Слайд 2Introduction
Markus Wieser
German Football Association (DFB)
Volunteer Experiences
Volunteer Management FIFA World Cup 2006
Volunteer Coordinator

UEFA Euro 2008
Volunteer Manager FIFA Women’s World Cup 2011
Слайд 3Agenda
Goals of the training
Creating history together
Key factors
Welcoming atmosphere
The first impression
Verbal communication
Non-verbal communication

Rules and guidelines
Cultural differences
Слайд 4Goals of the training
Becoming good ambassadors for Ukraine and the Host-City
Knowing the

expectations of fans and supporters
Practical information for the work as Volunteer
Knowing the basic rules and guidelines
Слайд 5What are your expectations?
- Tournament
- Work as Volunteer

Слайд 7Expectations of guests
Guest expect positive atmosphere and tournament feeling
Fans expect friendly and

helpful Volunteers
Professional and competent help and information
Слайд 8Key factors
Key factors for a successful and memorable tournament
Good games (football performance)

tournament organization (stadiums, media facilities, local transport, etc.)
Accommodation and travel for teams and guests
Welcoming atmosphere
Слайд 9Welcoming atmosphere
Volunteers play an important role
First point of contact
Business card of

the country and city
One of the faces of the tournament
Volunteers can create and strengthen positive atmosphere
Being friendly
Helping guests and fans proactive
Spread the spirit and EURO feeling
“Volunteers are the business card of the tournament and represent the Host Countries” - Michel Platini
Слайд 10Creating history together
You have the chance to be part of an historical

event for Ukraine.
Guests from all over Europe will visit Ukraine, most of them for the first time. You have the chance to shape their picture of Ukraine.
We want to…
be friendly and welcoming hosts
welcome fans and make them feel comfortable in Ukraine
create a unique and friendly atmosphere
celebrate a big party
secure a smooth organization
Слайд 11The first impression
“There is no second chance for the first impression!”

Слайд 12First impression
We need 5 to 7 seconds to make a picture of

someone and categorize and judge this person.
Personal feelings
A short time to impress and convince the person.
Слайд 13First impression
You want to help guests and fans. If they have questions

they should come towards you.
They will only ask you if they think you will help them competent and friendly.
The first impression decides over the feelings and attitude a person shows towards us.
Therefore the first impression is very important for Volunteers.
Слайд 15Communication
“One cannot not communicate” – Paul Watzlawick
We communicate all the time.

what we do or what we do not do.
Слайд 17Non-verbal Communication
Non-verbal communication is influenced by
Accessories (tattoos, jewelry)
Body language
Facial expressions

Слайд 18Clothing
… important part of the non-verbal communication
Information on character (dirty, messy)
Information on

lifestyle and values
Wear the clothing appropriate and orderly
Tidy and clean
Check your outfit regularly
Слайд 21Body language
… part of the non-verbal communication
For a positive and friendly appearance

eye contact
Friendly facial expressions
Smiling faces
Clear and open gestures
Straight posture
Слайд 24Verbal Communication
Verbal communication
Voice (sound, volume, emotions)
Next to the content emotions play an

important role in communication
People say the same – but they mean something different.
Слайд 25Voice
… part of the verbal communication
Appropriate volume
Adapt the talking speed
Make full sentences

negative emotions (anger, stress, frustration)
Слайд 28What was good?
Which problems did you have?
What would you do differently the

next time?
Слайд 29How to help?
What is important
Knowledge of the working area
Willingness to help (attitude)

your help pro-active
Only pass on information you know for sure
Write down open questions for the next time
Слайд 30Positive formulation
Try to formulate your answers precise and friendly.
“I don’t know”,

“I do not have the information at the moment but I will find it out for you”
“It is not my responsibility”, better
“My colleague xy can help you with this issue. I will bring you to him”
“Calm down”, better
“I understand your anger. We will find a solution.”
Слайд 31Challenging situations
During your work challenging situations and problems will occur. Everyone has

to find his own way to handle these situations.
Some tips to handle challenging situations:
Try to find a connection to the opponent
“I can understand you. I have experienced something similar before”
Clarify the facts and circumstances
What is the situation? What aspects are important? What are the facts?
Offer solutions or alternatives
“Could this be a solution?” “Would that alternative be alright for you?”
Слайд 33What was good?
Which problems did you have?
What would you do differently the

next time?
Слайд 34General Guidelines
To make a good impression and appear trustful
… be authentic
… be

… be friendly
… be yourself!!
Слайд 35Rules and Guidelines
Rules for good teamwork and spirit

Слайд 36Behaviors
We treat all guests friendly and obliging
We go open minded and pro-active

towards guests and offer our support
With a positive attitude we contribute to a good team atmosphere
Слайд 37Behaviors
We report suspicious behavior to the security
We do not solve dangerous

situations alone
We wear the official uniform appropriate
Слайд 38Do’s
Willing to help the guest
Be patient, calm and polite (also with stressful

Слайд 39Don’t
Do not smoke during the work
No mobile phones
Do not eat in front

of guests
Do not ask for autographs and pictures with VIP’s
Don’t be unfriendly and nerved
Слайд 40Teamwork
You are part of a team. What you do and how you

behave has an effect on the whole team.
If you smile and have a friendly charisma you will feel better.
Good mood infects. Transform your good mood on the team.
Tired? Bad mood? Nerved? The guest should not notice. We want that every guest feels welcomed.
Слайд 41Cultural Differences
Respect cultural differences
Avoid stereotypes and clichés when talking with guests
Do not

judge differences
Examples for differences
Direct vs. indirect
Reserved vs. communicative
Eye contact
Слайд 42Airport Ambassadors
As Airport Ambassadors you are:
… the first point of contact for

guests and supporters
… your help will be needed (transport, stadium, city, hotel, events)
There will be
Challenging situations
Stressful times
Periods with nothing to do
Слайд 43Sustainable Impression
Make the guests feel welcomed and do more than they expect.

your help proactive
Maybe you can give more information than they asked for
If possible answer in their local language
Prepare for the upcoming games (nations)
Maybe you remember few phrases in the local language
Thank you.
Can I help you?
Have a good day.