- 2. Какие методы необходимо применять в предлагаемой схеме? Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems А какие методы
- 3. А какие сигналы мы обрабатываем? Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems А какие методы вообще существуют?
- 4. Analog signals Digital signals Infinite precision in amplitude Continuous signal Continuous mathematics Signal processing methods for
- 5. Analog signals Digital signals восстановление разделение информационных потоков подавление шумов сжатие данных фильтрация усиление сигналов Signal
- 6. Базовые операции задержка сигналов сложение сигналов вычитание сигналов умножение сигналов деление сигналов интегрирование дифференцирование фильтрация Signal
- 7. Какие ещё виды обработки сигналов возможны? Статистическая обработка сигналов Обработка звука Распознавание речи Обработка изображений Обработка
- 8. Signal processing methods Today: Part 1 Digital signals Part 2 Basic programming in Python Data types
- 9. Why digital signals are useful? Storage (generalized computer memory, compatibility) Processing (coding, no mechanical or physical
- 10. Transmission - signal regeneration Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems channel TX RX + 1/G
- 11. Transmission - signal regeneration Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 12. Transmission - signal regeneration Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems G
- 13. Transmission - signal regeneration Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems G
- 14. Transmission - signal regeneration Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems G
- 15. Why digital signals are useful? Storage (generalized computer memory, compatibility) Processing (coding, no mechanical or physical
- 16. Digital signals One dimensional (for now) Notation x[n] where «n» is an integer Two sides sequences
- 17. Digital Signals – common signals Delta Dirac function Unit step function Exponential decay Sinusoidal signals Signal
- 18. Delta signal Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 19. Unit Step function Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 20. Exponential functions Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 21. Sinusoidal functions Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 22. Signal classes Finite length x[n] for n = 0,1, … ,N-1 Infinite length Periodic Finite-support Signal
- 23. Finite length Sequence notation Vector notation Easy to process in numerical packages (numPy) Signal processing methods
- 24. Infinite length Sequence notation Good for theorems Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems ℤ
- 25. Periodic N-periodic Sequence The same information as finite signals with length N Useful as a bridge
- 26. Finite support signals The same information as finite signals of length N Useful as a bridge
- 27. Energy and Power Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 28. Elementary operators Delay Scaling Summation Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 29. Elementary operators Delay Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 30. Elementary operators Scaling Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 31. Elementary operators Summation Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 32. Karplus-Strong algorithm - simplified Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 33. Karplus-Strong algorithm - simplified Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 34. Karplus-Strong algorithm - simplified Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 35. Karplus-Strong algorithm Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 36. Karplus-Strong algorithm Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 37. Karplus-Strong algorithm Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems Understanding the Karplus-Strong with Python (Synthetic Guitar Sounds
- 38. Python 3 Anaconda - Spyder Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 39. Data types Text Type: str Numeric Types: int, float, complex Sequence Types: list, tuple, range Mapping
- 40. Data types You can assign the datatype manually (like programming in C) OR You can assign
- 41. Data types Some data types can interact Try assigning the INTEGER 5 to variable ‘x’ Try
- 42. Importing libraries For example try to print the number π Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 43. Importing functions For example try to print the number π Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 44. Visualizing numbers – plotting a sine wave Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 45. Visualizing numbers – plotting a sine wave Import module numpy Import the function pyplot from the
- 46. Visualizing numbers – plotting a sine wave Create time points for the x-axis Numbers 0 until
- 47. Visualizing numbers – plotting a sine wave Create the amplitude points for each point in time
- 48. Visualizing numbers – plotting a sine wave Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 49. Visualizing numbers – plotting a sine wave Create the plot. Create the mark up for the
- 50. Visualizing numbers – plotting a sine wave Display the plot. Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 51. Python Try to adhere to good practice!! Code is written once, but read multiple times. Find
- 52. Digital signals - limitations 1 + 1e20 - 1e20 = ? 1 + (1e20 - 1e20)
- 53. (1e20 · 1e20) · 1e-20 = ? 1e20 · (1e20 · 1e-20) = ? 1e20 ·(1e20-1e20)=
- 54. Data types - Integer (int) Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 55. Floating point - Single precision (single) / double precision (double) Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 56. Floating point - Single precision (single) / double precision (double) Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 57. Floating point - Single precision (single) / double precision (double) Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 58. Не сравнивайте числа с плавающей запятой Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 59. Будьте аккуратны с числами с плавающей запятой Точность уменьшается по мере роста величины Ошибки переполнения и
- 60. Data types - Fixed point A fixed decimal point. Often used in low level devices. example
- 61. 5 steps of a method/function in any language 1 Initialization 2 input 3 process 4 output
- 62. 1) Define a function def myFirstFunction(input): print(“This will be the output, %s” %(input)) Signal processing methods
- 63. Importing the function Calling the function Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 64. Data types Text Type: str Numeric Types: int, float, complex Sequence Types: list, tuple, range Mapping
- 65. Writing a Karplus-Strong algorithm in Python Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 66. Writing a Karplus-Strong algorithm in Python Generate a random input Process the input using the algorithm
- 67. Writing a Karplus-Strong algorithm in Python Generate a random input Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 68. Data types Text Type: str Numeric Types: int, float, complex Sequence Types: list, tuple, range Mapping
- 69. Writing a Karplus-Strong algorithm in Python Generate a random input numpy.random.uniform Syntax import numpy as np
- 70. Writing a Karplus-Strong algorithm in Python Generate a random input Process the input using the algorithm
- 71. Writing a Karplus-Strong algorithm in Python First solution Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems 1) Create
- 72. Writing a Karplus-Strong algorithm in Python First solution Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 73. Writing a Karplus-Strong algorithm in Python Second solution Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 74. Second solution Writing a Karplus-Strong algorithm in Python Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems 1 2
- 75. Second solution: IIR Filter b-coefficients b0, b1, … bN-1 are 0 bN is 1 a-coefficients a0
- 76. Writing a Karplus-Strong algorithm in Python Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 77. Save your output Signal processing methods for telecommunication systems
- 78. Homework Task 1 Write your own function and generate outputs (for example your own random number
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