Capital punishment


Слайд 2

The ultimate penalty is death (capital punishment). It is carried out by

The ultimate penalty is death (capital punishment). It is carried out by
hanging (Kenya, for example); electrocution, gassing or lethal injection (U.S.); beheading or stoning (Saudi Arabia); or shooting (China).

Слайд 3

Although most countries still have a death penalty, 62 (including almost every

Although most countries still have a death penalty, 62 (including almost every
European nation) have abolished it; 18 retain it only for exceptional crimes such as wartime offences; and 27 no longer carry out executions even when a death sentence has been passed.

Слайд 4

In other words, almost half the countries of the world have ceased

In other words, almost half the countries of the world have ceased
to use the death penalty. The UN has declared itself in favour of abolition, Amnesty International actively campaigns for abolition, and the issue is now the focus of great debate.

Слайд 5

Today’s world can be divided into many parts – it depends on

Today’s world can be divided into many parts – it depends on
which criteria on we use to make this division: economics, population, political systems and so on. In terms of attitudes towards capital punishment, there are usually two sides: pro and con

Слайд 6

Just like birth, death is the supreme mystery of our lives, and

Just like birth, death is the supreme mystery of our lives, and
no violence must interfere with this natural process: we come into this world and leave it according to rules that were created before man.

Слайд 7

Secondly, the point concerning the understanding of what the real punishment is.

Secondly, the point concerning the understanding of what the real punishment is.
Do you really think that to deprive a criminal of the right to continue to live is what we need? When he is dead, nothing bothers him anymore; so what does the punishment consist of? On the other hand, to condemn a criminal to life imprisonment is the best way to punish him, especially in our country, where conditions of existence in prisons are far from normal.

Слайд 8

Just imagine for a minute a tiny cell where people, as ants

Just imagine for a minute a tiny cell where people, as ants
in an ant hill, have to live near each other every day, every minute, every second. Where tomorrow nothing will change and you can be sure that in 10 years everything there will be the same. Boredom and predictability are two things capable of driving everybody mad. There are two feelings we always try to escape from, hence, we have lots of invented tricks to amuse ourselves to make life a bit more interesting.

Слайд 9

Even dogs can’t live in a cage, because iron bars contradict their

Even dogs can’t live in a cage, because iron bars contradict their
nature. Animals usually get sick and finally die. Man is, of course, stronger than animals, but dozens of years spent in a closed space will destroy the most healthy person, and this slow destruction will be a thousand times more terrible than a quick death with a gun shot or an electric chair.

Слайд 10

Supporters of capital punishment believe that death is a just punishment for

Supporters of capital punishment believe that death is a just punishment for
certain serious crimes. Many also believe that it deters others from committing such crimes.

Слайд 11

There are many atheists, but , at the same time, we still

There are many atheists, but , at the same time, we still
have lots of believers, and one of the major principles of all religions is the prohibition killing people. Whatever a criminal did, normal and civilized people must never resemble him/her and play the same game as he/she does. If we do, there will be no difference between us and the man on the dock; and the need for courts would be eliminated.

Слайд 12

Opponents argue that execution is cruel and uncivilized. Capital punishment involves not

Opponents argue that execution is cruel and uncivilized. Capital punishment involves not
only the pain of dying (James Autry took ten minutes to die of lethal injection in Texas, 1984) but also the mental anguish of waiting, sometimes for years, to know if and when the sentence will be carried out. Opponents also argue that there is no evidence that it deters people from committing murder any more than imprisonment does.

Слайд 13

A further argument is that, should a mistake be made, it is

A further argument is that, should a mistake be made, it is
too late to rectify it once the execution has taken place. Two academics published a study showing that 28 innocent people had been executed in the United States. Research has shown that capital punishment is used inconsistently.

Слайд 14

During a crime wave in China in the 1980s , cities were

During a crime wave in China in the 1980s , cities were
given a quota of executions to meet; in a city where there weren’t very many murders, people convicted of lesser crimes were more likely to be executed. In addition, while in some countries young people are not sent to prison but to special juvenile detention centers, in Nigeria, Iran, Iraq, Bangladesh, Barbados and the United States children under 18 have been legally put to death.

Слайд 15

According to Voltaire, “When there is no other way to rescue the

According to Voltaire, “When there is no other way to rescue the
lives of many people, the criminal should be destroyed physically”
The death penalty is not revenge practiced on the criminal, but punishment for a serious evil.

Слайд 16

When the Bible describes the Fall of Man, it describes in fact

When the Bible describes the Fall of Man, it describes in fact
the beginning of death penalty. Because man, created for eternal life, for immortality, broke the will of God.

Слайд 17

If the death penalty is cancelled, there will be no difference to

If the death penalty is cancelled, there will be no difference to
the gangster how many people he may kill. He can kill until he is caught. He can also kill those who catch and judge him. And such criminals have established their “law” in Russia.

Слайд 18

As the debate about capital punishment countries, the phenomenon of death row

As the debate about capital punishment countries, the phenomenon of death row
(people sentenced but still alive) increases. The debate also involves the question of what punishment is for. Is the main aim to deter? This was certainly the case in the 18th century England when the penalty for theft was supposed to frighten people from stealing and compensate for inabilities to detect and catch thieves.

Слайд 19

Is death penalty revenge or retribution? Is it to keep criminals out

Is death penalty revenge or retribution? Is it to keep criminals out
of society? Or is it to reform and rehabilitate them?

Слайд 20

What is capital punishment?
In what way can capital punishment be carried out?

What is capital punishment? In what way can capital punishment be carried
all countries in the world use the death penalty?
Death is a just punishment, isn’t?
Is it true that capital punishment deters people from committing serious crimes?
Who considers the death penalty to be cruel and uncivilized?
Is there any evidence that ultimate penalty deters people from committing murder more then imprisonment does?
Do you think death penalty is revenge practiced on criminal or punishment for serious evil?
What are the major principles of all religions?

1. Answer the questions

Слайд 21

The UN has declared itself in favour of …
Amnesty International actively

The UN has declared itself in favour of … Amnesty International actively
campaigns for …
Supporters of capital punishment believe that death is…
Many people believe that death penalty deters others from…
Capital punishment involves not only the pain of dying but also…
Opponents argue that there is no evidence that ultimate penalty deters people from…
A further argument is that, a mistake should be made, it is too late to …
As the debate about capital punishment countries, the phenomenon of…

2. Complete the sentences with the phrases from the text

Слайд 22

…. of the world have ceased to use the death penalty.
… believe

…. of the world have ceased to use the death penalty. …
that death is a just punishment for certain serious crimes.
… argue that execution is cruel and uncivilized
… it is too late to rectify it once the execution has taken place.
…also argue that there is no evidence that it deters people from committing murder any more than imprisonment does
… continues, the phenomenon of death row increases.
…is not revenge practiced on the criminal, but punishment for a serious evil.

3. Find the beginning of the sentences in the text

Слайд 23

высшая мера наказания
смертная казнь
закидывание камнями
отсечение головы

4. Match the left and the right


повешение высшая мера наказания смертная казнь закидывание камнями расстрел отсечение головы 4.
death penalty
capital punishment

Слайд 24 punishment

5. Match the word and punishment 2.opponent 3.supporter 4.abolition 5.execution 6.electrocution 5. Match the word and

is someone who disagrees with something and tries to change or stop it.
the official end to a law.
killing of someone with electricity
the act of killing a person as a punishment for a crime.
someone who supports a particular idea
the death penalty, killing a person by judicial process as a punishment for an offense.

Слайд 25

The president's former adviser is now one of his outspoken ______

The president's former adviser is now one of his outspoken ______ His
___ claim that the charges against him are politically motivated
There have been no ___ in this state for almost 15 years
Sometimes capital punishment is carried out in U.S. by _____
Amnesty International actively campaigns for ___ of the death penalty
There is no evidence that ___ deters people from committing murder any more.
(abolition, capital punishment, electrocution, execution, opponents, supporters)

6. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with one of the appropriate words.

Слайд 26

The ultimate penalty is…
community service
Almost half the countries of the world have

The ultimate penalty is… community service imprisonment death Almost half the countries
ceased to use the…
death penalty
suspended prison sentences
lifetime imprisonment
Supporters of capital punishment believe that death is a just punishment for…
certain serious crime
bank robbery

7. Using the information from the texr choose the right answer

Слайд 27

Opponents argue that execution is…
a) the best way to punish guilty

Opponents argue that execution is… a) the best way to punish guilty
b) a just punishment for serious crimes
c) cruel and uncivilized
There is no evidence that death penalty deters people from …
a) committing murder
b) drug trafficking
c) money laundering

8. Using the information from the text choose the right answer

Слайд 28

The ultimate penalty is death.
Capital punishment involves the pain of dying.
The UN

The ultimate penalty is death. Capital punishment involves the pain of dying.
has declared itself in favour of abolition.
Research has shown that capital punishment is used inconsistently.
Opponents believe that execution is cruel and uncivilized.
Even dogs can’t live in the cage, because iron bars contradict their nature.

9. Ask question to which the underlined information will provide answers

Слайд 29

1. capital punishment высшая мера наказания
2. electrocution электрический стул
3. gassing газовая камера

1. capital punishment высшая мера наказания 2. electrocution электрический стул 3. gassing
lethal injection летальная инъекция
5. beheading отсечение головы
6. stoning забрасывание камнями
7. shooting расстрел
8. to abolish отменять
9. money laundering отмывание денег

Essential vocabulary:

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