- 2. The brain stem Consists of Midbrain Pons Medulla oblongata
- 3. Principle Brain Arteries
- 4. Basic Strucrure of Brain Stem 1. Roof Plate 2. Tegmentum 3. Basal Portion
- 5. Pons Ventral (Basilr) surface Bulbopontine sulcus: from medial to lateral, the abducent, facial and vestibulocochlear nerves
- 8. Pons Dorsal surface Superior cerebellar peduncle Superior medullary velum Trochlear nerve
- 10. Internal structures Gray matter Cranial nerve nuclei Relay nuclei
- 11. Components of Cranial Nerves
- 12. Cranial Nerves Columns of Brain Stem Motor Column 1. GSE 2. SVE 3. GVE Sensory Column
- 13. Tegmentum of pons directed upward continuation of medulla oblongata Basilar part contain both longitudinal and transverse
- 20. The characters of internal structure of brain stem
- 21. General somatic motor nuclei Nucleus of abducent n. Nucleus of hypoglossal n.
- 22. General somatic motor nuclei
- 23. Special visceral motor nuclei Motor nucleus of trigeminal n. Nucleus of facial n. Nucleus ambiguus Accessory
- 24. Special visceral motor nuclei
- 25. General visceral motor nuclei Superior salivatory nucleus Inferior salivertory nucleus Dorsal nucleus of vagus n.
- 26. General visceral motor nuclei
- 27. General somatic sensory nuclei Pontine nucleus of trigeminal n. Spinal nucleus of trigeminal n.
- 29. General somatic sensory nuclei
- 31. Special somatic sensory nuclei Cochlear nuclei Vestibular nuclei
- 33. Special somatic sensory nuclei
- 34. Gracile nucleus Cuneate nucleus Inferior olivary nucleus Superior olivery nucleus Pontine nucleus Relay nuclei
- 35. Non-cranial nerve nuclei
- 36. White matter Ascending tracts Medial lemniscus Spinal lemniscus Trigeminal lemniscus Lateral lemniscus
- 37. Medial lemniscus
- 39. Spinal lemniscus
- 40. Trigeminal lemniscus
- 42. Lateral lemniscus
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