Слайд 2

Labor Day Slogan

Labor Day Slogan

Слайд 3

Project plan

Labor day in Lebanon
History of labor day
Movements in

Project plan Introduction Labor day in Lebanon History of labor day Movements
Attitude of youth

Слайд 4


Labor day is an annual holiday to celebrate the achievements of

1)Introduction Labor day is an annual holiday to celebrate the achievements of
workers. On 1 May of every year, there is a holiday for workers in most countries. Labor day has its own origins in the labor union movements, specifically the eight hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest.

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2)Labor Day in Lebanon

Labor day, that is also known as the May

2)Labor Day in Lebanon Labor day, that is also known as the
Day, is considered as a public holiday in Lebanon. Some countries celebrate labor day in a different date than 1 May, and there are other countries that do not celebrate at all. In Lebanon, Labor day is a day off for all the general population, schools and most business are closed.

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3) History of Labor Day

The first May Day celebrations focused on workers

3) History of Labor Day The first May Day celebrations focused on
took place on May 1st 1890 after its proclamation by the first international congress of socialist parties in Europe on july 14th 1889 in Paris, France, to dedicate May 1st every year as the “ Workers Day of International Unity and Solidarity. The date was chosen due to events on the other side of the Atlantic.

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4)Movements in Lebanon

Many movements occur in Lebanon during the labor day

4)Movements in Lebanon Many movements occur in Lebanon during the labor day
that demands for many rights that the workers should have. Most of the movement are hosted by the Lebanese Communist Party that always struggle for the workers and their rights because many workers are paid little and has no insurance on there life.

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Workers Movements in Beirut

Workers Movements in Beirut

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5) Attitude of youth

In some schools in Lebanon, the students bring

5) Attitude of youth In some schools in Lebanon, the students bring
gifts for the workers in the school to celebrate the Labor day, and this has a positive effect on the youth in which the learn to respect the workers that work hard all the day in order to make their life easier.
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