What role the computer plays in our lives

Слайд 2

Computers for a long time and become part of our life. They

Computers for a long time and become part of our life. They
radically changed the world and people's opportunities. But we all know that computer has a positive effect on people, and negative.
Computer much easier our lives. Sometimes we can not imagine our life without computer and internet. For example, a student in the short term may find coursework or essay on the desired topic. The Internet has unlimited possibilities. Doctors use computers for diagnostics. For fashion designers, architects and designers opened vast horizons computer. In the production of computers manage other machines. Today man is just a passive observer.
More recently appreciated more physical labor, but today is increasing the need for intellectual work. But clearly you can not appreciate this. Yes, many have significantly increased their horizons, but the physical condition of many injured. Gradually, we forget about the sport and physical activity. But back them.

Слайд 3

To health is very difficult. Some do not realize it, or just

To health is very difficult. Some do not realize it, or just
do not care for. Often (especially students) prefer to sit for long hours at a computer desk than a walk in the fresh air , and do not even know what harm they cause Therefore , to somehow improve the situation , it is necessary to organize the workplace . First of all need a convenient computer desk and chair. Of course, you can put your computer and on the dining table and the table - book, but table-book is designed for entirely different purposes and comfortable kind of work is difficult to call.
Yes, today the book slowly moving away, and the second plan. And, perhaps, it is natural in view of the situation. Why read something if you can find on the internet any composition or essay. And for that special efforts would be required, and the time spent is much less. And once a desire to read, there is no need to go to the library or make apartment bookcase, because one computer replaces hundreds of cabinets with books.

Слайд 4

If we talk about everyday life, and it was gradually penetrated computer.

If we talk about everyday life, and it was gradually penetrated computer.
For example, many online stores. Today, even a purchase can be done while in his apartment. Nowadays, wherever we are, love a lot of talk about the Internet. This technology affects our lives as much as TV or phone. And perhaps there is no such area of?? Life, which would not be affected by this technique.

Слайд 5

Positive impact on the lives of human computer

Consider a positive impact on

Positive impact on the lives of human computer Consider a positive impact
the human computer. For example, the Internet gave people the opportunity to receive the latest news, gossip, information about the idols. Play very interesting and exciting games on-lain.
Very popular are the video conference. With their help, people can not only hear each other, but to see. Thus, they can solve important issues, without changing their workplace and saving their money as well as time.
On the Internet you can find a job that will be highly paid and bring pleasure. You can quickly send documents to the partner, receive our newsletter, quickly learn the latest news, such as a stock exchange, and this business is very much appreciated.

Слайд 6

Internet simplifies the purchase. The electronic form, they are cheaper. When ordering

Internet simplifies the purchase. The electronic form, they are cheaper. When ordering
goods and services, you can see the detail description, photos; check out the reviews for this product. Sell?? Your car, buys a pet, find entertainment on weekends, and choose the tour trip.
Communicate in on-lain on social networks "face book”, "Classmates”. So former classmates, old friends and childhood friends who have not seen for many years, may be re- communicate, view pictures and give each other gifts. There are dating sites where lonely hearts can find each other and live a long and happy life, if they are lucky.

Слайд 7

Do not forget about the disabled, sick people, people who do not

Do not forget about the disabled, sick people, people who do not
have the possibility of real contact with other people. Internet also allows you to chat with real compatriots and other people living in other countries. What gives you the opportunity to explore the culture, customs and history of other countries? Internet provides tremendous opportunities for education, because it is possible to find sources of information that are not found in any library. Network allows you to quickly find answers to your questions.

Слайд 8

Negative impact on human computer

Provocation of epileptic seizures opinion about the possibility

Negative impact on human computer Provocation of epileptic seizures opinion about the
of provoking attacks when working on the computer is greatly exaggerated. It is also not proven whether the computer can affect the course of epilepsy. However, there are individuals with hypersensitivity to light flashes and the possibility of the onset of epileptic seizures (photosensitive seizures). If you have a concern about the appearance of the child fotosenstivnyh attacks, it is necessary to apply to a specialized medical center and make him study incurrent brain during light flashes electroencephalogram (EEG) with photo stimulation. This study reveals the vast majority of cases of infringements of work of brain cells (photosensitive epileptic activity) in people with epilepsy. At the same time the presence of photosensitive epileptic activity on EEG is not a definitive contraindication to work with your computer. For an appropriate treatment and subject to a number of protective measures can not deprive a child of fun working on the computer.

Слайд 9

It is desirable to have a high video display resolution and refresh

It is desirable to have a high video display resolution and refresh
rate of frames - this will reduce the flickering screen. The high degree of concentration and the need for a rapid response when working on the computer can even work activating cortex prevent these attacks. Note that the computer may become an important factor of social formation of a child with epileptic seizures due to the possibility of working with training programs, obtain the necessary information to and communicate with peers using telecommunications (modem communication with the Internet, etc.).

Слайд 10

Electromagnetic radiation every device that produces or consumes power, creates electromagnetic radiation.

Electromagnetic radiation every device that produces or consumes power, creates electromagnetic radiation.
This radiation is centered on the device in the form of electromagnetic fields. Some devices, like a toaster or fridge create very low levels of electromagnetic radiation. Other devices (power lines, microwave. Ovens, TVs, computer monitors) produce much higher levels of radiation.

Слайд 11

Electromagnetic radiation can not see, hear, smell, taste or touch, but nevertheless

Electromagnetic radiation can not see, hear, smell, taste or touch, but nevertheless
it is present everywhere. Although the harmful effects of normal levels of electromagnetic radiation on the health of children and adults by anyone until proven many care about this problem. Such fears are most commonly associated with the wrong understanding of the term radiation. Many of us, this term is associated with X- rays (or so-called ionizing radiation), i.e. high form of radiation, which are proven to increase the chance of cancer of humans and animals. In fact, anyone familiar with the operation of a computer monitor (also called video terminal or display), agree that there is no point in talking about the X-ray emission. Small amount of ionizing radiation produced by the cathode- ray tube inside the monitor, effectively screened glass tube. As for the effect on the human body electromagnetic radiation at lower frequencies - radiation is very low frequency and low frequency generated by computers and other household appliances; here scientists and consumer advocates have not yet come to a consensus. Research in this area, proven in recent years, only increased anxiety and raised new questions unanswered.
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