Graffiti in our time

Слайд 2

The history of graffiti

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Слайд 3

The word graffiti comes from the Italian word graffito. This means any

The word graffiti comes from the Italian word graffito. This means any
picture , drawing , inscription painted on some surfaces, this historical term used to rock paintings, painting of the ancient world. Most of the ancient graffiti is translated as " it was me”.
Слово граффити произошло от итальянского слова граффито. Это означает любое изображение, рисунок, надпись нарисованные на какой-нибудь поверхности. Этот исторический термин используется для наскальных рисунков, живописи древнего мира. Большинство древних граффити переводится как " здесь был я".

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Слайд 5

In our time the art of graffiti was widely disseminated and acquired

In our time the art of graffiti was widely disseminated and acquired
new forms. Appeared secret code writer, the native language version of the terms. Now you can not hide under the cover of night. There are people whose graffiti are shown in the galleries , for their creative work, pay the money. For example not so long ago in Moscow took place the festival of graffiti. A huge number of transformer booths was painted legally in each district.
В наше время искусство граффити получило широкое распространение и приобрело новые формы. Появился негласный кодекс граффитчиков , собственный язык терминов. Теперь можно не скрываться под покровом ночи. Есть люди чьи граффити показываются в галереях , за их творческую работу платят деньги. Например не так давно в Москве прошел фестиваль граффити. Огромное количество трансформаторных будок было расписано легально в каждом округе.

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The real professionals of their work are not hidden . their work

The real professionals of their work are not hidden . their work
is so popular and lovely , that are in demand. Writers are those who draw graffiti to order. For example the owners of the shops do not always wash off with wall graffiti, because sometimes it is the art of famous artists.
Настоящие профессионалы своего дела не скрываются . Их работы настолько популярны и хороши , что пользуются спросом. Райтеры это те, которые рисуют гаффити на заказ. Например владельцы магазинов не всегда смывают с ветрин граффити, ведь иногда это искусство знаменитых художников.

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Слайд 9

Now graffiti is not only a view of the street creativity and

Now graffiti is not only a view of the street creativity and
self-expression of himself in the city. It is an element of design of a premise. By definition, this art is all that drawn on the wall . That's it became fashionable to decorate the walls of the apartment large colorful graffiti.
Теперь граффити это не только вид уличного творчества и самовыражения себя в городе. Это элемент дизайна помещения. По определению этого искусства это все то что нарисовано на стене . вот и стало модно украшать стены квартиры большими красочными граффити.

Слайд 10

for those who are very interesting

for those who are very interesting

Слайд 11

In historical science the term graffiti is used a long time ago.

In historical science the term graffiti is used a long time ago.
graffiti was used in the first place potters, which after work cut out to products of his signature. In ancient times graffiti were drawn on the walls with a sharp object, sometimes to be used for chalk or coal. Greek verb γράφειν - graphein (in Russian - "write") has the same root.
Wall inscriptions have been known since the ancient times, they open in the countries of Ancient East, in Greece, in Rome, Pompeii and the roman catacombs).
The earliest graffiti appeared in 30 b.c. Then they were presented in the form of prehistoric rock carvings engraved on the walls of tools such as the bones of animals and pigments . These drawings are often made in the ritual and the sacred places inside the caves. Most often depicted on them animals, wildlife and hunting scenes.
The first model of the "new style" graffiti is preserved in the ancient Greek city of Ephesus graffiti's handprint, vaguely resembled that of the heart, footprint and the number of.

Слайд 12

In Russia, the eastern slavs of graffiti have a long and rich

In Russia, the eastern slavs of graffiti have a long and rich
history. In Novgorod preserved 10 graffiti of the XI century. A large number of graffiti XI-XV centuries is in the cathedral of sts. Sophia in Kiev, they contain as drawings, or (more often) the text. The greater part of the ancient Russian graffiti is writing on the walls of temples, therefore, the most frequent their content - prayer requests to God or the saints, but there are also humorous texts and records of type "here was so-and-so, "and the people's spells. Many graffiti contain the exact date and are an important historical source.

Слайд 13

The Revival of the artists of the Renaissance, such as Пинтуриккьо, Raphael,

The Revival of the artists of the Renaissance, such as Пинтуриккьо, Raphael,
Michelangelo, Ghirlandaio or Filippino Lippi when down in the ruins of the Golden house of Nero, cut out or painted their names
On some of the Egyptian pyramids discovered graffiti, submitted by the French soldiers during the time of the Egyptian campaign of Napoleon . Lord Byron left their mark on one of the columns in the temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion in the region of Attica

Слайд 14

Graffiti today - the kind of street art, one of the most

Graffiti today - the kind of street art, one of the most
actual forms of artistic expression around the world. There are many different styles and types of graffiti. Works, created by graffiti-artists- an independent genre of contemporary art, an integral part of the culture and the urban way of life. In many countries and cities have their famous writers, which in the streets of the city real masterpieces.
In most countries of the world, drawing graffiti on someone's property without permission from the owner of the property is considered vandalism and punished by law
At this time, in Russia there are about 100 teams, well dealing with graffiti (of which about 70 in Moscow and st. Petersburg). To name a few, the most well-known commands: Moby Crew, BFG Team, Uptown Moscow Crew, Depict Crew, SPP Crew, STC and GZ Crew "

Слайд 15

VIVACITY is the largest graffiti portal in the space of the Russian

VIVACITY is the largest graffiti portal in the space of the Russian
web-sites on graffiti.
In translation from English - "long live the city. “Second name project - Russian Tower (A Tower). Graffiti edition exclusive portfolio, latest news, videos, projects, reports and much more on the VIVACITY.
Artists and photographers
The idea is to acquaint with the personal portfolio of artists, photographers, in order to provide information about the Russian graffiti in the internet.
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