The Nature of Word Stress


Слайд 2

The syllable or syllables which are uttered with more prominence than the

The syllable or syllables which are uttered with more prominence than the
other syllables of the word are said to be stressed or accented.
Stress in the isolated word is termed word stress; stress in connected speech is termed sentence stress.

Слайд 3

Word stress can be defined as the singling out of one or

Word stress can be defined as the singling out of one or
more syllables in a word, which is accompanied by the change of the force of utterance, pitch of the voice, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the sound, which is usually a vowel.
In different languages one of the factors constituting word stress is usually more significant than the others.

Слайд 4

If special prominence in a stressed syllable or syllables is achieved mainly

If special prominence in a stressed syllable or syllables is achieved mainly
through the intensity of articulation, such type of stress is called dynamic, or force stress.

Слайд 5

If special prominence in a stressed syllable is achieved mainly through the

If special prominence in a stressed syllable is achieved mainly through the
change of pitch, or musical tone, such accent is called musical, or tonic. It is characteristic of the Japanese, Korean and other oriental languages.

Слайд 6

If special prominence in a stressed syllable is achieved through the changes

If special prominence in a stressed syllable is achieved through the changes
in the quantity of the vowels, which are longer in the stressed syllables than in the unstressed ones, such type of stress is called quantitative.
Qualitative type of stress is achieved through the changes in the quality of the vowel under stress.

Слайд 7

The traditional classification of languages concerning place of stress in a word

The traditional classification of languages concerning place of stress in a word
is into those with a fixed stress and those with a free stress.
In languages with a fixed stress the occurrence of the word stress is limited to a particular syllable in a polysyllabic word.
In languages with a free stress its place is not confined to a specific position in the word.
E.g. 'appetite - be'ginning - ba'lloon

Слайд 8

The word stress in English is not only free but it may

The word stress in English is not only free but it may
also be shifting, performing the semantic function of differentiating lexical units, parts of speech, grammatical forms.
E.g. 'contrast — con'trast; 'music — mu'sician.

Слайд 9

There are actually as many degrees of stress in a word as

There are actually as many degrees of stress in a word as
there are syllables.
ɪɡ.ˌzæm.ɪ.ˈneɪʃ. Ən
3 2 4 1 5

Degrees of Word Stress

Слайд 10

The primary stress is the strongest, it is marked by number 1,

The primary stress is the strongest, it is marked by number 1,
the secondary stress is the second strongest marked by 2. All the other degrees are termed weak stress. Unstressed syllables are supposed to have weak stress.

Слайд 11

American linguists distinguish four degrees of word stress and term them: primary

American linguists distinguish four degrees of word stress and term them: primary
stress, secondary stress, tertiary stress and weak stress. The difference between the secondary and tertiary stresses is very subtle and seems subjective.

Слайд 12

The second pretonic syllables of such words as libe'ration, recog'nition are marked

The second pretonic syllables of such words as libe'ration, recog'nition are marked
by secondary stress in BrE, in AmE they are said to have tertiary stress.
In AmE tertiary stress also affects the suffixes -ory, -ary, -ony of nouns and the suffixes –ate, -ize, -y of verbs, which are considered unstressed in BrE, e.g. 'territory, 'ceremony, 'dictionary; 'demonstrate, 'organize, 'simplify.

Слайд 13

Word stress in a language performs three functions.

Functions of Word Stress

Word stress in a language performs three functions. Functions of Word Stress

Слайд 14

Word stress constitutes a word, it organizes the syllables of a word

Word stress constitutes a word, it organizes the syllables of a word
into a language unit having a definite accentual structure, that is a pattern of relationship among the syllables; a word does not exist without the word stress.

Constitutive function

Слайд 15

Word stress enables a person to identify a succession of syllables as

Word stress enables a person to identify a succession of syllables as
a definite accentual pattern of a word.

Identificatory / recognitive function

Слайд 16

Word stress alone is capable of differentiating the meaning of words or

Word stress alone is capable of differentiating the meaning of words or
their forms.
The accentual patterns of words or the degrees of word stress and their positions form oppositions:
E.g. 'import — im'port, 'billow — be'low.

Distinctive / contrastive function

Слайд 17

According to Prof. V.O. Vasyliev (V.A.Vassilyev), the distinctive function makes word accent

According to Prof. V.O. Vasyliev (V.A.Vassilyev), the distinctive function makes word accent
a suprasegmental phonological unit which performs a sense-differentiating function. He calls it accenteme.

Слайд 18

According to Prof. V.O. Vasyliev (V.A. Vassilyev), they are:
The recessive tendency
The rhythmic

According to Prof. V.O. Vasyliev (V.A. Vassilyev), they are: The recessive tendency
The retentive tendency
The semantic factor

Word Stress Tendencies

Слайд 19

In Germanic languages the word stress originally fell on the initial syllable

In Germanic languages the word stress originally fell on the initial syllable
or the second syllable, the root syllable in the English words with prefixes.
Unrestricted recessive tendency is observed in the native English words having no prefix, e.g. mother, daughter, brother, swallow, in assimilated French borrowings, e.g. reason, colour, restaurant.
Restricted recessive tendency marks English words with prefixes which have no referential meaning now, e.g. foresee, begin, withdraw, apart.

The recessive tendency

Слайд 20

The rhythm of alternating stressed and unstressed syllables gave birth to this

The rhythm of alternating stressed and unstressed syllables gave birth to this
tendency in the present-day English which caused the appearance of the secondary stress in the multisyllabic French borrowings, e.g. ˌrevo'lution, ˌorgani'sation, aˌssimi'lation, etc.
It also explains the placement of primary stress on the third syllable from the end in three- and four-syllable words, e.g. 'cinema, 'situate, ar'ticulate.

The rhythmic tendency

Слайд 21

A third tendency was traced in the instability of the accentual structure

A third tendency was traced in the instability of the accentual structure
of English word stress: a derivative often retains the stress of the original or parent word,
E.g. ‘person — 'personal — ˌperso'nality,
'similar — as'similate,
recom'mend — recommen 'dation.

The retentive tendency

Слайд 22

It determines the stress in compound words and words with so-called separable

It determines the stress in compound words and words with so-called separable
The majority of such words have two equally strong stresses, both stressed parts are considered to be of equal semantic importance, with semantic factor thus canceling the rhythmic tendency in word stressing, e.g.
Compound adjectives: hard-working, blue-eyed;
Verbs with postpositions: sit down, take off;
Numerals from 13 to 19: fourteen, sixteen.

The semantic factor

Слайд 23

G.P. Torsuyev classifies the accentual types according to the number of stressed

G.P. Torsuyev classifies the accentual types according to the number of stressed
syllables, their degree or character (the main and the secondary stress).
The most widely spread accentual types are:
1. ['___]. This accentual type marks both simple and compound words. The accentual structures of this type may include two and more syllables, e.g. 'father, 'possibly, 'mother-in-law, 'gas-pipe.

The Typology of Accentual Structure

Слайд 24

2. [ '_ '_ ]. The accentual type is commonly realized in

2. [ '_ '_ ]. The accentual type is commonly realized in
compound words, most of them are with separable prefixes, e.g. 'radio-'active, 're'write, 'diso'bey.
3. ['_ ˌ___]. The type is realized both in simple and compound words, very common among compound words, e.g. 'hair-,dresser, 'substructure.

Слайд 25

4. [ˌ _'___]. The accentual type marks a great number of simple

4. [ˌ _'___]. The accentual type marks a great number of simple
words and some compound words as well. In simple words the stresses fall onto:
the prefix and the root: ˌmaga'zine;
the root and the suffix: ˌhospi'tality;
the prefix and the suffix.
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