
Слайд 2


Belarus is a state in Eastern Europe with a population of about

Belarus Belarus is a state in Eastern Europe with a population of
9 million people. There are many small towns, villages, and 6 large cities in Belarus. Minsk (capital), Vitebsk, Brest, Gomel, Mogilev and Grodno. The languages spoken in Belarus are Russian and Belarusian, and the currency used is the Belarusian ruble. I like living here, I like the culture and traditions of this country, I like the local people and their mentality. Also, it's very nice and clean.

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Geography and Climate

Belarus is located in Eastern Europe and is the largest

Geography and Climate Belarus is located in Eastern Europe and is the
landlocked state in Europe. Belarus borders on Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland and Latvia. The territory itself does not have mountains and has rare hills, otherwise it is mostly flat. Belarus has a temperate continental climate, with wet winters, warm summers and wet autumns. The average temperature in winter is from -5 to -9 degrees, and in summer from +17 to +20 degrees. Climate conditions are favorable for growing grain, vegetables, fruits, shrubs, herbs and flax.

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Geography and Climate

Geography and Climate

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Nature in Belarus is beautiful and unique. Here you can find many

Nature Nature in Belarus is beautiful and unique. Here you can find
rare species of plants and animals, beautiful forests, lakes and rivers. The nature of Belarus can delight and amaze more and more every day, literally behind every tree you can find a beautiful and bright meadow that will be remembered for a long time.

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Flora in Belarus is very diverse. In the forest you can find

Flora Flora in Belarus is very diverse. In the forest you can
various coniferous, small-leaved and broad-leaved trees, flowering and shrub plants. In the swamps you can find woody, reed and herbaceous plants, as well as moss. And in the meadows and glades there are cereals and legumes, as well as clover.

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There are many wild animals in Belarus. The most iconic of the

Fauna There are many wild animals in Belarus. The most iconic of
mammals are: bison, roe deer, elk, beaver, viper and badger. All of them are mainly found in the depths of the forest and nature reserves. There are also more than three hundred species of birds, such as: white stork, goldfinch, spotted eagle, capercaillie, owl and others. Even in Belarus there are at least twelve species of amphibians, mainly toads, frogs and newts. There are also reptiles, among which are mainly snakes, turtles and lizards. About fifty species of fish swim in the waters, some of them are rare, mostly all fish are not large in size. And there are a lot of insects in Belarus, both harmful and useful.

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9.2 million people live on the territory of Belarus, about 130 different

Population 9.2 million people live on the territory of Belarus, about 130
peoples, of which the majority are Belarusians - 85%, followed by Russians - 7.5%, then Poles - 3%, and Ukrainians - 2%. Despite the fact that each nation has its own traditions and principles, they respect and honor the traditions of Belarus and the Belarusian people. Everyone treats each other with respect and kindness.

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The name

The name Belarus has come from a long time ago, when

The name The name Belarus has come from a long time ago,
it was called "Belaya Rus". This name was given to it by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, in the 17th century, when he occupied these territories. In this case, the word “belaya" means "legal". But over time, this name became a symbol of independence and residents who had blond hair and wore white clothes.

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National flag and its colors

The national flag of Belarus consists of two

National flag and its colors The national flag of Belarus consists of
colors and a red and white ornament.Green is a symbol of goodness, prosperity and peace.Red is a symbol of brotherhood, victory and a happy life.The ornament glorifies the industriousness and skill of the Belarusian people.

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National flag and its colors

National flag and its colors

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Prominent People

1. Yanka Kupala is a writer, poet, translator, publicist, classic of

Prominent People 1. Yanka Kupala is a writer, poet, translator, publicist, classic
Belarusian literature.
2. Yakub Kolas is a writer, poet, translator, playwright, founder and classic of new Belarusian literature.
3. Vasil Bykov - writer, public figure, participant in the Great Patriotic War, member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.
4. Kondrat Krapiva is a writer, poet, playwright, translator, literary critic, satirist, public figure, Doctor of Philology.
5. Vladimir Karatkevich is a writer, poet, publicist, playwright, translator, screenwriter, classic of Belarusian literature.
6. Yanka Mavr is a writer, translator, playwright, one of the founders of Belarusian children's literature, the founder of the scientific, educational and adventure genre.

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Prominent People

Prominent People

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Prominent People

1. Euphrosyne of Polotsk, a princess, helped the poor, built churches

Prominent People 1. Euphrosyne of Polotsk, a princess, helped the poor, built
all over Belarus.
2. Kirill Turovsky - theologian, church figure, writer, preacher.
3. Франциск Скорина – белорусский первопечатник, перевёл Библию на белорусский язык.
4. Francysk Skaryna - Belarusian first printer, translated the Bible into Belarusian.
5. Pavel Sukhoi is an inventor, aircraft designer, one of the creators of jet and supersonic aviation.
6. Mikhail Vysotsky is a scientist and designer, under whose leadership you create the best MAZ cars.

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Prominent People

Prominent People

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The original artistic culture of Belarus has been formed over the centuries.

Сulture The original artistic culture of Belarus has been formed over the
For centuries, the richest spiritual values glorifying the moral essence of man have been passed on from generation to generation. They contain high ideals of goodness and justice, respect for others, a resolute rejection of evil and violence. Throughout history, our country has been glorified and continues to be glorified by original architectural and artistic schools, unique works of music and literature.

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1. Mir Castle 2. Brest Fortress 3. Nesvizh Castle
4. Borisoglebskaya church

Attractions 1. Mir Castle 2. Brest Fortress 3. Nesvizh Castle 4. Borisoglebskaya
5. Tower of Kamyenyets 6. Mound of Glory

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1. Khatyn 2. Ruzhany Palace 3. National Library
4. Bialowieza Forest 5.

Attractions 1. Khatyn 2. Ruzhany Palace 3. National Library 4. Bialowieza Forest
Naliboki Forest 6. Trinity Church

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Belarusian culture is one of the oldest European cultures. The traditions and

Traditions Belarusian culture is one of the oldest European cultures. The traditions
customs of the Belarusian people have been preserved by such holidays as: Kolyada, Kupalle, Shrovetide, Dozhinki. In each of them, elements of ancient religions are noticeable. The traditions of the Belarusian people are rooted far into the past. Here, the paganism of ancient ancestors is closely intertwined with Christian belief. This is clearly represented in interesting traditions and holidays.

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1. Kolyada 2. Kupalle
3. Shrovetide 4. Dozhinki

Традиции 1. Kolyada 2. Kupalle 3. Shrovetide 4. Dozhinki
Имя файла: Belarus.pptx
Количество просмотров: 47
Количество скачиваний: 2