Слайд 2Цель: расширить знания о русских традициях
1. Получить дополнительную информацию о праздновании

масленицы через опрос взрослых.
2. Ознакомиться с произведениями искусства, иллюстрирующими празднование масленицы.
Слайд 3Shrovetide
People celebrate this holiday in February or in March. It lasts for

a week. Each day of the week has its name. And it’s very interesting. All week long people bake blini and invite guests to treat them. Blini are the symbol of the sun, perhaps, because of their round form, or because of their yellow colour.
Shrovetide shows that winter comes to an end and spring knocks at the door.
Слайд 4How it all started
People of Russia celebrated Shrovetide widely. There was

a program of celebrating which suggested a lot of activities. Children and grown-ups could:
Roll down hills,
Climb a poll,
Build townlet,
Ride troika
Burn a figure of a winter,
Set fireworks,
Eat blini .
Слайд 5Nowadays
We tried to find out if people celebrate Shrovetide this way

Our observations:
- All our grandparents took part in Shrovetide celebrations.
- Nobody of our parents took part in funny program of the holiday.
- We know about the celebrations from books and films.
Слайд 6Why people like this holiday
Shrovetide brings new hopes.
It introduces new season.

Слайд 7Shrovetide in art
B.Kustodiev “Shrovetide” (1919)
B.Kustodiev “Shrovetide” (1920)

Слайд 8Shrovetide in art
A. Cherkashina”Shrovetide” (2002)

Слайд 9Conclusion
There is a tendency today to give Shrovetide the second birth.

And we see positive experience. In some places people follow the old traditions by setting bonfires, riding troika, buillding snowtowers, burning a figure of winter.
We hope that we will take part in such activities in future.