Слайд 2S p a c e
is a place far above the Earth

where there is no air.
Слайд 4The Universe is all space and everything that exists in it.

Слайд 5 There are a lot of galaxies in the Universe.

Слайд 6a G a l a x y
is a huge group

of stars and planets.
Слайд 7There are thousands of millions galaxies.

Слайд 8The most famous galaxies are:
The Andromeda galaxy
The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds

Milky Way
Слайд 11We live in…
the Milky Way
or just
the Galaxy

Слайд 12The Milky Way consists of many systems.
One of them is the Solar

where we live.
Слайд 13The Solar System
is the Sun together with the planets

going round it.
Слайд 14What planets of the Solar System do you know?

Слайд 17E a r t h
is the planet where we live

Слайд 19J u p i t e r
is the biggest planet of

the Solar System.
Слайд 24Where will people go after they’ve explored
their own Solar system?

Слайд 25They will travel to other galaxies
in huge “starships”.

Слайд 26

rocket that can travel in space.