- 2. Quality & Operations Management Lecturer: Sitora Inoyatova ([email protected]) Lecture 1: Intro Lecture 1 Introduction to Quality
- 3. Agenda Recap ”Gap” Model of Quality Quality Costs Topology of operations (Four Vs) Assignment Task
- 4. Module Learning Outcomes By the end of the module the student will be able to: Discuss
- 5. Views on Quality According to operation’s view, quality is defined as consistent conformance to customers’ expectations.
- 6. “ Gap “ Model of Quality Source: Adapted from Parasuraman, A. et al. (1985) A conceptual
- 7. Gap 1 The customer’s specification-operation’s specification gap Perceived quality could be poor because there may be
- 8. Gap 2 The concept-specification gap Perceived quality could be poor because there is a mismatch between
- 9. Gap 3 The quality specification-actual quality gap Perceived quality could be poor because there is a
- 10. Gap 4 The actual quality-communicated image gap Perceived quality could be poor because there is a
- 11. Costs of quality
- 12. 1.Preventing Costs Preventing are those costs incurred in trying to prevent problems, failures and errors, from
- 13. 2.Appraisal costs Appraisal costs are those costs associated with controlling quality to check to see if
- 14. 3.Internal failure costs Internal failure costs are failure costs associated with errors which are dealt with
- 15. 4.External failure costs External failure costs are those which are associated with an error going out
- 16. The Four Vs
- 17. The Four Vs The volume of processes’ output The variety of the output The variation in
- 18. Volume Dimension The volume and frequency of the processes. If there is high-volume production (for instance,
- 19. Variety Dimension There are companies offering different varieties of products or services. VS Picks up the
- 20. Variation in Demand Dimension There are companies changing capacities according to the variation of the demand
- 21. Visibility Dimension This dimension means how much of the operation’s activities its customers experience, or how
- 22. A Topology of Operations IMPLICATIONS IMPLICATIONS High Low Visibility High Low Variation in demand High Low
- 23. A Topology of Operations Important to understand how different operations are positioned on the 4V’s. Is
- 24. Subway Example
- 25. Four Vs at Subway Volume Variety Variation Visibility Low High High High High Low Low Low
- 26. Input-Transformation-Output Process INPUT Subway Sandwich TRANSFORMATION PROCESS OUTPUT
- 27. Conclusion Operations processes have mainly four (4Vs) characteristics: The volume dimension The variety dimension The variation
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