The Chronicles of Narnia (In the Witch's House)

Слайд 2

Key words

The spell begins to break Заклинання починає руйнуватися Insist Наполягати
Sewing machine

Key words The spell begins to break Заклинання починає руйнуватися Insist Наполягати
Швейна машина
Set off Відправитися
Riverbank Берег річки
Bank Берег
Flask Колба
Stiff Задерев’янілий
Reindeer Олень
Solemn Урочистий
Dam Гребля
Sword ,shield Меч та щит
Bow, arrows and horn Лук, стріли та ріг
Summon Покликати
Dagger Кинджал
Weapons Зброя
Defense Оборона

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The Beavers and children decided to go to the Stone Table

Plot The Beavers and children decided to go to the Stone Table by the riverbank.
by the riverbank.

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They met Santa Claus in the forest.He told that the White Witch

They met Santa Claus in the forest.He told that the White Witch
set him off from Narnia but by the power of Aslan he came back.He gave them different presents.

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For Peter was sword and shield.

For Peter was sword and shield.

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For Susan horn,arrows and bow.

For Susan horn,arrows and bow.

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For Lucy dagger and magical medicine.

For Lucy dagger and magical medicine.

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Task 1

1)Where did The Beavers and children decide to go?

2)Whom did

Task 1 1)Where did The Beavers and children decide to go? 2)Whom
they meet?

C)Santa Claus

D)The White witch



C)To the Stone Table

A)To the Castle

B)To the River

Слайд 9

Task 2

Distribute gifts between children:


C)sword and shield


B)horn,arrows and bow


A)dagger and magical

Task 2 Distribute gifts between children: 2)Peter C)sword and shield 1)Susan B)horn,arrows

Слайд 10

Task 3







Task 3 aiverbnkr erindere usmonm ewaonps fedenes kfasl
Имя файла: The-Chronicles-of-Narnia-(In-the-Witch's-House).pptx
Количество просмотров: 51
Количество скачиваний: 0