Great Britain symbols


Слайд 2


Answer the questions

Listen to the text

What do you know of it

Complete the

Contents Answer the questions Listen to the text What do you know

Do the quiz

Слайд 3

The map of the UK





The map of the UK Scotland England Wales N.Ireland

Слайд 4

What is Great Britain washed by?
It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean,

What is Great Britain washed by? It is washed by the Atlantic
the North Sea, the Irish Sea, the English Channel.

Слайд 5

The United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Northern Ireland





The United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Northern Ireland England Wales Scotland

National Emblems


Слайд 6

Do you know Britain well?

Great Britain


All the questions are devoted to three

Do you know Britain well? Great Britain London All the questions are


Слайд 7

2. Which country is the largest in the UK?

The largest country is

2. Which country is the largest in the UK? The largest country
England. Most of the populations live there (46 million).

The answer:

The question for team2:

Слайд 8

1. What is the capital of the UK?

The capital of England is

1. What is the capital of the UK? The capital of England

The answer:

The question for team1:

Слайд 9

1. What is the capital of England?

London is the capital of England.


1. What is the capital of England? London is the capital of

The question for team1:

Слайд 10

1. What city is the capital city of Wales?

Cardiff is the capital

1. What city is the capital city of Wales? Cardiff is the
of Wales.

The answer:

The question for team1:

Слайд 11

2. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

The capital of Northern Ireland

2. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? The capital of Northern
is Belfast.

The answer:

The question for team2:

Слайд 12

2. What is the capital of Scotland?

The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.


2. What is the capital of Scotland? The capital of Scotland is

The question for team2:

Слайд 13

1. What is the population of the UK nowadays?

The population of the

1. What is the population of the UK nowadays? The population of
UK is about 57 million people.

The answer:

The question for team1:

Слайд 14

2. What is the name of the Queen?

The Queen is the symbol

2. What is the name of the Queen? The Queen is the
of the country history and traditions. Her name is Elizabeth II.

The answer:

The question for team2:

Слайд 15

The Queen is the symbol of the country, its history and its

The Queen is the symbol of the country, its history and its

In Britain the Queen is the Head of State but in fact she doesn’t rule the country as he no power

Queen Elisabeth I

Queen Victoria

Queen Elisabeth II

Слайд 16

What is the name of the British Prime Minister?

David Cameron

What is the name of the British Prime Minister? David Cameron

Слайд 17

2. This building is the Queen’s residence in London. Name it.

Buckingham Palace

2. This building is the Queen’s residence in London. Name it. Buckingham
is Queen’s residence in London.

The answer:

The question for team2:

Слайд 18

2. Buckingham Palace . What does the flag on the top of

2. Buckingham Palace . What does the flag on the top of
it show?

When the flag is flying on the top the Queen is at home.

The answer:

The question for team2:

Слайд 19

One of the main symbols of the UK is the flag of

One of the main symbols of the UK is the flag of
the United Kingdom, which is known as the Union Jack.
It is made up of three crosses:
the cross of St George
(the patron saint of England),
the cross of St Andrew
(the patron saint of Scotland),

the cross of St Patrick
(the patron saint of Ireland).

Слайд 20

1. What is another name for the British flag?

The British flag is

1. What is another name for the British flag? The British flag
known as “The Union Jack”.

The answer:

The question for team1:

Слайд 21

the Union Jack

the Union Jack

Слайд 22

The national bird of the UK is Robin

The national bird of the UK is Robin

Слайд 23

Each country in Britain has its own patron saint and floral emblem

Each country in Britain has its own patron saint and floral emblem

Слайд 24

The red rose is the national emblem of England

The floral symbol of

The red rose is the national emblem of England The floral symbol
England is the red rose. Earlier, it decorated the arms of the House of Lancaster. The Lancastrians argued for the throne of England with the Yorkists whose arms had a white rose. The war for the throne between the Lancastrians and Yorkists became known in the history of the country as the War of the Red and White Rose. It lasted 30 years (1455-1485). When the Lancastrians won the war, their arms of the Red Rose became the symbol of the whole England.

Слайд 25

The favourite colour of the Irish is green

The symbol of Ireland is

The favourite colour of the Irish is green The symbol of Ireland is Shamrock

Слайд 26

The National Emblem of Northern Ireland
The shamrock is the symbol

The National Emblem of Northern Ireland The shamrock is the symbol of
of Northern Ireland. It is also connected to St. Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland.
Saint Patrick is most famous for bringing Christianity to Ireland. The legend tells how he used the shamrock, a kind of a white clover with three leaves to explain the Holy Trinity. Apparently, he used it to show how the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit could all exist as separate elements of the same entity.




Слайд 27

The red hand is also a symbol of Northern Ireland.
The Red

The red hand is also a symbol of Northern Ireland. The Red
Hand is in its flag. According to the myth, there was time when the heir to the throne of Ireland was undecided. And they decided to hold a boat-race and the winner (the first who would reach the shore of Ulster) would be the king. One competitor so much desired the country that when he saw that he was loosing the race, he cut his hand, threw it to the shore and won. The hand is most likely red because it was covered with blood.

Слайд 28

The Welsh symbol is a vegetable called the Leek (or, on occasion,

The Welsh symbol is a vegetable called the Leek (or, on occasion,
the flower, the daffodil). The patron saint of Wales, David, ate only leeks and bread. In memory of this Christian Saint, the leek became the symbol of Wales. Daffodils which burst into flames by the 1st of March celebrate the revered Welsh saint.

Слайд 29

The daffodil is the national flower of Wales, and is worn on

The daffodil is the national flower of Wales, and is worn on
St David's Day each 1 March. (In Welsh, the daffodil is known as "Peter's Leek"

The leek is also a national emblem of Wales. According to legend, Saint David ordered his Welsh soldiers to identify themselves by wearing the vegetable on their helmets in an ancient battle against the Saxons that took place in a leek field. It is still worn on St David's Day each 1 March

Слайд 30

The Flag of Wales incorporates the red dragon, now a popular Welsh

The Flag of Wales incorporates the red dragon, now a popular Welsh
symbol, along with the Tudor colours of green and white. It was used by Henry VII at the battle of Bosworth in 1485 after which it was carried in state to St. Paul's Cathedral. The red dragon was then included in the Tudor royal arms to signify their Welsh descent. It was officially recognized as the Welsh national flag in 1959.

The British Union Flag incorporates the flags of Scotland, Ireland and England but does not have any Welsh representation. Technically, however, it is represented by the flag of England due to the Laws in Wales act of 1535 which annexed Wales following the 13th century conquest

Слайд 31

1. What church is the greatest church in London?

The greatest church in

1. What church is the greatest church in London? The greatest church
London is St. Paul’s Cathedral.

The answer:

The question for team1:

Слайд 32

2. What bridge is the symbol of London?

Tower Bridge is the symbol

2. What bridge is the symbol of London? Tower Bridge is the
of London.

The answer:

The question for team2:

Слайд 33

1. Who founded the Tower of London and when?

The Tower of London

1. Who founded the Tower of London and when? The Tower of
was founded by William the Conqueror in 1078.

The answer:

The question for team1:

Слайд 34

2. Who was the first English king crowed in Westminster Abbey?

William the

2. Who was the first English king crowed in Westminster Abbey? William
Conqueror was crowed in Westminster Abbey in 1066.

The answer:

The question for team2:

Слайд 35

1. What is another name of Westminster Palace?

Westminster Palace is knows as

1. What is another name of Westminster Palace? Westminster Palace is knows
the Houses of Parliament.

The answer:

The question for team1:

Слайд 36

2. Why is the Clock Tower called Big Ben?

The Clock Tower was

2. Why is the Clock Tower called Big Ben? The Clock Tower
called Big Ben after Sir Benjamin Hall, who looked after the building of the clock.

The answer:

The question for team2:

Слайд 37

What do you know of it?

The photo for team1:

The photo for team2:


What do you know of it? The photo for team1: The photo
us about the places of interest in London

Westminster Abbey

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Слайд 38

Do this quize

Choose the right item.
1) The capital of the

Do this quize Choose the right item. 1) The capital of the
Northern Ireland is ...
a) Dublin b) Cardiff c) Belfast
2) The British Flag is often called ...
a) the Union Jack b) the Maple Leaf c) the Stars and Stripes
3) What is the population of the UK nowadays?
a) about 40 million people
b) about 70 million people
c) about 56 million people
4) It was the prison, the fortress and now it is the museum.
a) The Tower of London
b) Westminster Abbey
c) Westminster Palace
5) He is now known as an architect of London.
a) Henry VIII
b) Sir Christopher Wren
c) William Shakespeare

6) Westminster palace. What are the names of the two towers?
a) the Victoria Tower and the Clock Tower
b) the Victoria Tower and the White Tower
c) the Write Tower and The Clock Tower
7) The mysterious Loch Ness Monster is from ...
a) Wales b) Ireland с) Scotland
8) Where does the British Parliament seat in London?
a) in The Tower of London
б) in Westminster Palace
c) in Buckingham Palace
9) What is the crowning place of English kings and queens?
a) The Tower of London
b) Westminster Abbey
c) Buckingham Palace
10) The Royal residence in London is
a) Buckingham Palace
b) The Tower of London
c) the Royal Albert Hall

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