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School of business informatics ielts speaking part ii
School of business informatics ielts speaking part ii
IELTS SPEAKING PART II Describe the thing you have grown You should say What it is When you grew it Where you grew it Explain why you grew it Describe the thing you have grown СКУЛ ОФ БИЗНЕС ИНФОРМЭТИКC IELTS SPEAKING PART II Describe the thing you have grown I`m gonna describe a tulip. This is a kind of flower and the first item made by me independently, which has become for me a symbol of loveliness and strenght for many years. First of all, there are many legends about this flower. According to one version, the flower grew in the place, where the blood of the deceased Persian Prince Farhad got, who, upon learning of the death of his beloved, in despair threw himself on a horse directly into a rock and crashed. After a while in Ancient Persia began to plant tulips in gardens. Eastern merchants brought it to Byzantium, from there it got to Europe and went on a victorious March all over the world. I grew my first tulip, as i was a child approximately 5 years old. My relatives always encouraged me to cultivate different plants, cause we lived in countryside. However, my effort was not justified immediately. Initially, i had failures, was constantly corrected for my bugs by my parents. But nevertheless came time i could notice the fruits of my labor, the flower grew magnificent. I have taken up this kind of activity, because it is very soothing and brings me closer to nature
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