The healthcare system in Russia

Слайд 2

Healthcare is a branch of the state's activity, the purpose of which

Healthcare is a branch of the state's activity, the purpose of which
is to organize and provide affordable medical care to the population, to preserve and improve their level of health.

Слайд 3

The priority structural element of the healthcare system is the preventive activity

The priority structural element of the healthcare system is the preventive activity
of medical workers, the development of medical and social activity and attitudes to a healthy lifestyle among various population groups.
The main direction in the development and improvement of healthcare is the protection of motherhood and childhood, the creation of optimal socio-economic, legal and medico-social conditions for strengthening the health of women and children, family planning, solving medical and demographic problems.
In the healthcare system of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to provide services that are responsive to the needs of people and based on the principles of justice and the preservation of human dignity.

Слайд 4


The healthcare system is a set of interrelated activities that promote health

private The healthcare system is a set of interrelated activities that promote
and are carried out at home, in educational institutions, in the workplace, in the physical and psychosocial environment, as well as in the health sector.

Слайд 5

THE MAIN TYPES OF medical and preventive institutions:
Hospital facilities
Polyclinic institutions
Ambulance and Emergency

THE MAIN TYPES OF medical and preventive institutions: Hospital facilities Dispensaries Polyclinic
Care Stations (SSMP)
Maternity and child protection institutions
Sanatorium-type institutions

Слайд 6

The main types of medical and preventive institutions

To provide medical care to

The main types of medical and preventive institutions To provide medical care
the population in our country, a wide network of various medical and preventive institutions has been created
Hospital facilities (city hospitals, emergency medical services, hospitals for war veterans, etc.) are designed to treat patients in a hospital (from the Latin stationarius - stationary).
Classification of hospitals:
City, including children's hospital
City Ambulance Station
Central (city, district) hospital
Regional, including children's (regional, republican, district)

Слайд 7

Hospital institutions may have a polyclinic (outpatient clinic) in their composition

Types of

Hospital institutions may have a polyclinic (outpatient clinic) in their composition Types

Monoprophilic, intended for the treatment of patients with any one disease (for example, tuberculosis)

Multidisciplinary,which includes various departments (therapeutic, surgical, neurological, etc.)

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