Слайд 3Water
a colourless, transparent, odourless, liquid which forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and

rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms; one of the four elements in ancient and medieval philosophy and in astrology (considered essential to the nature of the signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces):[as modifier] :a water sign .
(the water) a stretch or area of water, such as a river, sea, or lake: the lawns ran down to the water's edge.
Слайд 4In the world mythology water
participates in the beginning and in

the end of the creation of the world;
expresses the principle of universal and perpetual motion;
is interpreted as another form of objective reality (borderline rivers Acheron, Styx, Lethe)
Слайд 5Water in Christian interpretation is
a form of moral cleansing of Israelites (in

the Old Testament);
the image of secretive cleansing of sins and spiritual rebirth to the new pious life (in the New Testament).
* ‘To be in deep water’ means ‘to suffer’;
* troubled sea signifies a riot of the profane.
Слайд 6According to Gachev G.D.
The English Cosmos can be described in the language

of four elements:
and the element of water is the most important .
Слайд 7“Bleak House”.
Ceaseless rain in the estate of the Deadlock associates with the

end of the world and the Deluge(the biblical Flood);
Слайд 8Fog is
a symbol of uncertainty and an emblem of the

power which confuses and hides the truth from the observer;
a sign of the beyond powers in various mystical doctrines.
Слайд 9“Dombey and Son”.
The river
is a motion of human life, the flow

of Time;
opposes the world of false values;
has the meaning of the river Lethe for Paul Dombey.
Слайд 10“Little Dorrit”.
The river
imports movement, freedom and life;
gets a new shade

of meaning , close to the symbol of prison.
Слайд 11“Our Mutual Friend”.
The river is connected with ideas
of the flowing

of Time
of freedom
of Christian ideals: ‘requital and duty’.
Слайд 12“David Copperfield”.
The tempest is
a symbol of the nascent world;
a symbol of

death and rebirth for Ham Peggoti;
a symbol of punishment to Steerforth.