Слайд 2Lexicology
“lexis” - word, phrase
“logos” - science

Слайд 3Language Units
Word groups
Phraseological units

Слайд 4Aims of Lexicology
Investigates the problems of word-structure and word-formation in Modern English

semantic structure of English words
Слайд 5Aims of Lexicology
Principles of the classification of vocabulary units into various groupings

laws governing the replenishment of the vocabulary
Слайд 6Aims of Lexicology
Studies the relations between various lexical layers of the English

Слайд 7Aims of Lexicology
The specific laws and regulations that govern development of the

The source and growth of the vocabulary and changes it has undergone
Слайд 8Lexicology and Other Linguistic Sciences
history of the language
social linguistics

Слайд 9Types of Lexicology
General Lexicology – general study of words and vocabulary, irrespective

of the specific features of any particular language
part of general linguistics
Слайд 10Types of Lexicology
Special Lexicology – description of the characteristics peculiarities in the

vocabulary of a given language
Слайд 11Types of Lexicology
Historical Lexicology – origin of various words, their change and

development, linguistic and extra-linguistic factors influencing the structure of words, their meaning and usage
Слайд 12Types of Lexicology
Descriptive Lexicology – vocabulary of a given language at a

given stage of its development
functions of words, morphological and semantic structures of words
Слайд 13Types of Lexicology
Comparative and Contrastive Lexicology – correlation between the languages ,

correspondences between the vocabulary units of different languages
Слайд 14Synchronic (Descriptive) Approach
syn – “together, with”
chronos - “time”
concerned with the language vocabulary

as it exists at a given time