- 2. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Содержание Введение в Grid Computing Некоторые определения Архитектура Grid
- 3. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Зачем оно надо? (The Grid problem) Flexible, secure, coordinated
- 4. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Составляющие Проблемы Совместное использование ресурсов Компьютеры, хранение данных, сети,
- 5. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ DOE X-ray grand challenge: ANL, USC/ISI, NIST, U.Chicago Томографическая
- 6. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Image courtesy Harvey Newman, Caltech Grids в Физике Высоких
- 7. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Кто = 1000s домашних ПК Филантропическая компания Entropia Научно-исследовательская
- 8. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Компьютерные сети Сети vs. Производительность компьютеров Вычислительные скорости удваиваются
- 9. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ The Globus Project™ Making Grid computing a reality Тесное
- 10. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Некоторые Grid Проекты New New
- 11. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Некоторые Grid Проекты New New New New New
- 12. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Некоторые Grid Проекты New New
- 13. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Некоторые Grid Проекты New New Also many technology R&D
- 14. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ The 13.6 TF TeraGrid: Computing at 40 Gb/s 26
- 15. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ U.S. PIs: Avery, Foster, Gardner, Newman, Szalay www.ivdgl.org iVDGL:
- 16. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Для информации Globus Project™ www.globus.org Grid Forum www.gridforum.org Книга
- 17. Некоторые определения The Globus Project™ Argonne National Laboratory USC Information Sciences Institute http://www.globus.org
- 18. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Некоторые важные определения Ресурс Протокол сети Сервис, обеспечиваемый сетью
- 19. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Ресурс Всё, что можно использовать совместно Компьютеры, накопители информации,
- 20. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Сетевой протокол Формальное описание форматов сообщений и набор правил
- 21. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Сервис, обеспечиваемый сетью Создание протокола, который определяет набор возможностей
- 22. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Application Programming Interface Набор спецификаций для приложения Относится к
- 23. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Протокол может иметь множество APIs TCP/IP APIs включают в
- 24. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ API может иметь много протоколов MPI - портативно: любая
- 25. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ APIs и Протоколы очень важны Стандартные APIs/SDKs важны Они
- 26. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Software Development Kit Определённое воплощение API SDK состоит из
- 27. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Синтаксис Правила для расшифровки информации XML, Condor ClassAds, Globus
- 28. Архитектура Grid The Globus Project™ Argonne National Laboratory USC Information Sciences Institute http://www.globus.org
- 29. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Зачем обсуждать Архитектуру? Описание Предлoжить общие термины для обсуждения
- 30. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Некоторые Требования Идентификация Авторизация&правила Поиск ресурсов Описание ресурсов Резервирование
- 31. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Три пункта для превращения “Grid computing” в рутину… Новые
- 32. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ В итоге, Grid Архитектура, ориентированная на Протоколы: Создание протоколов
- 33. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Многоуровневая Архитектура Grid (По Аналогии с Архитектурой Интернета)
- 34. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Протоколы, Сервис и APIs находятся на каждом уровне Язык/Frameworks
- 35. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Важные моменты: Основано на протоколах и сервисе Интернет Связь,
- 36. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Ну и что сейчас с Архитектурой? Не существует никаких
- 37. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ ‘Fabric’ уровень Протоколы и сервис Всё что можно ожидать:
- 38. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ GSI: www.gridforum.org/security/gsi Уровень связи: Протоколы & Сервис Коммуникация Internet
- 39. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ GRAM, GridFTP, GRIS: www.globus.org Уровень ресурсов: Протоколы & Сервис
- 40. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Общий Уровень: Протоколы & Сервис Распределение ресурсов (e.g., Condor
- 41. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Пример: Data Grid Архитектура Приложение, специфичное для какой-то области
- 42. The Programming Problem The Globus Project™ Argonne National Laboratory USC Information Sciences Institute http://www.globus.org
- 43. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ The Programming Problem But how do I develop robust,
- 44. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Проблема программирования Ну и как мне создать надёжное, долговременное,
- 45. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Examples of Grid Programming Technologies MPICH-G2: Grid-enabled message passing
- 46. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Примеры Программных Технологий в Grid MPICH-G2: адаптированный для Grid
- 47. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ За всем этим стоит единый набор программных средств Ни
- 48. The Globus Toolkit™: Introduction The Globus Project™ Argonne National Laboratory USC Information Sciences Institute http://www.globus.org
- 49. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Globus Toolkit™ Набор программных средств, решающий основные технические проблемы
- 50. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Общий подход Определить Grid протоколы & APIs Доступ к
- 51. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Четыре ключевых протокола The Globus Toolkit™ основан на четырёх
- 52. The Globus Toolkit™: Security Services The Globus Project™ Argonne National Laboratory USC Information Sciences Institute http://www.globus.org
- 53. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Проблемы при реализации Grid Security… Resources being used may
- 54. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Site A (Kerberos) Site B (Unix) Site C (Kerberos)
- 55. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Grid Security Requirements
- 56. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ X.509 Proxy Certificate Defines how a short term, restricted
- 57. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Globus Security APIs Generic Security Service (GSS) API IETF
- 58. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Results GSI adopted by 100s of sites, 1000s of
- 59. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ GSI Applications Globus Toolkit™ uses GSI for authentication Many
- 60. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Ongoing and Future GSI Work Protection against compromised resources
- 61. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Security Summary GSI successfully addresses wide variety of Grid
- 62. The Globus Toolkit™: Resource Management Services The Globus Project™ Argonne National Laboratory USC Information Sciences Institute
- 63. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ The Challenge Enabling secure, controlled remote access to heterogeneous
- 64. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Resource Management The Grid Resource Allocation Management (GRAM) protocol
- 65. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ GRAM Protocol GRAM-1: Simple HTTP-based RPC Job request Returns
- 66. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ GRAM GRAM GRAM LSF Condor NQE Application RSL Simple
- 67. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Resource Specification Language Common notation for exchange of information
- 68. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ RSL Syntax Elementary form: parenthesis clauses (attribute op value
- 69. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Constraints: “&” For example: & (count>=5) (count (max_time=240) (memory>=64)
- 70. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Disjunction: “|” For example: & (executable=myprog) ( | (&(count=5)(memory>=64))
- 71. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Globus Toolkit Implementation Gatekeeper Single point of entry Authenticates
- 72. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ GRAM Components Grid Security Infrastructure Job Manager GRAM client
- 73. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Co-allocation Simultaneous allocation of a resource set Handled via
- 74. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Multirequest: “+” A multirequest allows us to specify multiple
- 75. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ A Co-allocation Multirequest +( & (resourceManagerContact= “flash.isi.edu:754:/C=US/…/CN=flash.isi.edu-fork”) (count=1) (label="subjob
- 76. The Globus Toolkit™: Information Services The Globus Project™ Argonne National Laboratory USC Information Sciences Institute http://www.globus.org
- 77. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Grid Information Services System information is critical to operation
- 78. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Examples of Useful Information Characteristics of a compute resource
- 79. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Grid Information: Facts of Life Information is always old
- 80. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Grid Information Service Provide access to static and dynamic
- 81. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ The GIS Problem: Many Information Sources, Many Views R
- 82. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Information Protocols Grid Resource Registration Protocol Support information/resource discovery
- 83. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ GIS Architecture A A Customized Aggregate Directories R R
- 84. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Metacomputing Directory Service Use LDAP as Inquiry Access information
- 85. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ LDAP Details Lightweight Directory Access Protocol IETF Standard Stripped
- 86. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Information Services API RFC 1823 defines an IETF draft
- 87. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Searching an LDAP Directory grid-info-search [options] filter [attributes] Default
- 88. The Globus Toolkit™: Data Management Services The Globus Project™ Argonne National Laboratory USC Information Sciences Institute
- 89. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Data Grid Problem “Enable a geographically distributed community [of
- 90. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Major Data Grid Projects Earth System Grid (DOE Office
- 91. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Data Intensive Issues Include … Harness [potentially large numbers
- 92. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Data Intensive Computing and Grids The term “Data Grid”
- 93. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ A Model Architecture for Data Grids Metadata Catalog Replica
- 94. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Globus Toolkit Components Two major Data Grid components: 1.
- 95. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Access/Transport Protocol Requirements Suite of communication libraries and related
- 96. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ And The Protocol Is … GridFTP Why FTP? Ubiquity
- 97. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ GridFTP: Basic Approach FTP protocol is defined by several
- 98. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ GridFTP Protocol Specifications Existing standards RFC 949: File Transfer
- 99. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ A Word on GASS The Globus Toolkit provides services
- 100. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) Enabling R&D for advanced data
- 101. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ The Virtual Data Concept “[a virtual data grid enables]
- 102. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Virtual Data in Action Data request may Access local
- 103. Futures & Conclusions The Globus Project™ Argonne National Laboratory USC Information Sciences Institute http://www.globus.org
- 104. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Problem Evolution Past-present: O(102) high-end systems; Mb/s networks; centralized
- 105. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ The Future: All Software is Network-Centric We don’t build
- 106. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ And Thus … Reduced barriers to access mean that
- 107. Intro to Grid Computing and Globus Toolkit™ Summary The Grid problem: Resource sharing & coordinated problem
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