Слайд 2Methods of physiotherapy in which a high-frequency current is used

Слайд 3Darsonvalization
Method of electrotherapy, which is based on application of alternating current

of high-frequency, high tension and small strength of current
Frequency - 160-400 kHz
Tension - 10-100 kW
Strength of current - 10-15 mA
Слайд 4Darsonvalization
Operating factors:
quiet electric digit (discharge)
sparking electric digit
A leading effect is an

Слайд 5Darsonvalization
Therapeutic effects:
vessels tone is normalized
vein stagnation diminishes
tissues trofic gets better

and bacteriostatical actions increases
anaesthetic effects is activated
Слайд 6Darsonvalization
skins trofic violation, hairs fall;
parodontosis, gingivitis, glosalgia;
vasomotorial rinitis, the

Reino illness, initial stage of obliterial endarteriitis;
varicose veins, haemorrhoidal veins dilated;
paraestesia, migraine;
wounds which heal over slowly.
Слайд 7Darsonvalization
acute infectious diseases;
pregnancy on the second half;
infarct myocardium (to 6 months);

sensitivity of current.
Слайд 8Darsonvalization
Vacuum glass electrods

Слайд 9Ultratontherapy
Application alternating sinusoidic current of high-frequency, high tension with initial power

to 10 WT with the medical purpose
Frequency - by 22 kHz
Tension - 4-5 kW
Слайд 10Ultratontherapy
Operating factor:
quiet electric digit
A leading effect is thermal

Слайд 11Ultratontherapy
acute and chronic inflammatory processes in a nonactive phase;
pain syndromes

(except for contra-indications);
scars, solders.
Слайд 12Ultratontherapy
The same as for darsonvalization

Слайд 13Differences between darsonvalization and ultratontherapy

Слайд 14Differences between darsonvalization and ultratontherapy

Слайд 15Differences between darsonvalization and ultratontherapy

Слайд 16Inductotermia
inductio is mean to product;
therme – warmly
It is

high-frequency variable magnetic field action, which caused warmly production in tissues
Frequency - 13,56 mHz
Слайд 17Inductotermia
A leading effect is thermal
Q ═ K∙f2 ∙H2 ∙g
Q – is

amount of heat;
K – is the coefficient of proportion;
f – is frequency of current;
H – is tension;
g – is specific conductivity
Слайд 18Inductotermia
acute and chronic inflammatory diseases
breaks of bones

Слайд 19Inductotermia
purulent processes
during 6 months after infarct myocardium
presence of electrostimulators or metallic

object in the field of inductor localization
Слайд 20Inductotermia
Inductor-disc, Inductor-cabel

Слайд 21Inductotermia
General (inductopyrrexia)

Слайд 22UHF-Inductotermia
Influence by the magnetic field of ultra high frequency on

patients tissues
Frequency - 40,68 Mhz.
The ЕВС-1 Electrode is an inductor with the adjusted contour.
Слайд 23UHF-Inductotermia
Acute and sub-acute inflammatory diseases, especially, in the face area

(antritis, otitis, neuritis of facial nerve)
Слайд 24UHF-Inductotermia
The same as for inductotermia

Слайд 25UHF-therapy
Influence by the variable electric field (in a less measure magnetic)

of ultrahigh frequency on the patients organism
A leading effect is an oscillator
Frequency - 40,68 Mhz
Слайд 26UHF-therapy
Basic effects:
activates formation of connecting tissue;
activates fagocitosis;
diminishes the tissues edema;
extends vessels;

the metabolism;
diminishes pain;
multiplies the Са++ level in a blood;
takes off the musculature spasm.
Слайд 27UHF-therapy
Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of internal organs which

are accompanied by the edema
Слайд 28UHF-therapy
processes which are accompanied by grow up of connecting tissues

(chronic inflammatory processes, pneumosclerosis, pneumofibrosis and other)
ischemia of the heart with rhythm violation
presence of electrostimulators or metallic object in the field of plates localization
Слайд 29UHF-therapy
Apparats classification after its initial power :
small power (to 5W) is

the ENT apparat (for ENT-organs diseases treatment, panariciy);
middle power (60-80W) are the UHF -30, UHF -62, UHF -66 apparats(for treatment of thorax, abdominal organs, medium-sized joints diseases);
large power (350W) are the UHF -300, "Экран-1", "Экран-2" apparats (for treatment of big sized joints diseases)
It is necessary to specify the apparatus trade-mark at procedure setting
Слайд 30Differences between inductotermia
and UHF -therapy

Слайд 31Differences between inductotermia
and UHF -therapy

Слайд 32Microwave therapy
Method of electrotherapy, which is based on influencing of high-frequency

electromagnetic vibrations with a wave-length from 1 mm to 1 m
Frequency - 300-30000 mHz
Слайд 33Microwave therapy
joints degenerative-distrophy diseases of extremities and spine
chronic and

subacute inflammatory processes
stomach ulcerous illness without propensity to bleeding
obliterial diseases of extremities vessels
infiltrate after operation
Слайд 34Microwave therapy
tissues edema, caused by local disorders of blood circulation

objects in tissues
infarct myocardium and state during 6 months after
not more than 2 weeks after the renthentherapy course
Слайд 35Differences between DMW, SMW and THF therapies

Слайд 36Differences between DMW, SMW and THF therapies

Слайд 37Differences between DMW, SMW and THF therapies

Слайд 38Differences between DMW, SMW and THF therapies

Слайд 39Differences between DMW, SMW and THF therapies