words in both languages – the main means of nomination
(75% In

Words in both languages – the main means of nomination (75% In
English and Ukrainian)
Structurally they are:
simple words (book, boy, new, ten, soon, книга, сам, там);
derivative words (teacher, friendship, книжечка, спатоньки);
compounds (blackboard, homework, перекотиполе, першочергово, лиходій, Незовибатько, Перервирядно, Крутивус, Задерихвіст, Товстоніг, Добридень, Панібудьласка).

Слайд 22

Onomasiological characteristics

displayed through morphological structure of the word and its categorial

Onomasiological characteristics displayed through morphological structure of the word and its categorial
e.g. goes = go (root) + es (inflexion),
the inflexion -es designates the categories of tense, mood, voice and person in the verb.

Слайд 23


in English 70 %
in Ukrainian 10 %

Borrowings in English 70 % in Ukrainian 10 %

Слайд 24

studies which ideas are represented in linguistic units, the semantic structure

Semasiоlogy studies which ideas are represented in linguistic units, the semantic structure
(scope of meaning) of words, expressions and texts under study.
From the semasiological side words may be:
1) monosemantic
2) polysemantic.

Слайд 26

The onomasiologіcal and semasiological status of words can be changed by means

The onomasiologіcal and semasiological status of words can be changed by means
miss – dismiss, elect – reelect, relation – relationship;
Київ – киянин – київський, вибори – перевибори
'conduct (n) – con'duct (v),
'present (n) – pre'sent (v),
'замок – за'мок, 'вівці – вів'ці, 'руки – ру'ки.
Количество просмотров: 539
Количество скачиваний: 1