Intonation: Definition, Approaches, Functions


Слайд 2

Two main approaches to the problem of intonation:
The contour analysis (H. Sweet,

Two main approaches to the problem of intonation: The contour analysis (H.
D. Jones, H. Palmer, L. Armstrong, I. Ward, R. Kingdon, J. D. O'Connor, A. C. Gimson)
The grammatical approach (M. Halliday).

Слайд 3

According to the contour analysis the smallest unit to which linguistic meaning

According to the contour analysis the smallest unit to which linguistic meaning
can be attached is a tone-group (sense-group).

Слайд 4

According to the grammatical approach the main unit of intonation is a

According to the grammatical approach the main unit of intonation is a
clause. Intonation is a complex of three systemic variables: tonality, tonicity and tone, which are connected with grammatical categories.

Слайд 5

On perception level intonation is a complex, a whole, formed by significant

On perception level intonation is a complex, a whole, formed by significant
variations of pitch, loudness and tempo closely related. Some linguists regard speech timbre as the fourth component of intonation.

Слайд 6

M.O. Sokolova writes that the term prosody embraces the three prosodic components

M.O. Sokolova writes that the term prosody embraces the three prosodic components
and substitutes the term intonation.

Слайд 7

According to D. Crystal, the most important prosodic effects are those conveyed

According to D. Crystal, the most important prosodic effects are those conveyed
by the linguistic use of pitch movement, or melody.

Слайд 8



Слайд 9

T.M. Nikolayeva:

T.M. Nikolayeva: delimitating, integrating, semantic

Слайд 10

L.K. Tseplitis:

L.K. Tseplitis: semantic, syntactic, stylistic

Слайд 11

N.V. Cheremisina:
distinctive (or phonological),

N.V. Cheremisina: communicative, distinctive (or phonological), delimitating, expressive, appellative, aesthetic, integrating

Слайд 12

D. Crystal:

D. Crystal: emotional grammatical informational textual psychological indexical

Слайд 13

Emotional function
Intonation's most obvious role is to express attitudinal meaning -sarcasm, surprise,

Emotional function Intonation's most obvious role is to express attitudinal meaning -sarcasm,
reserve, impatience, delight, shock, anger, interest, and thousands of other semantic nuances.

Слайд 14

Grammatical function
Intonation helps to identify grammatical structure in speech, performing a

Grammatical function Intonation helps to identify grammatical structure in speech, performing a role similar to punctuation.
role similar to punctuation.

Слайд 15

Informational function
Intonation helps draw attention to what meaning is given and

Informational function Intonation helps draw attention to what meaning is given and
what is new in an utterance. The word carrying the most prominent tone in a contour signals the part of an utterance that the speaker is treating as new information.

Слайд 16

Textual function
Intonation helps larger units of meaning than the sentence to

Textual function Intonation helps larger units of meaning than the sentence to
contrast and cohere. In radio news-reading, paragraphs of information can be shaped through the use of pitch.

Слайд 17

Psychological function
Intonation helps us to organize speech into units that are

Psychological function Intonation helps us to organize speech into units that are
easier to perceive and memorize.

Слайд 18

Indexical function
Intonation, along with other prosodic features, is an important marker

Indexical function Intonation, along with other prosodic features, is an important marker
of personal or social identity.

Слайд 19



Слайд 20

The pitch component or speech melody – the variations in the pitch

The pitch component or speech melody – the variations in the pitch
of the voice which take place when voice sounds, especially vowels and sonorants, are pronounced in connected speech.
The pitch parameters consist of distinct variations in:
direction of pitch,
pitch level,
pitch range.

Слайд 21

According to Roger Kingdon the most important nuclear tones in English relevant

According to Roger Kingdon the most important nuclear tones in English relevant
for the teaching practice are:
Low Fall,
High Fall,
Low Rise,
High Rise,

Слайд 22

Kinetic/Moving tones vs Static tones (the High Level Tone, the Low Level

Kinetic/Moving tones vs Static tones (the High Level Tone, the Low Level
Simple tones (e.g. Low Fall) vs Complex tones (e.g. Rise-Fall, Rise-Fall-Rise)

Слайд 23

A falling tone of any level and range expresses certainty, completeness, and

A falling tone of any level and range expresses certainty, completeness, and
A rising tone on the contrary expresses uncertainty, incompleteness or dependence.
A level tone expresses hesitation and uncertainty.

Слайд 24

The use of the Low Fall enables the speaker to convey in

The use of the Low Fall enables the speaker to convey in
his utterance an impression of finality, definiteness, resoluteness. Phrases with the Low Fall sound categoric, calm, neutral, final.

Слайд 25

The use of the High Fall adds personal concern, interest and warmth

The use of the High Fall adds personal concern, interest and warmth
to the features characteristic of the Low Fall. The High Fall sounds lively, interested and airy in statements. It sounds very emotional and warm, too.

Слайд 26

The Low Rise conveys a feeling of non-finality, incompleteness, hesitation. Phrases pronounced

The Low Rise conveys a feeling of non-finality, incompleteness, hesitation. Phrases pronounced
with this tone sound not categoric, non-final, encouraging further conversation, wondering, mildly puzzled, soothing.

Слайд 27

The High Rise expresses the speaker's active searching for information. It is

The High Rise expresses the speaker's active searching for information. It is
often used in echoed utterances, calling for repetition or additional information or with the intention to check if the information has been received correctly. Sometimes this tone is meant to keep the conversation going.

Слайд 28

The Fall-Rise may present a combination of two tones: either the Low Fall-Low

The Fall-Rise may present a combination of two tones: either the Low
Rise or the High Fall-Low Rise.
The falling part marks the idea which the speaker wants to emphasize and the rising part marks the addition to this main idea. The speaker using this tone leaves something unsaid known both to him and his interlocutor.

Слайд 29

Statements with the Fall-Rise express correction of what someone else has said

Statements with the Fall-Rise express correction of what someone else has said
or a contradiction to something previously said or a warning.
Imperatives pronounced this way sound pleading.
Greetings and leave-takings sound pleasant and friendly being pronounced with the Fall-Rise

Слайд 30

The Rise-Fall denotes that the speaker is deeply impressed (favorably or unfavorably).

The Rise-Fall denotes that the speaker is deeply impressed (favorably or unfavorably).
Actually the Rise-Fall sometimes expresses the meaning of "even".
It is used in statements and questions which sound impressed and challenging. Imperatives pronounced this way sound hostile and disclaiming responsibility.

Слайд 31

The Low Level tone is very characteristic of reading poetry. The Mid-Level

The Low Level tone is very characteristic of reading poetry. The Mid-Level
tone is particularly common in spontaneous speech functionally replacing the rising tone. It is usually used in non-final intonation groups expressing non-finality without any expression of expectancy.

Слайд 32

Pitch ranges:

Pitch ranges: normal wide narrow

Слайд 33

Pitch levels:

Pitch levels: high medium low

Слайд 34

Loudness is used in a variety of ways. Gross differences of meaning

Loudness is used in a variety of ways. Gross differences of meaning
(such as anger, menace, and excitement) can be conveyed by using an overall loudness level.

Слайд 35

Sentence stress/utterance stress is the greater prominence of one or more words

Sentence stress/utterance stress is the greater prominence of one or more words
among other words in the sentence. It makes the force component of intonation.

Слайд 36

According to Prof. Vassilyev the temporal component of intonation manifests itself in:

According to Prof. Vassilyev the temporal component of intonation manifests itself in:

duration (rate or tempo in speech);
rhythm (in close combination with sentence stress).

Слайд 37

The rate of speech can be

The rate of speech can be normal, slow, fast.

Слайд 38

We may distinguish the following three kinds of pauses:
Short pauses which may

We may distinguish the following three kinds of pauses: Short pauses which
be used to separate intonation groups within a phrase.
Longer pauses which normally manifest the end of the phrase.
Very long pauses, which are approximately twice as long as the first type, are used to separate phonetic wholes.

Слайд 39

Functionally, there may be distinguished:
syntactic pauses,
emphatic pauses,
hesitation pauses.

Functionally, there may be distinguished: syntactic pauses, emphatic pauses, hesitation pauses.

Слайд 40

Syntactic pauses separate phonopassages, phrases, and intonation groups.
Emphatic pauses serve to

Syntactic pauses separate phonopassages, phrases, and intonation groups. Emphatic pauses serve to
make especially prominent certain parts of the utterance.
Hesitation pauses are mainly used in spontaneous speech to gain some time to think over what to say next. They may be silent or filled.

Слайд 41

Pitch movements are inseparably connected with loudness. Together with the tempo of

Pitch movements are inseparably connected with loudness. Together with the tempo of
speech they form an intonation pattern which is the basic unit of intonation.

Слайд 42

Intonation patterns serve to actualize syntagms in oral speech. A sense-group or

Intonation patterns serve to actualize syntagms in oral speech. A sense-group or
a syntagm is an elementary structural and meaningful segment of a text. It is a part of the utterance which is organized syntactically, has a definite meaning and is characterized by definite intonation means.

Слайд 43

If the intonation properties of a sense-group are meant, the sense-group is

If the intonation properties of a sense-group are meant, the sense-group is
called a tone unit /an intonation group.
The intonation group is a stretch of speech which may have the length of the whole phrase. But the phrase often contains more than one intonation group.

Слайд 44

The number of intonation groups depends on the length of the phrase

The number of intonation groups depends on the length of the phrase
and the degree of semantic importance or emphasis given to various parts of it.

Слайд 45

One of the syllables has the greater prominence than the others and

One of the syllables has the greater prominence than the others and
forms the nucleus, or focal point of an intonation pattern.

Слайд 46

Formally the nucleus may be described as a strongly stressed syllable which

Formally the nucleus may be described as a strongly stressed syllable which
is generally the last strongly accented syllable of an intonation pattern and which marks a significant change of pitch direction.

Слайд 47

The tone of a nucleus determines the pitch of the rest of

The tone of a nucleus determines the pitch of the rest of
the intonation pattern following it which is called the tail.
The nucleus and the tail form what is called terminal tone.
The two other sections of the intonation pattern are the head and the pre-head which form the pre-nuclear part of the intonation pattern.

Слайд 48

Common types of prе-nucleus:
a descending type in which the pitch gradually

Common types of prе-nucleus: a descending type in which the pitch gradually
descends (often in "steps") to the nucleus;
an ascending type in which the syllables form an ascending sequence;
a level type when all the syllables stay more or less on the same level.

Слайд 49

The meaning of the intonation group is the combination of the «meaning»

The meaning of the intonation group is the combination of the «meaning»
of the terminal tone and the pre-nuclear part combined with the «meaning» of pitch range and pitch level.

Слайд 50

Prosodic components tend to become formalized or standardized, so that all speakers

Prosodic components tend to become formalized or standardized, so that all speakers
of the language use them in similar ways under similar circumstances.
These abstracted characteristics of intonation structures may be called intonation patterns which form the prosodic system of English.

Слайд 51

Intonation patterns which are completely colourless in meaning and provide a mold

Intonation patterns which are completely colourless in meaning and provide a mold
into which all sentences may be poured so that they achieve utterance represent the intonational minimum of speech.

Слайд 52


Phonology has a special branch, intonology, whose domain

THE PHONOLOGICAL ASPECT OF INTONATION Phonology has a special branch, intonology, whose
is the larger units of connected speech: intonation groups, phrases and even phonetic passages or blocks of discourse.

Слайд 53

Descriptions differ according to the kind of meaning they regard intonation is

Descriptions differ according to the kind of meaning they regard intonation is
carrying and also according to the significance they attach to different parts of the tone-unit.

Слайд 54

J.D. O'Connor and G.F. Arnold assert that a major function of intonation

J.D. O'Connor and G.F. Arnold assert that a major function of intonation
is to express the speaker's attitude to the situation he/she is placed in.
They attach meanings not to pre-head, head and nucleus separately, but to each of ten 'tone-unit types' as they combine with each of four sentence types (statement, question, command and exclamation).

Слайд 55

M. Halliday supposes that English intonation contrasts are grammatical.
He argues first

M. Halliday supposes that English intonation contrasts are grammatical. He argues first
that there is a neutral or unmarked tone choice and then explains all other choices as meaningful by contrast.
Halliday attributes separate significance to the prе-nuclear choices.

Слайд 56

D. Crystal presents an approach based on the view "that any explanation

D. Crystal presents an approach based on the view "that any explanation
of intonational meaning cannot be arrived at by seeing the issues solely in either grammatical or attitudinal terms". He ignores the significance of pre-head and head choices and deals only with terminal tones.

Слайд 57

The distinctive function of intonation is realized in the opposition of the

The distinctive function of intonation is realized in the opposition of the
same word sequences which differ in certain parameters of the intonation pattern.
Any section of the intonation pattern, any of its three constituents can perform the distinctive function thus being phonological units.

Слайд 58

The most powerful phonological unit is the terminal tone. The opposition of

The most powerful phonological unit is the terminal tone. The opposition of
terminal tones distinguishes different types of sentence.
The number of terminal tones indicates the number of intonation groups. Sometimes the number of intonation groups may be important for meaning.

Слайд 59

Together with the increase of loudness terminal tones serve to single out

Together with the increase of loudness terminal tones serve to single out
the semantic centre of the utterance which may simultaneously concentrate the expression of attitudes and feelings.

Слайд 60

The opposition of the distribution of terminal tones is fulfilling the distinctive

The opposition of the distribution of terminal tones is fulfilling the distinctive
It was an unusually rainy day.
It was an unusually rainy day.
It was an unusually rainy day.
It was an unusually rainy day.

Слайд 61

The most important role of the opposition of terminal tones is that

The most important role of the opposition of terminal tones is that
of differentiating the attitudes and emotions expressed by the speaker.

Слайд 62

Commonly different kinds of pre-heads, heads, the same as pitch ranges and

Commonly different kinds of pre-heads, heads, the same as pitch ranges and
levels fulfill their distinctive function not alone but in the combination with other prosodic constituents.
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