Human digestion


Слайд 2

Human digestion

Human digestion

Слайд 4

Пищеварение: физиологические процессы

Пищеварение: физиологические процессы

Слайд 6

Sites of digestion

Sites of digestion

Слайд 7

Salivary glands
Produce saliva
Mostly water
Some enzymes
Salivary amylase
Mucus or mucin

Digestion in the Mouth

Salivary glands Produce saliva Mostly water Some enzymes Salivary amylase Lysozyme Mucus

Слайд 8

Функции слюны

ˆ увлажняет пищу, облегчает глотание,
ˆпредупреждает аспирацию пищи в трахею, способствуя

Функции слюны ˆ увлажняет пищу, облегчает глотание, ˆпредупреждает аспирацию пищи в трахею,
формированию пищевого комка,
ˆ начинается пищеварение углеводов ,
ˆ облегчает ощущение вкуса расщеплением углеводов – вкусовые почки стимулируются расщепленными углеводами
ˆ нейтрализует желудочную кислоту в случае ее забрасывания в пищевод (рефлюкс, отрыжка)
ˆминерализующая функция и способствует снижению заболевания зубов

Слайд 10

Образование слюны

Образование слюны

Слайд 11

Функция протоков слюнных желез

Функция протоков слюнных желез

Слайд 13

Takehito Etani, Masticator triptych, 2005.

Takehito Etani, Masticator triptych, 2005.

Слайд 14

Mastication. masticatory cycle (chewing cycle) the complete pathway of the mandible

Mastication. masticatory cycle (chewing cycle) the complete pathway of the mandible

Слайд 15



Слайд 16

The Muscles of Mastication (Chewing)

Перетирание или жевание, выполняется скоординированной функцией четырех важных

The Muscles of Mastication (Chewing) Перетирание или жевание, выполняется скоординированной функцией четырех
мышц, которые сжимают зубы вместе в различных направлениях.
These are:
The masseter
The lateral pterygoid
The medial pterygoid
The temporalis
Каждая из этих мышц - парная и ими управляет мозг через нервные волокна тройничного нерва(cranial nerve V).

Слайд 17

Main force vectors of masticatory muscles

Main force vectors of masticatory muscles

Слайд 18

Swallowing: from mouth to stomach

The Oral Phase

The Pharyngeal Phase

The Esophageal Phase

Swallowing: from mouth to stomach The Oral Phase The Pharyngeal Phase The Esophageal Phase

Слайд 19

Oral Preparatory Stage
Ротовая предварительная стадия по существу жевание. Это включает координацию губ,

Oral Preparatory Stage Ротовая предварительная стадия по существу жевание. Это включает координацию
щек, челюсти, языка и движения мягкого нёба, чтобы приготовить пищу для того, чтобы глотать.
В конце этой фазы формируется пищевой комок, который язык прижимает к твердому небу.
Самая важная нейромускульная функция в этой фазе - повторяющееся латеральные движение языка, поскольку без нормальной подвижности языка имеются большие затруднения при жевании.

Слайд 20

Oral Stage
Ротовая стадия - вторая стадия глотания. Это длится приблизительно 1 секунду,

Oral Stage Ротовая стадия - вторая стадия глотания. Это длится приблизительно 1
и не меняется в зависимости от возраста, пола или консистенции пищевого комка.
Это перемещает еду с передней части полости рта к передним дужкам. .
Снова, движение языка - самый важный аспект этой фазы глотания, так как это формирует, снимает и сжимает шарик вверх и назад вдоль твердого неба.

Слайд 21

Pharyngeal Stage
The pharyngeal stage begins when the bolus reaches the anterior faucial

Pharyngeal Stage The pharyngeal stage begins when the bolus reaches the anterior
Here, the bolus triggers the swallowing reflex which occurs via the glossopharyngeal nerve.
The swallowing reflex may also be triggered by the superior laryngeal nerve at the laryngeal inlet.
When a swallow reflex occurs late by this second mechanism, the patient is said to have a delayed swallowing reflex.
While the first two phases of swallowing can be bypassed by using liquid feeds and syringing the bolus to the back of the mouth or extending the head, the reflexive stage of swallowing cannot be bypassed.
The swallowing reflex is mediated in the reticular formation of the brainstem, adjacent to the respiratory center. It is modulated by input from the respiratory center, and cortical areas. The pharyngeal stage lasts a maximum of 1 second and does not vary with food consistency, age or sex.

Слайд 22

Swallowing Reflex (Pharyngeal Stage)
When triggered, the swallowing reflex results in four neuromuscular

Swallowing Reflex (Pharyngeal Stage) When triggered, the swallowing reflex results in four
functions, which occur in rapid sequence in the following order:
1) Velopharyngeal closure (to prevent nasopharyngeal reflux)
2) Pharyngeal peristalsis (to propel the bolus into the pharynx) Pharyngeal peristalsis occurs in a sequential fashion, from superior to inferior constrictor. It functions to clear material from the pharyngeal recesses. Vallecular or pyriform sinus pooling on modified barium swallow is an indication of reduced pharyngeal peristalsis.
3) Elevation and closure of the larynx (for airway protection Laryngeal elevation occurs by contraction of the strap muscles, which positions the larynx anterosuperiorly (under the tongue base).

Слайд 23

Laryngeal closure occurs at three sphincters:

1) the epiglottis and aryepiglottic folds,
2) the

Laryngeal closure occurs at three sphincters: 1) the epiglottis and aryepiglottic folds,
false vocal folds, and
3) the true vocal folds. (Epiglottic closure is probably of relatively minor importance. Closure actually begins at the glottic level, followed soon after by closure of the false cords and epiglottis. Airway protection is the most important aspect of swallowing.)
4) Pharyngoesophageal segment opening (to allow the bolus to pass into the esophagus).

Слайд 24

Pharyngoesophageal segment opening depends on:

1) relaxation of the cricopharyngeus,
2) the upward, anterior

Pharyngoesophageal segment opening depends on: 1) relaxation of the cricopharyngeus, 2) the
pull of the larynx (probably most important), and
3) the bolus pressure. After the bolus passes through the PE segment, this sphincter immediately closes to prevent reflux.

Слайд 25

Esophageal Stage
The fourth and final stage of swallowing is the esophageal stage.

Esophageal Stage The fourth and final stage of swallowing is the esophageal
It is more variable and prolonged than the other phases of swallowing, lasting from between 8 and 20 seconds. Esophageal transit time significantly increases with age.

Слайд 26

Swallowing Centers

In humans, the development of
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has allowed

Swallowing Centers In humans, the development of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
the identification of the cortical
regions involved in voluntary swallowing.
The primary motor and sensory areas are
consistently active in healthy adults during swallowing. The anterior cingular cortex is also
activated during swallowing (Hamdy, Mikulis et al. 1999; Humbert and Robbins 2007).

Слайд 27

Swallowing Centers

There is convincing evidence that the sequential and rhythmic patterns of

Swallowing Centers There is convincing evidence that the sequential and rhythmic patterns
swallowing are
formed and organized by a central pattern generator (CPG) located within the medulla
oblongata (Jean 2001). The CPG was first described as a swallowing center that can be
subdivided into three systems: an afferent system composed of the central and peripheral
inputs to the center; an efferent system composed of outputs from the center to various
motor neuron pools involved in swallowing; and an organizing system composed of
interneuronal networks that program the motor pattern.

Слайд 28

Swallowing Centers

The voluntary initiation of swallowing takes place in special brain areas

Swallowing Centers The voluntary initiation of swallowing takes place in special brain
located in the precentral, posterior-inferior, and frontal- gyri. These structures send orders via axons that travel inside a nerve bundle called the corticobulbar tract, to a third swallowing center in the medulla. These centers include areas located in the cerebral cortex, the medulla oblongata, and the cranial nerve nuclei.

Sensory Nerves
Trigeminal (cranial nerve V)
Facial (cranial nerve VII)
Glossopharyngeal (cranial nerve IX)
Vagus (cranial nerve X)
Cranial Nerve Nuclei
The muscles of swallowing are controlled by several cranial nerve nuclei.
These are:
The nucleus ambiguous (of the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves)
The dorsal motor nucleus (of the vagus nerve)
The hypoglossal nucleus (of the hypoglossal nerve)

Слайд 31

Моторика пищевода

Food is propelled down the esophagus by coordinated contractions of the

Моторика пищевода Food is propelled down the esophagus by coordinated contractions of
esophageal muscle called peristalsis.
The wave of contraction that is initiated by swallowing, is called primary peristalsis
Any food that remains in the esophagus after this initial wave of contraction will activate additional waves of contraction called
secondary peristalsis.
These contractions are initiated by distention of the esophagus and will continue until the esophagus is empty. Secondary peristalsis will also continue after vagotomy.

Слайд 32

Пищеварение в желудке

Пищеварение в желудке

Слайд 33

Muscular sac
Churns & mixes food
Gastric glands
Parietal cells ? HCl, intrinsic factor
Goblet cells

Muscular sac Churns & mixes food Gastric glands Parietal cells ? HCl,
? mucus
Chief cells ? pepsinogen, weak gastric lipase
Controls gastric juices
Comes out as chyme (2-6 hours)

Digestion in the Stomach

Слайд 34

Функции желудка

Serves as a reservoir that allows for the ingestion of

Функции желудка ˆ Serves as a reservoir that allows for the ingestion
food faster than it can be digested and absorbed.
Kills some bacteria and parasites
ˆBegins the process of digestion by exposing food to low pH and pepsin. A major effect of this treatment is the swelling and dissociation of collagen fibers and the proteolysis of extracellular matrix proteins. This, combined with the mixing action of the stomach, causes the breakup of food into smaller particles.
ˆ Delivers the gastric contents (chyme) to the duodenum at a rate compatible with:
the secretion rate of bile salts, bicarbonate ion, fluid, and digestive enzymes;
the rate of enzymatic breakdown of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates; and
the rate of chyme transport down the small intestine.

Слайд 35

Секреция в желудке

Секреция в желудке

The major components of gastric juice

Секреция в желудке Секреция в желудке The major components of gastric juice
ˆ Hydrochloric acid (HCl) - denatures proteins
ˆ Pepsinogen - proenzyme that is converted to pepsin (protease)
ˆ Intrinsic factor - vitamin B12-binding protein
ˆ Mucous - protects stomach wall from HCl, pepsin, and mechanical

Слайд 37

Механизм секреции НСL

Механизм секреции НСL

Слайд 38

Регуляция секреции HCL

Регуляция секреции HCL

Слайд 39

Потенциация секреции HCL

Потенциация секреции HCL

Слайд 40

Activation of pepsin in the stomach

Activation of pepsin in the stomach

Слайд 41

Секреция пепсиногена: активация

Секреция пепсиногена: активация

Слайд 42

Секреция слизи в желудке: типы слизи

Секреция слизи в желудке: типы слизи

Секреция слизи в желудке: типы слизи Секреция слизи в желудке: типы слизи

The surface epithelial cells of the stomach secrete visible mucous (slightly opaque) that lines the surface of the stomach. Visible mucous contains crosslinked mucins (glycoproteins) that form an almost gelatinous coating which contains relatively high concentrations of bicarbonate ion

Слайд 43

A second type of mucous, soluble mucous, is secreted along with the

A second type of mucous, soluble mucous, is secreted along with the
gastric juice from the gastric pits (see VISIBLE MUCOUS on page 22) to lubricate the food bolus and facilitate mixing. Soluble mucous also contains mucins, but they are not crosslinked, and consequently, produce a less viscous fluid. Soluble mucous also restricts the access of gastric juice to the gastric pit epithelial cells by creating an unmixed mobile phase that sweeps the gastric juice out of the gastric pits.

A second type of mucous, soluble mucous, is secreted along with the gastric juice from the gastric pits (see VISIBLE MUCOUS on page 22) to lubricate the food bolus and facilitate mixing. Soluble mucous also contains mucins, but they are not crosslinked, and consequently, produce a less viscous fluid. Soluble mucous also restricts the access of gastric juice to the gastric pit epithelial cells by creating an unmixed mobile phase that sweeps the gastric juice out of the gastric pits.

Слайд 44

Регуляция секреции в желудке

Регуляция секреции в желудке

Регуляция секреции в желудке Регуляция секреции в желудке

Слайд 45

Регуляция секреции HCL

Регуляция секреции HCL

Слайд 46

Фазы желудочной секреции

Аnticipation of a meal, or the sight of food

Фазы желудочной секреции Аnticipation of a meal, or the sight of food
activates a long reflex that stimulates secretion of gastric juice (cephalic phase of gastric digestion) proteins and amino acids in the stomach directly stimulate the release of gastrin from G-cells in the gastric mucosa, which then travels by way of the general circulation back to the stomach (endocrine) to stimulate gastric juice secretion (gastric phase of gastric digestion)
Between meals, the secretion of gastric juice is very low. In the absence of protein, which is a good pH buffer, a small amount of gastric juice can reduce the pH to 1.
Hydrogen ions inhibit secretion by directly inhibiting the release of gastrin from gastric mucosal G-cells (gastric phase of gastric digestion).
This negative feedback process halts the secretion of gastric juice and prevents the hydrogen ion concentration from reaching levels that would be toxic to the gastric mucosal cells.
Pepsinogen secretion closely parallels the secretion of HCl. This is in part due to a vagal reflex activated by low pH in the stomach that directly stimulates chief cells. ACh released from nerve fibers is a strong stimulant of pepsinogen secretion.

Слайд 49

Моторика желудка: перемешивание, эвакуация

Моторика желудка: перемешивание, эвакуация

Моторика желудка: перемешивание, эвакуация Моторика желудка: перемешивание, эвакуация

Слайд 50

Эвакуация: факторы регуляции

The chyme coming from the stomach is normally hypertonic,

Эвакуация: факторы регуляции The chyme coming from the stomach is normally hypertonic,
acidic, and contains high
concentrations of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Consequently, changing any of the above four rates would change one or more of the following:
ˆSubstrate Concentration

Слайд 51

Состав химуса

Состав химуса

Слайд 52

Эвакуация: роль Н ионов

Эвакуация: роль Н ионов

Слайд 53

Регуляция эвакуации химуса

Регуляция эвакуации химуса

Слайд 54

Exocrine function
Acinar cells secrete pancreatic juice
Secretin and cholecystokinin (CCK) fr intestinal wall

Exocrine function Acinar cells secrete pancreatic juice Amylase Lipase Trypsin Chymotrypsin Carboxypeptidase
stimulates PJ production


Слайд 55

Activation of pancreatic zymogens in the small intestine by brush-border enzymes.

The brushborder
enzyme enterokinase

Activation of pancreatic zymogens in the small intestine by brush-border enzymes. The
(EN) phosphorylates the
protease zymogen trypsinogen, converting it to its
active form (trypsin). Trypsin, in turn digests other
pancreatic zymogens into their active forms.

Слайд 56

Активация ферментов

Активация ферментов

Слайд 58

Пищеварение в duodenum

Пищеварение в duodenum

Слайд 59

Расщепление углеводов

Расщепление углеводов

Слайд 60

Расщепление белков

Расщепление белков

Слайд 61

Панкреатическая секреция

Панкреатическая секреция

Слайд 62

Регуляция панкреатической секреции

Регуляция панкреатической секреции

Слайд 63

Секреция бикарбоната

Секреция бикарбоната

Слайд 65

Emulsification and digestion of fat in the small intestine.

Emulsification and digestion of fat in the small intestine.

Слайд 66

Пищеварение и всасывание углеводов и белков

Пищеварение и всасывание углеводов и белков

Пищеварение и всасывание углеводов и белков Пищеварение и всасывание углеводов и белков

Слайд 75

Всасывание веществ в пищеварительном тракте

Всасывание веществ в пищеварительном тракте

Слайд 77

Overview of carbohydrate digestion.

Overview of carbohydrate digestion.

Слайд 79

Overview of carbohydrate digestion.

Na_-dependent and facilitative transporters in the intestinal epithelial cells.

Overview of carbohydrate digestion. Na_-dependent and facilitative transporters in the intestinal epithelial cells.

Слайд 80

Overview of carbohydrate digestion.

Overview of carbohydrate digestion.

Слайд 81

Properties of the GLUT 1-GLUT 5 Isoforms of the Glucose Transport Proteins

Properties of the GLUT 1-GLUT 5 Isoforms of the Glucose Transport Proteins

Слайд 82


Disaccharidase Deficiency Intestinal disaccharidase deficiencies are encountered relatively frequently in

CLINICAL CORRELATION Disaccharidase Deficiency Intestinal disaccharidase deficiencies are encountered relatively frequently in
humans. Deficiency can be present in one enzyme or several enzymes for a variety of reasons (genetic defect, physiological decline with age, or the result of "injuries" to the mucosa). Of the disaccharidases, lactase is the most common enzyme with an absolute or relative deficiency, which is experienced as milk intolerance. The consequences of an inability to hydrolyze lactose in the upper small intestine are inability to absorb lactose and bacterial fermentation of ingested lactose in the lower small intestine.

Слайд 84

Absorption of Amino Acids

Absorption of Amino Acids

Слайд 86


Neutral Amino Aciduria (Hartnup Disease)
Transport functions, like enzymatic functions, are

CLINICAL CORRELATION Neutral Amino Aciduria (Hartnup Disease) Transport functions, like enzymatic functions,
subject to modification by mutations.
An example of a genetic lesion in epithelial amino acid transport is Hartnup disease, named after the family in which the disease entity resulting from the defect was first recognized.
The disease is characterized by the inability of renal and intestinal epithelial cells to absorb neutral amino acids from the lumen. In the kidney, in which plasma amino acids reach the lumen of the proximal tubule through the ultrafiltrate, the inability to reabsorb amino acids manifests itself as excretion of amino acids in the urine (amino aciduria).
The intestinal defect results in malabsorption of free amino acids from the diet.

Слайд 87


Kwashiorkor, A common problem of children in Third World countries, is caused

Kwashiorkor Kwashiorkor, A common problem of children in Third World countries, is
by a deficiency of protein in a diet that is adequate in calories. Children with kwashiorkor suffer from muscle wasting and a decreased concentration of plasma proteins, particularly albumin.
The result is an increase in interstitial fluid that causes edema and a distended abdomen that make the children appear “plump”.

Слайд 88

Расщепление жиров

Расщепление жиров

Слайд 89

Secretes bile
(stored in gall bladder)
Emulsifies fats
Stores, concentrates, and releases bile into

Liver Secretes bile (stored in gall bladder) Emulsifies fats Gallbladder Stores, concentrates,
Stimulated by the hormone cholecystokinin (CCK)

Слайд 92

Digestion of triacylglycerols in the intestinal lumen. TG _ triacylglycerol; bs _

Digestion of triacylglycerols in the intestinal lumen. TG _ triacylglycerol; bs _
bile salts; FA _ fatty acid; 2-MG _ 2-monoacylglycerol

Слайд 93

Digestion and absorption of lipids

Digestion and absorption of lipids

Слайд 94

Changes in physical state during triacylglycerol digestion. Abbreviations: TG, triacylglycerol; DG, diacylglycerol;

Changes in physical state during triacylglycerol digestion. Abbreviations: TG, triacylglycerol; DG, diacylglycerol;
MG, monoacylglycerol; FA, fatty acid

Слайд 101


A-b-lipoproteinemia is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by the

CLINICAL CORRELATION A-β-Lipoproteinemia A-b-lipoproteinemia is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by the
absence of all lipoproteins containing apo-β-lipoprotein, that is, chylomicrons, very low density lipoproteins (VLDLs), and low density lipoproteins (LDLs). Serum cholesterol is extremely low. This defect is associated with severe malabsorption of triacylglycerol and lipid-soluble vitamins (especially tocopherol and vitamin E) and accumulation of apo B in enterocytes and hepatocytes.

Слайд 102

Absorption in the small intestine

Absorption in the small intestine

Слайд 103

Absorption of Minerals and Metals

Active, transcellular absorption occurs only in

Absorption of Minerals and Metals Calcium Active, transcellular absorption occurs only in
the duodenum when calcium intake has been low.
This process involves import of calcium into the enterocyte, transport across the cell, and export into extracellular fluid and blood. The rate limiting step in transcellular calcium absorption is transport across the epithelial cell, which is greatly enhanced by the carrier protein calbindin, the synthesis of which is totally dependent on vitamin D.

Слайд 105


Passive, paracellular absorption occurs in the jejunum and ileum, and, to

Calcium Passive, paracellular absorption occurs in the jejunum and ileum, and, to
a much lesser extent, in the colon when dietary calcium levels have been moderate or high. In this case, ionized calcium diffuses through tight junctions into the basolateral spaces around enterocytes, and hence into blood. Such transport depends on having higher concentrations of free calcium in the intestinal lumen than in blood.

Слайд 106


Phosphorus is predominantly absorbed as inorganic phosphate in the upper small

Phosphorus Phosphorus is predominantly absorbed as inorganic phosphate in the upper small
Phosphate is transported into the epithelial cells by cotransport with sodium, and expression of this (or these) transporters is enhanced by vitamin D.

Слайд 107


Iron is absorbed by villus enterocytes in the proximal duodenum. Efficient

Iron Iron is absorbed by villus enterocytes in the proximal duodenum. Efficient
absorption requires an acidic environment.
Ferric iron (Fe+++) in the duodenal lumen is reduced to its ferrous form through the action of a brush border ferrireductase. Iron is then co transported with a proton into the
enterocyte via the divalent metal transporter DMT-1. This transporter is not specific for iron, and also transports many divalent metal ions.

Слайд 108


Once inside the enterocyte, iron follows one of two major pathways:

Iron Once inside the enterocyte, iron follows one of two major pathways:
Iron abundance states: iron within the enterocyte is trapped by incorporation into ferritin and hence, not transported into blood. When the enterocyte dies and is shed, this iron is lost.
• Iron limiting states: iron is exported out of the enterocyte via a transporter (ferroportin) located in the basolateral membrane. It then binds to the iron-carrier transferrin for transport throughout the body.

Слайд 109


There appear to be two processes responsible for copper absorption:

Copper There appear to be two processes responsible for copper absorption: i)
a rapid, low capacity system and
ii) a slower, high capacity system, which may be similar to the two processes seen with calcium absorption.
Many of the molecular details of copper absorption remain to be elucidated.
A number of dietary factors have been shown to influence copper absorption. For example, excessive dietary intake of either zinc or molybdenum can induce secondary copper deficiency states.

Слайд 110


Zinc homeostasis is largely regulated by its uptake and loss through

Zinc Zinc homeostasis is largely regulated by its uptake and loss through
the small intestine. Although a number of zinc transporters and binding proteins have been identified in villus epithelial cells, a detailed picture of the molecules involved in zinc absorption is not yet in hand.
A number of nutritional factors have been identified that modulate zinc absorption. Certain animal proteins in the diet enhance zinc absorption. Phytates from dietary plant material (including cereal grains, corn, rice) chelate zinc and inhibit its absorption. Subsistence on phytate-rich diets is thought responsible for a considerable fraction of human zinc deficiencies.

Слайд 114

Reabsorption and elimination in the large intestine

Areas of the colon

Reabsorption and elimination in the large intestine Areas of the colon Cecum
of water and electrolytes
Concentration & elimination of solids
Home for bacteria that produce biotin, folic acid, vitamin K, several B-vitamins, gases

Слайд 115

The Large Intestine: Introduction

Recovery of water and electrolytes from ingesta: By

The Large Intestine: Introduction Recovery of water and electrolytes from ingesta: By
the time ingesta reaches the terminal ileum, roughly 90% of its water has been absorbed, but considerable water and electrolytes like sodium and chloride remain and must be recovered by absorption in the large gut.
Formation and storage of feces: As ingesta is moved through the large intestine, it is dehydrated, mixed with bacteria and mucus, and formed into feces. The craftsmanship (for want of a better term) with which this is carried out varies among species.
Microbial fermentation: The large intestine of all species teems with microbial life. Those microbes produce enzymes capable of digesting many of molecules that to vertebrates are indigestible, cellulose being a premier example. The extent and benefit of fermentation also varies greatly among species.

Слайд 116

Large Intestinal Motility

Segmentation contractions which chop and mix the ingesta, presenting it

Large Intestinal Motility Segmentation contractions which chop and mix the ingesta, presenting
to the mucosa where absorption occurs. These contractions are quite prominent in some species, forming sacculations in the colon known as hausta.
Antiperistaltic contractions propagate toward the ileum, which serves to retard the movement of ingesta through the colon, allowing additional opportunity for absorption of water and electrolytes. Peristaltic contractions, in addition to influx from the small intestine, facilitate movement of ingesta through the colon.
Mass movements constitute a type of motility not seen elsewhere in the digestive tube. Known also as giant migrating contractions, this pattern of motility is like a very intense and prolonged peristaltic contraction which strips an area of large intestine clear of contents.

Слайд 117


Fermentation is the enzymatic decomposition and utililization of foodstuffs, particularly carbohydrates, by

Fermentation Fermentation is the enzymatic decomposition and utililization of foodstuffs, particularly carbohydrates,
Large intestinal epithelial cells do not produce digestive enzymes, but contain huge numbers of bacteria which have the enzymes to digest and utilize many substrates. In all animals, two processes are attributed to the microbial flora of the large intestine:
Digestion and metabolism of carbohydrates not digested in the small intestine (e.g. cellulose, residual starch)
Synthesis of vitamin K and certain B vitamins
Synthesis of vitamin K by colonic bacteria provides a valuable supplement to dietary sources and makes clinical vitamin K deficiency rare. Similarly, formation of B vitamins by the microbial flora in the large intestine is useful to many animals.
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