- 2. The stereotype: culture in USA = TY+sports But! + theatre + cinema+museums +pop/country/roc festivals+ etc... These
- 3. The government support is very little Promotion of arts is through private and commerical funding
- 4. America is “melting pot” of languages and cultures. The artists try to create their own style.
- 5. Museum Tour: Metropolitan,
- 25. The main trend of American arts is innovations in everything
- 26. They invented:
- 27. Abstract expressionism
- 32. Mixed media
- 33. Pop art
- 35. Op art
- 36. Ragtime
- 37. Blues
- 38. Jazz
- 39. Country-western music
- 40. The musical
- 45. Rock music
- 46. Mordern dance
- 47. Hollywood films...
- 50. ...What is next?
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