Law Enforcement


Слайд 2


Main Body
A) Drugs
B) Cultivation and production
C) Drug-trafficking

Outline Introduction Theory Main Body A) Drugs B) Cultivation and production C)
in Kazakhstan
D) Legislation
E) Law enforcement efforts
F) Policy Initiatives
G) Ways to solve the problem

Слайд 4

Principles of legality
Legality – state and legal general principle acted in all

Principles of legality Legality – state and legal general principle acted in
spheres of state and public life – is the main principle of all law branches.

Слайд 5

Law enforcement bodies of the RK

Prosecuting Council
State Investigation Committee
Internal Affairs bodies
Bar Association

Law enforcement bodies of the RK Prosecuting Council State Investigation Committee Internal
Juridical Consultations

Слайд 6

Brief Introduction to Drugs

Brief Introduction to Drugs

Слайд 7

Conception of Drugs

“Drugs are chemical compounds that modify the way the body

Conception of Drugs “Drugs are chemical compounds that modify the way the
and mind work” Alfred Burger

Слайд 8

Types of Drugs



Слайд 9


They increase the activity of the central nervous system
Examples: Alkyl NitritesAlkyl

STIMULANTS... They increase the activity of the central nervous system Examples: Alkyl
Nitrites, AmphetaminesAlkyl Nitrites, Amphetamines, Anabolic SteroidsAlkyl Nitrites, Amphetamines, Anabolic Steroids, Cocaine & CrackAlkyl Nitrites, Amphetamines, Anabolic Steroids, Cocaine & Crack, CaffeineAlkyl Nitrites, Amphetamines, Anabolic Steroids, Cocaine & Crack, Caffeine, EcstasyAlkyl Nitrites, Amphetamines, Anabolic Steroids, Cocaine & Crack, Caffeine, Ecstasy and Tobacco

Слайд 10


They reduce the activity of the central nervous system
Examples: AlcoholAlcohol, BarbituratesAlcohol,

DEPRESSANTS... They reduce the activity of the central nervous system Examples: AlcoholAlcohol,
Barbiturates, BenzodiazepinesAlcohol, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, HeroinAlcohol, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Heroin and Solvents

Слайд 11


They alter perceptions of reality and may result in hallucinations
Examples: LSDLSD,

HALLUCINOGENS... They alter perceptions of reality and may result in hallucinations Examples:
CannabisLSD, Cannabis and Magic Mushrooms

Слайд 13

Harm Rating

Harm Rating

Слайд 14

Cultivation and production

Cultivation of opium poppy, cannabis, and ephedra is illegal

Cultivation and production Cultivation of opium poppy, cannabis, and ephedra is illegal
in Kazakhstan, but cultivation of all three continues. MVD officials report that seventy percent of all illicit opium poppy is grown in southern

Слайд 15

Chu valley

Domestic production of illicit drugs in Kazakhstan consists primarily of cannabis

Chu valley Domestic production of illicit drugs in Kazakhstan consists primarily of
products from the Chu Valley. Chu valley marijuana and hashish is regarded in Russian markets as a high quality product.

Small amounts are grown in the
Almaty city
region, Kyzl-Orda and south
Kazakhstan districts.

Слайд 16

The Chymkent pharmaceutical factory, the only such plant in the NIS, has

The Chymkent pharmaceutical factory, the only such plant in the NIS, has
the capability to produce five to eight types of opiates for legal use, including morphine, codeine, promedol, thebaine, and ethyl-morphine.

Слайд 19

Promedol & Thebaine

Promedol & Thebaine

Слайд 20



Слайд 21

The illegal drug trade is a global black market consisting of the

Drug-trafficking The illegal drug trade is a global black market consisting of
cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of illegal drugs.
12,298 drug-related crimes (September 1996)
138,000 hectares of cannabis and also a considerable amount of ephedrine grow wild in Kazakhstan's southern Chu Valley

Слайд 23

Kazakhstan as a major transit route
UNODCCP – United Nations Office of

Kazakhstan as a major transit route UNODCCP – United Nations Office of
Drug Control and Crime Prevention

NGO – Non-governmental Organization
1988 UN Drug Convention

Слайд 24


Статья 259. Незаконные изготовление, переработка, приобретение, хранение,

ПРЕСТУПЛЕНИЯ ПРОТИВ ЗДОРОВЬЯ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ И НРАВСТВЕННОСТИ Статья 259. Незаконные изготовление, переработка, приобретение,
перевозка, пересылка либо сбыт наркотических средств или психотропных веществ
1. Незаконные приобретение, перевозка или хранение без цели сбыта наркотических средств или психотропных веществ в крупном размере - наказываются штрафом в размере от десяти до двухсот сорока часов, либо тысяч месячных расчетных показателей, либо привлечением к общественным работам на срок от шестидесяти исправительными работами до двух лет, либо лишением свободы до трех лет.

Слайд 25


Закон Республики Казахстан от 10 июля 1998 года № 279-I

Legislation Закон Республики Казахстан от 10 июля 1998 года № 279-I О
наркотических средствах, психотропных веществах, прекурсорах и мерах противодействия их незаконному обороту и злоупотреблению ими
(с изменениями и дополнениями по состоянию на 29.12.2006 г.)
“Правоохранительные системы по сбору, анализу и обмену оперативной и иной информацией в сфере борьбы с наркотиками” adopted by UN to Central Asian counties

Слайд 26

Methods of law implementation

Policy Initiatives
Law Enforcement Efforts
Agreements and Treaties
Domestic Programs

Methods of law implementation Policy Initiatives Law Enforcement Efforts Agreements and Treaties Domestic Programs

Слайд 27

Law enforcement efforts

In October 2006, Almaty city KNB Department burned 67 kg

Law enforcement efforts In October 2006, Almaty city KNB Department burned 67
of heroin and 217 kg of opium in front of TV cameras. According to Kazakh authorities, the packages of heroin were stamped with a sign "999" showing that it was produced in Afghanistan and was of the highest quality.

a senior officer of the Department of Internal Affairs (DVD) of Zhambulskaya oblast (southern Kazakhstan) was sentenced to 10 years in prison. The officer, a police major, dealt drugs; he used his position to charge drug addicts a price three times higher than the street rate. One drug addict who had to pay 4,000 tenge ($32) for 1.5 grams of heroin reported the Major to the KNB.

Слайд 28

Law enforcement efforts

In the first 10 months of 2006, the KNB detected

Law enforcement efforts In the first 10 months of 2006, the KNB
and eliminated 20 international drug distribution and transit networks and 8 criminal rings, instituted criminal proceedings against 135 people, and claimed to have seized over 800 kg of opium and heroin.

Слайд 29

Law enforcement efforts

From September 21 to October 1, MVD officers detected 577

Law enforcement efforts From September 21 to October 1, MVD officers detected
incidents of drug use, seized over two tons of drug substances (including 4 kg of heroin), and discovered 154 drug sales.

Слайд 30

Policy Initiatives
Major Stumbling Blocks to an effective counter narcotics campaign:
Poor coordination among

Policy Initiatives Major Stumbling Blocks to an effective counter narcotics campaign: Poor
GOK law enforcement agencies
Absence of a national drug strategy
Inadequate funding
Lack of equipment

Слайд 31

In January 1996, GOK created a State Drug Enforcement Committee, chaired by

In January 1996, GOK created a State Drug Enforcement Committee, chaired by
the Prime Minister, to establish national drug policy and coordinate drug enforcement.
In recognition of this deficiency, The deputy Prime Minister has proposed that the GOK establishes and funds a new agency for implementing a national drug policy.

Слайд 32

Ways to solve the problem

Local approach
concentrated on drug trafficking only in

Ways to solve the problem Local approach concentrated on drug trafficking only
the narrow meaning.

Western approach
social aspects as part of the whole

Слайд 33

Actions need to take against corruption

salaries of law enforcement bodies

Actions need to take against corruption salaries of law enforcement bodies of
the people responsible for controlling drugs.
implement anti-drugs programmes and strategies along with the law enforcement agencies

Слайд 34

In conclusion it can be said that the proportion of seized

In conclusion it can be said that the proportion of seized drug
drug and their use shows that the government has not yet won the war against drug related corruption. A conclusion presents itself: it is impossible to expect any changes in combating drug trafficking until there is a reliable covering force in place against drug-related corruption.


Слайд 35

Registered drug-related crimes in the RK(2008)

Registered drug-related crimes in the RK(2008)

Слайд 36

Illegal turnover of drugs

Illegal turnover of drugs

Слайд 37

Persons put on medical list as drug users in the RK (2008)

Persons put on medical list as drug users in the RK (2008)

Слайд 38

Heroin use in the RK (2007, 2008)

Heroin use in the RK (2007, 2008)
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