Medical Biology. Lecture 1


Слайд 2

Course Outline

Cell biology
Molecular biology and Biochemistry
Genetics and Reproduction
Medical parasitology

Course Outline Introduction Cell biology Molecular biology and Biochemistry Genetics and Reproduction Medical parasitology

Слайд 3

1st class: 8:00 – 9:35
2nd class: 9:50 – 11:25
3rd class: 11:40

COURSE SCHEDULE 1st class: 8:00 – 9:35 2nd class: 9:50 – 11:25
– 13:15
4th class: 13:45 – 15:20
5th class: 15:35 – 17:10
6th class: 17:25 – 19:00
Typical class lasts 1 hour 35 minutes, including a five-minute break after the first 40 minutes.
Normal break is 15 minutes.
Midday break is 30 minutes (between 3rd and 4th classes)

Слайд 4

Course structure

on Wednesday, 1 week (odd number week)
Practical lessons

Course structure Lectures on Wednesday, 1 week (odd number week) Practical lessons
lesson every week + one lesson every first or second week, (check your schedule)
Credit – the end of the 1st semester (“pass”/”not pass”)
Final oral exam – the end of 2nd semester (with a “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”)

Слайд 5

Students attend lectures and practical classes (seminars) and do homework.

EXAMINATION AND ASSESSMENT Students attend lectures and practical classes (seminars) and do
During classes, lecturers check students’ knowledge. The five-mark grading system is used, but in practice marks from 2 to 5 are used:
2 – “Unsatisfactory” mark
3 – “Satisfactory” mark
4 – “Good” mark
5 – “Excellent” mark
In line with the five-mark grading system, the university applies the point-rating system under which students obtain points for their achievements. The received amount characterises learning outcomes of students during semester. The total amount of points is taken into account during exams and pass-fail exams:
0 - 59 points – “Unsatisfactory” mark
60 - 72 points – “Satisfactory” mark
73 - 86 points – “Good” mark
87 - 100 points – “Excellent” mark

Слайд 6

Course Grading

Total 100% (or points)
1st semester (two check-points)
1st check-point 30 points
2nd check-point

Course Grading Total 100% (or points) 1st semester (two check-points) 1st check-point
30 points
Credit 40 points
2nd semester (two check-points)
1st check-point 30 points
2nd check-point 30 points
Total of 60 points (of daily grades: class attendance, assignments, lab work, tests, etc.)
Final oral examination (40 points)
Total score will be converted to the five grade system

Слайд 7

How to become a successful student?

Be active and seek for help
Complete all

How to become a successful student? Be active and seek for help
Do not get behind and miss classes
Advocate yourself (by asking questions and seeking help there is no reason a student cannot be successful)
Follow laboratory safety guidelines

Слайд 8


Kirill Vladimirovich Babeshko
Practical lessons (groups 6, 7, 8, 10, 11)
Elena Aleksandrovna

Professors Kirill Vladimirovich Babeshko Practical lessons (groups 6, 7, 8, 10, 11)
Practical lessons (group 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9)

Слайд 9

Literature: Theory

Campbell et al. (2009 and earlier)

Lazarev et al. (2003)

Literature: Theory Campbell et al. (2009 and earlier) Lazarev et al. (2003)

Слайд 10

Workbooks in the lab

Romanenko O.V. (2008) Medical biology: The study guide of

Workbooks in the lab Romanenko O.V. (2008) Medical biology: The study guide
the practical classes course / O.V. Romanenko, O.V. Golovchenko, M.G. Kravchuk, V.M. Grinkevych; Edited by O.V. Romanenko. – Kiev: Medicine, 2008. – 304 p.

Literature: Practical classes

Слайд 11

World wide web

World wide web

Слайд 12

What is Medical biology? Why do we need to study biology?

Biology is the

What is Medical biology? Why do we need to study biology? Biology
scientific study of life.
Human beings are living organisms.
=> their basic structure and functions must be similar to other living organisms
What does it mean for you?
=> depend on other organisms and affect them during life-time
What does it mean for you?

Слайд 13

Organization and Cell
Regulation and homeostasis
Growth and development
Energy use and metabolism
Response to environment

Organization and Cell Regulation and homeostasis Growth and development Energy use and

Characteristics of life

from Campbell et al. 2009:2

Слайд 14

Organization and Cell

All living organisms represent highly ordered structures.
Most of the living

Organization and Cell All living organisms represent highly ordered structures. Most of
organisms are composed of tiny units which are called cells.
The cells are the basic units of life.

Слайд 15

Growth and development

Living organisms are able to increase their size (or get

Growth and development Living organisms are able to increase their size (or
larger), i.e. to grow, thanks to the cell division (formation of new cells) and cell enlargement (the increase cell size).
Living organisms are able to become more complex over time, i.e. develop.

Слайд 16

Regulation and homeostasis

Living organisms are able to regulate their internal environment to

Regulation and homeostasis Living organisms are able to regulate their internal environment
maintain it in a constant/stable state (homeostasis), e.g. body temperature.

Слайд 17

Energy use and metabolism

Living organisms need energy in order to maintain their

Energy use and metabolism Living organisms need energy in order to maintain
organization and to produce other phenomena associated with life.
Organisms obtain energy, maintain their organization and perform activities associated with life in the result of the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells, i.e. metabolism.

Слайд 18


All living organisms are able to produce new individual organisms
… either asexually

Reproduction All living organisms are able to produce new individual organisms …
from a single parent organism
… or sexually from two parent organisms.

Слайд 19

Response to environment

Living organisms react to changes in environment.

Response to environment Living organisms react to changes in environment.

Слайд 20

Evolutionary adaptations

Living organisms are able to change over time in response to

Evolutionary adaptations Living organisms are able to change over time in response
This ability is fundamental to the process of evolution. The evolution leads to adaptations of species to constantly changing environment.

Слайд 21

Levels of Biological organization

or the hierarchy of life, is the hierarchy of

Levels of Biological organization or the hierarchy of life, is the hierarchy
complex biological structures and systems that define life.

Слайд 22

A molecule is a chemical structure consisting of two or more small

A molecule is a chemical structure consisting of two or more small
chemical units called atoms.
Medical importance


Слайд 23

Organelles("little organ") area specialized structures inside of a cell. Often organelles are

Organelles("little organ") area specialized structures inside of a cell. Often organelles are
"membrane bound" (surrounded by a plasma membrane) but not always!
Examples of organelles you will be come familiar with are the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplast, cilium, vacuole. The line between organelles and molecular assemblies is not clear. Sometimes the ribosome is not considered an organelle because it's not a membrane bound structure.


Слайд 24

The cell is the smallest unit of biological organization that biologists consider

The cell is the smallest unit of biological organization that biologists consider
All true cells are surrounded by a plasma membrane, carry out complex chemical reactions, and are at least potentially capable of self reproduction. Cells come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Not all cells have a nucleus, but again all true cells have genetic material in the form of DNA.


Слайд 25

A tissue is a group of distinct and similar cells that carry

A tissue is a group of distinct and similar cells that carry
out a specific set of functions.
For example, muscle tissue is for contraction. Connective tissue is tissue consisting of cells surrounded by a large amount of non living material. Nerve tissue is for the conduction of nerve impulses and secretion of specialized chemicals called neurotransmitters.


Слайд 26

Organs are groups of tissues organised together to carry out a particular

Organs are groups of tissues organised together to carry out a particular
set of functions. Organs typically have several kinds of tissue. The stomach has an inner lining of tissue that secretes digestive enzymes outside the stomach has several layers of muscle and connective tissue
Multicellular organisms, especially animals typically are organized into organ systems, groups of organs that function together to carry out broad sets of functions.
For instance an organ system in humans is the digestive system. Some of the organs in the digestive system are the stomach, liver, small intestine, pancreas.

Organs and organ systems

Слайд 27

The organism or individual is that level of biological organization that has

The organism or individual is that level of biological organization that has
its own distinct existence as a complex, self reproducing unit.
We are multicellular organisms in that we are made of many highly specialized cells which cannot exist independently of other cells in the organism.
Many organisms are unicellular, that is consist of a single independent cell.
Anatomy, physiology


Слайд 28

A population is group of freely interacting and breeding individuals of the

A population is group of freely interacting and breeding individuals of the
same species.
For example, all the bull frogs in a pond can be considered a population of bullfrogs. Typically populations are subdivided into smaller groups: a pack of wolves, pride of lions, colony of ants.
Population ecology


Слайд 29

Species is the technical name given for a kind of organisms.
For example

Species is the technical name given for a kind of organisms. For
all people are considered to be one species distinct from other primates based on common appearance and more importantly that all races can and do interbreed with each other.
Taxonomy, systematics


Слайд 30

An ecological community is all the populations of different species living and

An ecological community is all the populations of different species living and
interacting together in a distinct area (e.g. all the species in a prairie).
Community ecology

Ecological Communities

Слайд 31

The Earth contains numerous ecosystems.
Ecosystems are distinguishable groups of species and the

The Earth contains numerous ecosystems. Ecosystems are distinguishable groups of species and
abiotic (non-living) components of the environment with which the living creatures interact to create biochemical cycles.
Examples of ecosystems: ponds, forests, prairies.
Landscape ecology, ecosystem ecology, environmental sciences


Слайд 32

The biosphere is the region on, below, and above the Earth's surface

The biosphere is the region on, below, and above the Earth's surface
where life exists.
Living things can be found into the atmosphere, the deepest parts of the ocean, and at least in some areas, microbes live in rock several kilometers below the surface of the earth.
Biogeography, Macroecology

The Biosphere

Слайд 33

Levels of biological organization

Levels of biological organization
Имя файла: Medical-Biology.-Lecture-1.pptx
Количество просмотров: 60
Количество скачиваний: 1