Lecture-1 Introduction to QOM — Fall PART 2 (1)


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Quality & Operations Management

Lecturer: Sitora Inoyatova ([email protected]) Lecture 1: Intro

Lecture 1

Quality & Operations Management Lecturer: Sitora Inoyatova (s.inoyatova@wiut.uz) Lecture 1: Intro Lecture
to Quality & Operations Management
Part II

Слайд 3


”Gap” Model of Quality
Quality Costs
Topology of operations (Four Vs)

Agenda Recap ”Gap” Model of Quality Quality Costs Topology of operations (Four Vs) Assignment Task

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Module Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module the student will be

Module Learning Outcomes By the end of the module the student will
able to:
Discuss quality management practices in organizations and how quality management facilitate organisational effectiveness.
Evaluate the importance of product and service design decisions and its impact on other design decisions and operations.
Apply principles of various planning activities including capacity planning, aggregate planning, project planning and scheduling.
Analyse contemporary supply chain management and inventory management activities and their relation to organisational effectiveness.

Слайд 5

Views on Quality

According to operation’s view, quality is defined as consistent conformance

Views on Quality According to operation’s view, quality is defined as consistent
to customers’ expectations. (Slack et al. 2010)
Customer expectations
According to customer’s view, quality is how customer understands and individually perceives a service or product in different ways.
Operations Principle: Quality is multi-faceted; its individual elements differ for different operations.

Слайд 6

“ Gap “ Model of Quality

Source: Adapted from Parasuraman, A. et al.

“ Gap “ Model of Quality Source: Adapted from Parasuraman, A. et
(1985) A conceptual model of service quality and implications for future research, Journal of Marketing, vol. 49, Fall.

Слайд 7

Gap 1

The customer’s specification-operation’s specification gap

Perceived quality could be poor because there

Gap 1 The customer’s specification-operation’s specification gap Perceived quality could be poor
may be a mismatch between the organization’s own internal quality specification and the specification which is expected by the customer.

A car may be designed to need servicing every 10,000 kilometers but the customer may expect 15,000 kilometer service intervals

Слайд 8

Gap 2

The concept-specification gap

Perceived quality could be poor because there is a

Gap 2 The concept-specification gap Perceived quality could be poor because there
mismatch between the service or product concept and they way the organization has specified quality internally.

The concept of a car might have been for an inexpensive, energy-efficient means of transportation, but the inclusion of a climate control system may have both added to its cost and made it less-energy efficient.

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Gap 3

The quality specification-actual quality gap

Perceived quality could be poor because

Gap 3 The quality specification-actual quality gap Perceived quality could be poor
there is a mismatch between actual quality and the internal specification
(often called conformance to specification).

The internal quality specification for a car may be that the gap between its doors and body, when closed, must not exceed 7 mm. However, because of inadequate equipment, the gap in reality is 9mm

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Gap 4

The actual quality-communicated image gap

Perceived quality could be poor because

Gap 4 The actual quality-communicated image gap Perceived quality could be poor
there is a gap between the organization’s external communications or market image and the actual quality delivered to the customer.

An advertising campaign for an airline might show a cabin attendant offering to replace a customer’s shirt on which food or drink has been spilt, whereas such a service may not in fact be available should this happen

Слайд 11

Costs of quality

Costs of quality

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1.Preventing Costs

Preventing are those costs incurred in trying to prevent problems, failures

1.Preventing Costs Preventing are those costs incurred in trying to prevent problems,
and errors, from occurring in the first place. They include such things as:
identifying potential problems and putting the process right before poor quality occurs;
designing and improving the design of products and services and processes to reduce quality problems;
training and development of personnel in the best way to perform their jobs;
process control.

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2.Appraisal costs

Appraisal costs are those costs associated with controlling quality to check

2.Appraisal costs Appraisal costs are those costs associated with controlling quality to
to see if problems or errors have occurred during and after the creation of the service or product.
the setting up of statistical acceptance sampling plans;
the time and effort required to inspect inputs, processes and outputs;
obtaining processing inspection and test data;
investigating quality problems and providing quality reports;
conducting customer surveys and quality audits.

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3.Internal failure costs

Internal failure costs are failure costs associated with errors which

3.Internal failure costs Internal failure costs are failure costs associated with errors
are dealt with inside the operation. These costs might include such things as:
the cost of scrapped parts and materials;
reworked parts and materials;
the lost production time as a result of coping with errors;
lack of concentration due to time spent troubleshooting rather than improvements.

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4.External failure costs

External failure costs are those which are associated with an

4.External failure costs External failure costs are those which are associated with
error going out of the operation to a customer. These costs include such things as:
loss of customer goodwill affecting future business;
aggrieved customers who may take up time;
guarantee and warranty costs;
the cost to the company of providing excessive capability (too much coffee in the pack or too much information to a client).

Слайд 16

The Four Vs

The Four Vs

Слайд 17

The Four Vs

The volume of processes’ output
The variety of the output
The variation

The Four Vs The volume of processes’ output The variety of the
in demand for the output
The degree of visibility which customers have of the creation of output

Operations Principle: The way in which processes need to be managed is influenced by VOLUME, VARIETY, VARIATION AND VISIBILITY.

The implications of the four Vs predetermine the way how the operations are to be organized.

Слайд 18

Volume Dimension

The volume and frequency of the processes. If there is high-volume

Volume Dimension The volume and frequency of the processes. If there is
production (for instance, Fast Food restaurant or assembly line) it becomes vital to standardize the processes.
When there is high volume – the processes are mostly repeatable. By systemizing and standardizing low unit costs may be achieved.
Contrast these two examples:

A Burger from EVOS

A Burger from Cafeteria

Ingredients prepared in advance
Time for preparation is short
Expected quality
Low unit cost (ingredients bought in bulk)

No ingredients prepared in advance
Time for preparation is long
Quality-wise might be better
High unit cost (rarely ordered, therefore no procurement made)

Слайд 19

Variety Dimension

There are companies offering different varieties of products or services.


Picks up

Variety Dimension There are companies offering different varieties of products or services.
the customer from any place
Drops off almost everywhere
Change of the route is possible

Picks up the customer from the station
Drops off only at the station
Change of the route is rarely possible

Which has lower costs?

Слайд 20

Variation in Demand Dimension

There are companies changing capacities according to the variation

Variation in Demand Dimension There are companies changing capacities according to the
of the demand in the market.

Hotel located by the winter resort

Hotel located in city center

Seasonal demand
Hard to predict
Extra costs

Stable demand
Easier to forecast
No extra costs

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Visibility Dimension

This dimension means how much of the operation’s activities its customers

Visibility Dimension This dimension means how much of the operation’s activities its
experience, or how much the operation is exposed to its customers.
(Restaurant service or fast food business focuses on customer-processing operations).

Слайд 22

A Topology of Operations








Variation in demand







Changing capacity
In touch with demand
High unit cost


A Topology of Operations IMPLICATIONS IMPLICATIONS High Low Visibility High Low Variation
customer needs
High unit cost

Low repetition
Each staff member performs more of job
Less systemization
High unit costs

High utilization
Low unit costs

Well defined
Low unit costs

High repeatability
Capital intensive
Low unit cost

Short waiting tolerance
Satisfaction governed by customer perception
Customer contact skills needed
Received variety is high
High unit cost

Time lag between production and consumption
Low contact skills
High staff utilization
Low unit costs

Low cost

Слайд 23

A Topology of Operations
Important to understand how different operations are positioned on

A Topology of Operations Important to understand how different operations are positioned
the 4V’s.
Is there position where they want to be?
Do they understand the strategic implications?













Company A

Company B

Слайд 24

Subway Example

Subway Example

Слайд 25

Four Vs at Subway













Volume is high – customer traffic is constant


Four Vs at Subway Volume Variety Variation Visibility Low High High High
is high – customer can assemble a sandwich out of numerous breads, vegetables, sauces

Variation in demand is low – there are no seasonal fluctuations

Visibility is high – sandwiches are prepared in front of the customer and the feedback is instant, any changes can be done (mistakes fixed) without extra cost for customer and the store

Слайд 26

Input-Transformation-Output Process


Subway Sandwich



Input-Transformation-Output Process INPUT Subway Sandwich TRANSFORMATION PROCESS OUTPUT

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Operations processes have mainly four (4Vs) characteristics:
The volume dimension
The variety

Conclusion Operations processes have mainly four (4Vs) characteristics: The volume dimension The
The variation dimension
The visibility dimension
Quality costs include:
- Prevention costs
- Appraisal costs
- Internal costs
- External costs
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