Слайд 2Meater — a special name for a coward.
Bricky — brave and fearless
Meater — a special name for a coward.
Bricky — brave and fearless
but very clunky.
Bow wow mutton — a phrase for bad meat, which is like a dog meat.
Bags o’mystery — these were sausages,
because no one knew what they were made of.
Back slang it — this expression was used by thieves to name the back door.
Bow wow mutton — a phrase for bad meat, which is like a dog meat.
Bags o’mystery — these were sausages,
because no one knew what they were made of.
Back slang it — this expression was used by thieves to name the back door.
Слайд 3Banjo — a noisy festival in the street
Arfarfan’arf – a drunk
Banjo — a noisy festival in the street
Arfarfan’arf – a drunk
Butter upon bacon — extravagant and eccentric behavior
Church-bell — a very talkative woman
Enthuzimuzzy — this person creates a chaos
Gal-sneaker — a vulgar and depraved person
Nanty narking — a tavern's jargon violent spree
Jrf chump — a disgusting dish
Butter upon bacon — extravagant and eccentric behavior
Church-bell — a very talkative woman
Enthuzimuzzy — this person creates a chaos
Gal-sneaker — a vulgar and depraved person
Nanty narking — a tavern's jargon violent spree
Jrf chump — a disgusting dish
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Scent of a Woman Charlie Simms