- 2. Four European nations rivaled in that overseas expansion : Spain the Netherlands France England.
- 3. Christopher Columbus: set out from Spain, on August 3, 1492 and landed on one of the
- 4. John Smith, 1580-1631. Description of New England (1916): "here nature and liberty affords us that freely,
- 5. the first book on America /1608 A true relation of such occurrences and accidents of note
- 6. the southern soil / Virginia / did not prove favorable to literary growth "I thank God
- 7. PILGRIMS AND PURITANS The Pilgrims were a congregation of "Separatists" or non-conformists who determined "as pilgrims"
- 8. they established "not an agricultural community, nor a manufacturing community, nor a trading community; it was
- 9. very strict ideas a person by nature was wholly sinful and could achieve good only by
- 10. The earliest literary efforts among the New England colonists were historical land narrative writings, some in
- 11. William Bradford 1590-1657 Father of American history governor of Plymouth History of the Plimoth Plantation
- 12. Early Puritan Poetry The first English book printed in America - The Whole Book of Psalms,
- 13. Anne Bradstreet, 1613-72 "the Tenth Muse lately sprung up in America." 1650, the first volume of
- 14. Contemplations "I heard the merry grasshopper then sing, The black-clad cricket bear a second part, They
- 15. Edward Taylor 1642 –1729 a Puritan clergyman and one of the finest colonial poets, a series
- 16. John Eliot c. 1604 – 21 May 1690 a Puritan missionary to the American Indians. His
- 17. I believe that the Indian has an understanding of the physical world and of the earth
- 18. orally transmitted myths, legends, folktales, songs of Indian cultures related to the concept that all animals
- 19. 1750-1820 A NEW FREE NATION
- 20. Colonial literature in the 18th century consisted largely of religious and practical books, such as the
- 21. Thomas Paine an English-American political activist, author, political theorist and revolutionary published more than two thousand
- 22. On May 10, 1776, the Second Continental Congress called for disunion. Jefferson's work, The Declaration of
- 23. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) published Notes on Virginia, wrote a compact Autobiography, founded the University of Virginia
- 24. The Revolution created national heroes The Ballad of Nathan Hale tells of a capture and hanging
- 25. Yankee Doodle Yankee Doodle came to town Upon a little pony, He stuck a feather in
- 26. And then they had a swamping gun, As big as a log of maple, On a
- 27. theatre showed a nationalistic character in its first comedy, The Contrast (1787) by Royal Tyler. the
- 28. If you want not be forgotten As soon as you are dead and rotten , Either
- 29. Self-made man the American giant of the 18th c. born in Boston, in 1706. His father
- 30. worked at the printing-shop spent eighteen months in London back in Philadelphia developed a profitable business
- 32. Poor Richard's Almanac - the maxims of the world Fools make feasts and wise men eat
- 34. Autobiography Autobiography is properly regarded as Franklin's most significant literary achievement he began to write it
- 35. In my first voyage from Boston, being becalm'd off Block Island, our people set about catching
- 36. I balanc'd some time between principle and inclination, till I recollected that, when the fish were
- 37. American Romantic Literature 1830-1870
- 38. American Romantic Literature a time of rapid expansion and growth in the United States that fueled
- 39. five characteristics to identify American Romantic literature. Imagination Individuality Nature as a source of spirituality Looking
- 40. Imagination Industrial Revolution - a great time of progress - there is progress, there is also
- 41. Characters in Romantic literature are often journeying away from the city and into the countryside to
- 42. Individuality Immigration begins creating what is now called the 'melting pot' in America – people are
- 43. Nature As A Source Of Spirituality Romantics wanted to embrace that spiritual root that was planted
- 44. Wisdom From The Past Writers used old legends to create new stories. Whereas the novelists and
- 45. Common Man As A Hero Prior to this time, the European hero had been established as
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