Слайд 2Great influence on him while growing up in child rearing children. So

a little more attention should be paid to the education of the child. Not only woman in the raising of children, the father's role.
Слайд 3It is important to pay attention to children is behavior
Everyone should care

about the health of children.
Each of the parents should not allow her to play dangerous games, because they might hurt their bodies. If someone felt the pain in his childhood this pain would bring serious influence on his future life.
Слайд 4Children - not so easy. they should be given a lot of

your time, if you want them to be intelligent and obedient. their upbringing and character affects them when they grow up. so we need to give them time.
Слайд 5Person is character which he get from his parents in childhood, will

identify his future life by whom he will become in the future. That why we must take into account children is temper and their upbringing. We must bbring them up in the right way. We must raise them to respect elders to believe in god to be true and honest and not to be lie, to express their thoughts rightly.