Independent and parallel visual processing of ensemble statistics: Evidence from dual tasks


Слайд 2

Independent and parallel visual processing of ensemble statistics: Evidence from dual tasks

Vladislav Khvostov

Independent and parallel visual processing of ensemble statistics: Evidence from dual tasks
Igor Utochkin


Part #1

Слайд 3

An example

An example

Слайд 4

Greater or smaller than average?

Greater or smaller than average?

Слайд 5

Ensemble summary statistics

The visual system can compute mean (Alvarez & Oliva, 2009),

Ensemble summary statistics The visual system can compute mean (Alvarez & Oliva,
numerosity (Halberda, Sires, & Feigenson, 2006), variance/range (Dakin & Watt, 1997)
Ensemble statistics can be calculated for low-level features:
color (Gardelle & Summerfield, 2011),
orientation (Parkes, Lund, Angelucci, Solomon, & Morgan, 2001),
size (Ariely, 2001),
and for high-level features:
- emotions, gender, etc. (Sweeny & Whitney, 2014, Haberman & Whitney, 2007, 2009).

Слайд 6



Слайд 7

Correlational approach



Correlational approach Prediction Independence

Слайд 8


Non-parallel access

Parallelism Non-parallel access (interference)

Слайд 9

Parallelism test

Single task

“Calculate MEAN”

MEAN report

Dual task

Observers should compute only one statistics


Parallelism test Single task “Calculate MEAN” MEAN report Dual task Observers should

MEAN report

RANGE report

Observers should compute both statistics

Слайд 10

Parallelism test



Parallelism test Prediction Access

Слайд 11

Experiment 1

Whether mean and numerosity can be calculated independently and in parallel?

Experiment 1 Whether mean and numerosity can be calculated independently and in parallel? N=23

Слайд 12


Baseline condition
2 blocks (MEAN or NUMEROSITY)

Both condition

Procedure Baseline condition 2 blocks (MEAN or NUMEROSITY) Both condition 1 block (MEAN+ NUMEROSITY)

Слайд 13


MEAN baseline

3 blocks




6 “variables”


MEAN reported first

NIMEROSITY reported first

NIMEROSITY reported second

MEAN reported

Design MEAN baseline 3 blocks MEAN NIMEROSITY BOTH 6 “variables” NIMEROSITY baseline

Слайд 14

Data analysis

(1) Correlation between mean errors of 6 variables (across observers)
(2) Trial-by-trial

Data analysis (1) Correlation between mean errors of 6 variables (across observers)
correlation between an error in the mean judgment and an error in the numerosity judgment (separately for each participants)
(3) Comparison of mean errors in baseline and both conditions




Слайд 15

Positive correlation between errors in reporting MEAN in different conditions

Reliable measure of

Positive correlation between errors in reporting MEAN in different conditions Reliable measure
MEAN calculation across conditions

Слайд 16

Positive correlation between errors in reporting NUMEROSITY in different conditions

Reliable measure of

Positive correlation between errors in reporting NUMEROSITY in different conditions Reliable measure
NUMEROSITY calculation across conditions

Слайд 17

No correlation between errors in reporting different statistics

Independence between MEAN and NUMEROSITY

No correlation between errors in reporting different statistics Independence between MEAN and NUMEROSITY calculations

Слайд 18

Individual correlations

Only one participant showed significant correlation between raw errors in both

Individual correlations Only one participant showed significant correlation between raw errors in

Independence between MEAN and NUMEROSITY calculations

Слайд 19

Average errors

No difference between mean errors in baseline condition and the first

Average errors No difference between mean errors in baseline condition and the
response in both condition (both for NIMEROSITY and MEAN).

Слайд 20


Mean and numerosity are calculated
independently and in parallel

Conclusion Mean and numerosity are calculated independently and in parallel

Слайд 21

Experiment 2

Whether mean and range can be calculated independently and in parallel?

Experiment 2 Whether mean and range can be calculated independently and in parallel? N=20

Слайд 22


Baseline condition
2 blocks (MEAN or RANGE)

Both condition
1 block (MEAN+ RANGE)

Procedure Baseline condition 2 blocks (MEAN or RANGE) Both condition 1 block (MEAN+ RANGE)

Слайд 23


MEAN baseline

3 blocks




6 “variables”

RANGE baseline

MEAN reported first

RANGE reported first

RANGE reported second

MEAN reported

Design MEAN baseline 3 blocks MEAN RANGE BOTH 6 “variables” RANGE baseline

Слайд 24

Positive correlation between errors in reporting MEAN in different conditions

Reliable measure of

Positive correlation between errors in reporting MEAN in different conditions Reliable measure
MEAN calculation across conditions

Слайд 25

Positive correlation between errors in reporting RANGE in different conditions

Reliable measure of

Positive correlation between errors in reporting RANGE in different conditions Reliable measure
RANGE calculation across conditions

Слайд 26

No correlation between errors in reporting different statistics

Independence between MEAN and RANGE

No correlation between errors in reporting different statistics Independence between MEAN and RANGE calculations

Слайд 27

Individual correlations

No one showed significant correlation between raw errors in both condition


Individual correlations No one showed significant correlation between raw errors in both
between MEAN and RANGE calculations

Слайд 28

Average errors

No difference between mean errors in baseline condition and the first

Average errors No difference between mean errors in baseline condition and the
response in both condition (both for RANGE and MEAN).

Слайд 29


Ensemble summary statistics (mean and numerosity, mean and range) are calculated

Conclusions Ensemble summary statistics (mean and numerosity, mean and range) are calculated independently and in parallel
and in parallel

Слайд 30

Conclusions (2)

Independent calculation of ensemble summary statistics means:
(1) Different summaries are calculated

Conclusions (2) Independent calculation of ensemble summary statistics means: (1) Different summaries
by different (partly non-overlapping) brain regions.
(2) The result of one calculation does not influence the result of the other calculation (unlike in mathematical statistics)

Слайд 31

For details and even one more experiment please read: Khvostov V.A., Utochkin I.

For details and even one more experiment please read: Khvostov V.A., Utochkin
S. Independent and parallel visual processing of ensemble statistics: Evidence from dual tasks // Journal of Vision. 2019. Vol. 19. No. 9. P. 1-18. doi:10.1167/19.9.3

Слайд 32

Thank you for being with me till the end of the first

Thank you for being with me till the end of the first part

Слайд 33

Confidence intervals in within-subject designs

*Based on Cousineau, 2005

Part #2

Confidence intervals in within-subject designs *Based on Cousineau, 2005 Part #2

Слайд 34

It is all from this 4-pages paper

It is all from this 4-pages paper

Слайд 35

The problem

Different subjects can perform very differently which increases a size of

The problem Different subjects can perform very differently which increases a size
error bars

Inconsistency between the results of ANOVA and the graph: ANOVA shows the effect, but the graph do not

Слайд 36

ANOVA results

an experiment with two factors, the first with two levels and

ANOVA results an experiment with two factors, the first with two levels
the second with 5 levels

Слайд 37

Results of the experiment

Error bars show the mean ± 1 standard error.

Results of the experiment Error bars show the mean ± 1 standard error.

Слайд 38

The individual results of the 16 participants

The first level of the

The individual results of the 16 participants The first level of the
first factor.

The second level of the first factor.

Слайд 39

The solution of the problem


Y =




results of the participant in a particular

The solution of the problem the participant mean Y = _ +

Слайд 40

Example of calculations




605 – 635 +635

635 – 635 +635

655 – 635 +635


Example of calculations 550–580+635=605 580–580+635=635 610–580+635=665 605 – 635 +635 635 –
– 690 +635

690 – 690 +635

710 – 690 +635

Слайд 41

The individual results of the 16 participants after the individual differences were

The individual results of the 16 participants after the individual differences were

The first level of the first factor.

The second level of the first factor.

Participants mean

Overall mean

Слайд 42

The graph after the individual differences were removed

Error bars show the mean

The graph after the individual differences were removed Error bars show the
± 1 standard error.

Слайд 43

NOTE: Y is only useful for graphing
purposes; for the analyses, continue to

NOTE: Y is only useful for graphing purposes; for the analyses, continue
use the original data.


Y =




results of the participant in particular condition

Слайд 44

Example from real life

Error bars show SEM.

Example from real life Error bars show SEM.

Слайд 45

Example from real life

Error bars show SEM.

Example from real life Error bars show SEM.
Имя файла: Independent-and-parallel-visual-processing-of-ensemble-statistics:-Evidence-from-dual-tasks.pptx
Количество просмотров: 61
Количество скачиваний: 0