- 2. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com Multiple separations and deprecations HTTP semantics changes More security features Lots of
- 3. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com Ruby 1.9.3 minimum 2.0 recommended Rails 5.x will require >= 2.0 so
- 4. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com Saying goodbye...
- 5. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com vendor/plugins - use gems instead ActiveResource https://github.com/rails/activeresource Hash-based/dynamic finder methods https://github.com/rails/activerecord-deprecated_finders ActiveRecord::SessionStore
- 6. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com PATCH
- 7. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com HTTP says that a PUT request represents a complete representation of a
- 8. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com config.thread_safe is on by default Still should try a truly threaded interpreter/server
- 9. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com Click to edit Master text styles STRONG PARAMETERS
- 10. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com Strong Parameters Before:
- 11. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com Strong Parameters After:
- 12. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com Strong Parameters Why is this better? Puts sanitization focus on user input
- 13. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com Encrypted Cookies New cookie store: “encrypted_cookie_store” Now the default in Rails 4
- 14. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com Default Headers config.action_dispatch.default_headers = { 'X-Frame-Options' => 'SAMEORIGIN', 'X-XSS-Protection' => '1; mode=block',
- 15. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM
- 16. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com Rails Rails 4 includes support for PostgreSQL datatypes: hstore arrays INET CIDR
- 17. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com PostgreSQL hstore CREATE EXTENSION hstore; Or enable_extension "hstore" in migrations Like serialized
- 18. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com PostgreSQL Array create_table :foos do |t| t.integer :int_array, array: true t.string :string_array,
- 19. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com INET, CIDR, MACADDR create_table :networks do |t| t.cidr :cidr_address t.inet :ip_address t.macaddr
- 20. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com Using a UUID Enable the uuid-ossp extension create_table :name, id: :uuid {
- 21. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com TURBOLINKS ZOOM ZOOM!
- 22. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com CAVEAT EMPTOR: May break some of your javascript Various event listeners may
- 23. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com Disabling Turbolinks Remove from Gemfile Remove from application.js bundle https://github.com/rails/turbolinks
- 24. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com CACHE MONEY
- 25. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com Cache Digests Forget bumping version numbers in your cache. On application start,
- 26. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com Click to edit Master text styles T FOR SCIENCE
- 27. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com New Default Test Locations
- 28. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com LIVE STREAMING
- 29. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com Is it live? Stream response to the browser Needs multi-threaded application server
- 30. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com Stuff NOT Shipping Background Queuing Asynchronous ActionMailer where.like / where.not_like
- 31. Engine Yard - www.engineyard.com Upgrading PAY ATTENTION to deprecation warnings Have a *really* good set of
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