Слайд 2[ou]
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
not worth noticing.
Слайд 3[o]
Mr. Knox keeps his socks
In a pale pink chocolate box -
Orange socks
spots and clocks.
Слайд 4[o:]
For her thin Lord.
Bill had a billboard.
Bill also had a board bill.
board bill bored Bill,
So Bill sold his billboard
And paid his board bill.
Слайд 7[ju:]
music, student, pupil, unit, tube, cube, huge, mute, duty
Слайд 8[Ʌ]
Ducks run but can't bark.
Слайд 9[3:]
A Persian person purchased a perfect purple purse on purpose.
Слайд 13[ai]
Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willy?
Why, Willy?
Слайд 14[i]
I am sorry.
My doggy.
It’s a pity!
Silly Billy.